So Hard to Finish. Need suggestions


Active Member
Ok guys. Some background. Most of my life I was like most men. Trying to think about everything else to delay orgasm. Used to use these delayed orgasm condoms. I used to want so much to last longer.

Started TRT about 4 years ago. Initial T levels were 168.
The last few years I have been on 200m Test weekly and 100m Nandrolone weekly. Often sub out nandrolone for Winstol or Anavar. Swap back and forth and no change to pretty much anything. I feel wonderful. Work out all the time and honestly look great.

But here is the problem. Not trying to be crude but I will be almost punishing woman with my "endurance". Sounds like a blessing doesnt it? Its not. Men aren't supposed to need to fake orgasms to spare the girls self esteem. Thats what I often need to resort to. Sex drive is high. Cialis is great. Even without it erections are not a problem. But I guess I lost too much sensitivity so now sex is marathon sex.

Labs look good. T levels 1200ish E2- 50-60, Tried taking B6 ( i think thats what its called) wondering if the nandrolone has my prolactin high. No difference. Still so hard to finish.

So does anyone have any suggestions or have they had this issue. Could this be a long term too much androgens side effect?
Getting tired of prepping ladies that if I don't finish its not because of them.

Edit... stopped HCG when that ban happened. Just ordered it again now to see if that helps. Definitely miss my testicles.
I just ordered hcg again. I stopped taking it when defy sent out the stuff about compounding pharmacies not able to produce it. So its in the mail and this was why I ordered more of it.

Hoping it helps. Not wanting anymore children at 48 but I'll go back on if it gets me right again.
Probably killed your sensitivity. Very common. Can take some months off it to come right.
I do wonder about that. So I've switched for 3 months at a time away from nandrolone and took winstrol instead. Same result on the sensitivity part. Nandrolone is amazing for tendon pain. That one is hard to get off of if you are a frequent lifter. My bicep tendons flare right up.... I may soon just go off anything but test and see if that helps.
and took winstrol instead.

Not what you asked, but bad move in your case. This stuff will accelerate tendon and joint pain. Joints, probably by reducing the fluid. Tendons, by making them brittle and more susceptible to tear. High doses of DHTs are indeed notable for relieving deca dick in many but contra indicated in your case.

Deca dick (for some its erections, for others it's a loss of sensitivity people describe as a numbness in their penis sometimes leading to anorgasmia) can take up to 2 years off to fix per guys experiences. Not always, but that's the most I have heard off. The good news is almost every case recovers by that point, unlike say PFS which can be permanent.

So yeah, stick to just test and wait it out.
Something to add, although Cialis and Viagra boost erection, they decrease penis sensitivity. In general, do not take drugs that you don't need. They all have side effects.

You may want to actually test your prolactin levels and take Cabergoline if they are high.
Something to add, although Cialis and Viagra boost erection, they decrease penis sensitivity.
Isn't life ironic? You have monster of an erection lasting almost 4 hours yet can't feel anything.

That reminds me of that great British philosopher of the mid 20th century that once said "You can't always get what you want"
all said here, try daily Propionate at doses 20-30mg+3x1000IU HCG / week
i did a test run with nandrolone in the past, actually NPP. was impossible to orgasm within a reasonable time. did not get ED like some guys but this stuff messes with some brain receptors. and yeah cialis is bad for senses for sure. i like the strength gains on NPP but libido went down as well
I feel your pain amigo... I suffered from delayed orgasm for years. The real killer is the anxiety that develops which extends and exacerbates the problem. Just the thought of not being able to orgasm during sex can cause a panic attack and shut the whole works down.

You do have some factors that I never had, the Nandrolone, Winnie and Anavar are likely culprits in your case. I have been on TRT with HCG for many years, but never touched the other stuff.

Some things to consider (some may not apply to you, but I am including them for other readers of this thread).

List of orgasm killers:
1. Excessive porn and masturbation.
2. Testosterone without HCG. Those LH receptors are responsible for more than just your testicles.
3. SSRI's or an elevation of serotonin from other sources.
4. Elevated prolactin.
5. Depression and anxiety.
6. Certain types of meds, benzos, antihistamines and others.
7. Age
8. Diabetes and other medical conditions.
9. Drugs and alcohol. Alcohol is a penis killer...Which really sucks because I love red wine.
10. Poor sleep.

As mentioned above, Cabergoline at 2.5 mg twice a week could help your problem. Being a DA, it has the benefit of increasing libido and lowering prolactin. It worked VERY well for me.

You may also try 5-10 mg of Deprenyl (Selegeline) twice a week. Targets MAO-B and keeps dopamine levels higher.

At your age, Ipamorelin and CJC 1295 (No DAC) would likely work wonders. Major rejuvenating effects.

The main things that have helped me get past it are the Selegeline, IPAM and CJC 1295, cutting back on alcohol, avoiding antihistamines and benzos (I also love Xanax).

I am now back to where I was in my younger days. It took a long time for the anxiety to dissipate however.
I feel your pain amigo... I suffered from delayed orgasm for years. The real killer is the anxiety that develops which extends and exacerbates the problem. Just the thought of not being able to orgasm during sex can cause a panic attack and shut the whole works down.

You do have some factors that I never had, the Nandrolone, Winnie and Anavar are likely culprits in your case. I have been on TRT with HCG for many years, but never touched the other stuff.

Some things to consider (some may not apply to you, but I am including them for other readers of this thread).

List of orgasm killers:
1. Excessive porn and masturbation.
2. Testosterone without HCG. Those LH receptors are responsible for more than just your testicles.
3. SSRI's or an elevation of serotonin from other sources.
4. Elevated prolactin.
5. Depression and anxiety.
6. Certain types of meds, benzos, antihistamines and others.
7. Age
8. Diabetes and other medical conditions.
9. Drugs and alcohol. Alcohol is a penis killer...Which really sucks because I love red wine.
10. Poor sleep.

As mentioned above, Cabergoline at 2.5 mg twice a week could help your problem. Being a DA, it has the benefit of increasing libido and lowering prolactin. It worked VERY well for me.

You may also try 5-10 mg of Deprenyl (Selegeline) twice a week. Targets MAO-B and keeps dopamine levels higher.

At your age, Ipamorelin and CJC 1295 (No DAC) would likely work wonders. Major rejuvenating effects.

The main things that have helped me get past it are the Selegeline, IPAM and CJC 1295, cutting back on alcohol, avoiding antihistamines and benzos (I also love Xanax).

I am now back to where I was in my younger days. It took a long time for the anxiety to dissipate however.
5-10mg of selegiline twice per week orally was enough to help with not being able to orgasm?

Was ur issue with not being able to finish related to decreased penile sensitivity or libido? Jc
5-10mg of selegiline twice per week orally was enough to help with not being able to orgasm?

Was ur issue with not being able to finish related to decreased penile sensitivity or libido? Jc
Complicated to explain my personal situation as it had many variables. Age being the main thing. I have always had a strong libido, but penile sensitivity and orgasm intensity began to diminish, which is a natural occurrence in aging males.

My advice above is a generalization and an overall assessment of the problem. Taking Deprenyl at those doses a couple times a week would be experimental to see if it helped. If so, than the dose could be adjusted for a long term fix.

Infinite variables between all of us.

EDIT*** As stated in another thread, I take 5mg of Selegeline daily. That is my personal sweet spot.
This turned into a very informative thread.

I'll admit to using Cialis when I know I have certain people coming over for the night. I don't think I really need it. It's more of an enhancer for me. But what I find is I psychologically become afraid not to use it. Like what if I don't and thats the night I can only achieve a semi...

Once the HCG shows up I am going to drop the Deca for a while. Again in transparency I love the muscle I carry and in theory the extra test from the HCG will offset the loss of the deca from a physic standpoint.

My labs are due again so I will ask for a prolactin test this time.
This turned into a very informative thread.

I'll admit to using Cialis when I know I have certain people coming over for the night. I don't think I really need it. It's more of an enhancer for me. But what I find is I psychologically become afraid not to use it. Like what if I don't and thats the night I can only achieve a semi...

Once the HCG shows up I am going to drop the Deca for a while. Again in transparency I love the muscle I carry and in theory the extra test from the HCG will offset the loss of the deca from a physic standpoint.

My labs are due again so I will ask for a prolactin test this time.
It is a very common occurrence, but highly underreported. Also, very complicated and difficult to pin down the exact cause. Researching this subject is frustrating as the majority of the information out there is for impotence and premature ejaculation.

My God... There were times I prayed for the days of my youth when I was very "quick on the trigger" ;)
List of orgasm killers:

2. Testosterone without HCG. Those LH receptors are responsible for more than just your testicles.

Anecdotally. I was on HCG only, great numbers, great feeling of well-being, almost impossible to finish. TRT has improved that. I still blame it on Cialis, which I've been taking for years for BPH. When I stop for a while, normalcy returns.

On a side note, those LH receptors are indeed responsible for more than your testicles, and may be responsible for gyno as well.

At present, the functions of LH/hCG receptors in the male breast remain unknown. It is possible, however, that they may be involved in the pathogenesis of gynecomastia or male breast cancer growth.

Presence of Luteinizing Hormone/Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Receptors in Male Breast Tissues
Anecdotally. I was on HCG only, great numbers, great feeling of well-being, almost impossible to finish. TRT has improved that. I still blame it on Cialis, which I've been taking for years for BPH. When I stop for a while, normalcy returns.

On a side note, those LH receptors are indeed responsible for more than your testicles, and may be responsible for gyno as well.

Presence of Luteinizing Hormone/Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Receptors in Male Breast Tissues
Infinite variables as stated above. I have heard other guys with similar complaints about Cialis. A double edged sword for some I suppose.


Neural actions of luteinizing hormone and human chorionic gonadotropin​

Z M Lei 1, C V Rao
Affiliations expand


Luteinizing hormone (LH) and its homologue, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), are able to elicit multiple effects in the central nervous system (CNS) through binding to their receptors. Specific receptors for LH/hCG have been identified in the hippocampus, dentate gyrus, hypothalamus, cortex, brain stem, area postrema, cerebellum, choroid plexus, ependymal cells, glial cells, neural retina, pituitary gland, and neuron processes of the spinal cord. Neurotropic effects of LH and hCG have been demonstrated in fetal rat brain, where the expression of LH/hCG receptors is developmentally regulated. Administration of hCG has been found to be beneficial in restoration of transected spinal cord function in rats. In adult rat brain, LH and hCG are involved in the feedback regulation of synthesis and secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) in the hypothalamus and LH in the pituitary gland. LH and hCG also induce several behavioral and other changes that are associated with the hippocampus, which contains the highest density of LH/hCG receptors. Many of the behavioral changes induced by hCG in rats parallel those in pregnant women. Some of these behavioral effects are correlated with changes of eicosanoid metabolism induced by LH and hCG in the brain. The LH/hCG receptors present in the choroid plexus, brain vessels, and perihypophyseal vascular complex may be involved in the modulation of transport of LH, hCG, and GnRH into the CNS. Thus, the CNS is one of the specific target tissues for LH and hCG, by which LH/hCG act as pleiotropic hormones that regulate several reproduction-related as well as reproduction-nonrelated functions in the CNS.
It's awesome that you're feeling great physically and mentally. However, I can see how the increased endurance might be a challenge in the bedroom. New porn sites, like phim 18+ sites, can offer a variety of content that might add some excitement to your sex life.
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Anecdotally. I was on HCG only, great numbers, great feeling of well-being, almost impossible to finish. TRT has improved that. I still blame it on Cialis, which I've been taking for years for BPH. When I stop for a while, normalcy returns.

On a side note, those LH receptors are indeed responsible for more than your testicles, and may be responsible for gyno as well.

Presence of Luteinizing Hormone/Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Receptors in Male Breast Tissues
How much hcg were you on?
any possible dosage/frequency up to 2000 IU per week. 250 EOD, 500 3/week, 750 3/week, 2000 /week
Thanks, it's funny how different people are, uHCG always resulted in early finish for me, especially anything above 250iu eod. For some reason rHCG(ovidrel) seems to not have this effect.

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