Drastic increase in libido - currently multi-orgasmic to an extreme - any experience with this?

Essential NPC

New Member
Now a couple months after starting TRT, I have become extremely multi-orgasmic. I mean 6+ full scale ejaculations in a session with many more minor ones. Until now, I have been one-and-done for almost my entire life. My semen is clear and more watery, even the first of the day.

I have gone from having a refractory period of a couple days to pretty much none. My wife is thrilled, and I am grateful. My libido is through the roof. I don't think it was this powerful as a teenager.

That said, this feels too good to be true. My doctor says he has seen nothing in the literature about TRT inducing multiple orgasms, so he is not worried about it at present.

I have been on TRT for 8 weeks. I do 200 mg intramuscular injection every 21 days. Blood tests tamed from 198-225 before treatment, now at 800 treating 7 days after injection. I have likely run pretty low my whole life based on general evidence. As a complicating factor, it is entirely possible that chemo from canner treatments 1.5 years ago are what caused my T to finally dip so low the assumptions were truly awful. It could also be age, given that I am in my mid-40s. The cancer is unrelated to my T levels directly, but one chemo drug is known to sometimes harm the gonads.

Have any of you had this experience with a crazy increase in sexual function and desire? Should I be worried about anything or high fiving strangers because this is awesome if it is not a sign of anything bad?
I have been on TRT for 8 weeks. I do 200 mg intramuscular injection every 21 days. Blood tests tamed from 198-225 before treatment, now at 800 treating 7 days after injection.
If you ever get to a point where you start losing the benefits of TRT, the protocol your doctor put you on would be the reason. If you’re at 800 on day 7, the second half of week 2 you have low-T.

Also, injecting one very large dosage may have consequences, like driving up your hematocrit, hemoglobin and estrogen levels that may or may not cause problems.

One large infrequent injection doesn’t offer a lot of control and typically lacks any sort of consistency in the way one feels. Most members inject weekly or more often.

Please don’t make the assumption your doctor knows what he’s doing, between outdated guidelines written by unqualified people, a lot of doctors are operating in the dark for what is a new field of medicine, one that isn’t taught in mainstream medical schools.

A PK study evaluated serum levels of testosterone periodically for 14 days after administration of TC 200 mg IM in 11 hypogonadal men (42). The mean Cmax was supratherapeutic (1,112±297 ng/dL) and occurred between days four and five post-injection. After day 5, testosterone levels declined and by day 14 the mean Cavgapproached 400 ng/dL. These large fluctuations in serum testosterone over a 2-week period illustrate the less than ideal kinetics of TC IM injections.
Should I be worried about anything or high fiving strangers because this is awesome if it is not a sign of anything bad?
I thought your refractory period of a few days was bad, I don’t know how anyone could be worried about an improved refractory period. Also, you’re probably still in the TRT honeymoon phase, the body will find normality down the road.
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Now a couple months after starting TRT, I have become extremely multi-orgasmic. I mean 6+ full scale ejaculations in a session with many more minor ones. Until now, I have been one-and-done for almost my entire life. My semen is clear and more watery, even the first of the day.

I have gone from having a refractory period of a couple days to pretty much none. My wife is thrilled, and I am grateful. My libido is through the roof. I don't think it was this powerful as a teenager.

That said, this feels too good to be true. My doctor says he has seen nothing in the literature about TRT inducing multiple orgasms, so he is not worried about it at present.

I have been on hiatus and lurking for a while, but your post made me log on just to say, excellent results, which mimic a lot of non forumers TRT experiences. Well done!

I have been on TRT for 8 weeks. I do 200 mg intramuscular injection every 21 days.

And this is perhaps the reason for your spactacular results, but most people here are sadly are blind to it. Massive variation of T levels could well be the key to your stellar results.

now at 800 treating 7 days after injection

To be expected, but I am curious, the excellent libido persists even between days 7 till day 21 roughly? Or does it wane towards the end and return on the next inject?

Please don’t make the assumption your doctor knows what he’s doing, between outdated guidelines written by unqualified people, a lot of doctors are operating in the dark for what is a new field of medicine, one that isn’t taught in mainstream medical schools.

Please please please dont listen to this guy. Go through and read all the depressing stories on this forum of ZERO libido with no cure. All those guys messed with high frequency inject protocols. I would say everyone here has this problem of no libido, and the running theme is finding the miracle cure for libido.

If it aint broke don't fix it! Don't change a thing!

Most forumites would bet both their nuts to get the results you are getting. Yet go through 10000 past threads and you will find your protocol has already been bashed ad nauseum.

Cue extensive criticism of OPs protocol....
I have been on hiatus and lurking for a while, but your post made me log on just to say, excellent results, which mimic a lot of non forumers TRT experiences. Well done!

And this is perhaps the reason for your spactacular results, but most people here are sadly are blind to it. Massive variation of T levels could well be the key to your stellar results.

To be expected, but I am curious, the excellent libido persists even between days 7 till day 21 roughly? Or does it wane towards the end and return on the next inject?

Please please please dont listen to this guy. Go through and read all the depressing stories on this forum of ZERO libido with no cure. All those guys messed with high frequency inject protocols. I would say everyone here has this problem of no libido, and the running theme is finding the miracle cure for libido.

If it aint broke don't fix it! Don't change a thing!

Most forumites would bet both their nuts to get the results you are getting. Yet go through 10000 past threads and you will find your protocol has already been bashed ad nauseum.

Cue extensive criticism of OPs protocol....

8 weeks in (2 injections).....LMFAO!

Is it even going to last?

Better yet how is the OP feeling regarding other low-T symptoms?

I and many on the forum have healthy libidos on sensible T protocols whether injecting once weekly, twice weekly (every 3.5 days), M/W/F, EOD, or dailies.

Still spending your time on most of those bumass forums I see!

As I have stated numerous times over the years the goal of trt is to replace physiological levels through the use of exogenous T which results in relief/improvement of low-T symptoms and increased overall well-being while at the same time avoiding/minimizing any potential side-effects and keeping blood markers healthy long-term.

The majority of men would be on a protocol that would result in having healthy TT/FT levels throughout the week by keeping T levels stable and avoiding too low of a trough.

As you very well should know maintaining stable levels and minimizing the peak---> to trough can have a big impact on the overall effectiveness.

A large percentage of men are using intramuscular/subcutaneous injections using various injection protocols (once weekly, twice weekly, M/W/F, EOD, daily) and feel great.

Yes, there are many men who do well injecting once weekly and fair better with the larger swing in the peak--->troughs.

Unfortunately, many others will struggle with energy, mood, libido, erectile function, and recovery due to the rollercoaster effect.

The poor bastards started on those outdated Neanderthal protocols of 200 mg T every 2 weeks let alone 3 weeks.....NAH!

Injecting 200mg esterified TC/TE every 2 or 3 weeks to treat low-t symptoms let alone long-term is a horrible protocol due to the PKs.

Very few men would reap the full beneficial effects of having healthy FT levels on such protocols due to the extreme swing in hormones.

It is a given that you would be back to being hypogonadal well before the 2 let alone the 3-week mark on such protocol.

His doctor clearly has no clue what he is doing.

Highly doubt the OP will be flying high in the long run!

Anyone with sense in their heads is at the bare minimum injecting once weekly.
Now a couple months after starting TRT, I have become extremely multi-orgasmic. I mean 6+ full scale ejaculations in a session with many more minor ones. Until now, I have been one-and-done for almost my entire life. My semen is clear and more watery, even the first of the day.

I have gone from having a refractory period of a couple days to pretty much none. My wife is thrilled, and I am grateful. My libido is through the roof. I don't think it was this powerful as a teenager.

That said, this feels too good to be true. My doctor says he has seen nothing in the literature about TRT inducing multiple orgasms, so he is not worried about it at present.

I have been on TRT for 8 weeks. I do 200 mg intramuscular injection every 21 days. Blood tests tamed from 198-225 before treatment, now at 800 treating 7 days after injection. I have likely run pretty low my whole life based on general evidence. As a complicating factor, it is entirely possible that chemo from canner treatments 1.5 years ago are what caused my T to finally dip so low the assumptions were truly awful. It could also be age, given that I am in my mid-40s. The cancer is unrelated to my T levels directly, but one chemo drug is known to sometimes harm the gonads.

Have any of you had this experience with a crazy increase in sexual function and desire? Should I be worried about anything or high fiving strangers because this is awesome if it is not a sign of anything bad?
Maybe wise not to analyse it too much, it sounds pretty good to me, if it aint broken why fix it, surprising you have those results on 200 mg every 21 days, you dont say what T your on but for Cyp or Enan thats a long stretch and a big shot. Maybe wise to check levels at one week/ 2 weeks to check the peaks/troughs
my libido goes sky high in 'sprints'. i don't think what you feel now will be sustainable. enjoy the ride but there will be a crash. whats your ester, TCyp? every 21 day is nonsense with this, you need to prob inject 1-4x a week or so.
i'm 44 and what i learned that there is a sweet spot for libido at any age. in the 40's, with proper hormone optimization it is probably every other day or 4-5x /week situation. you can milk it higher then that but not long term
Thanks to many of you for the thoughtful feedback. My doctor is well versed enough in TRT that he has other patients on different protocols for different needs. His general approach, one I am comfortable with, is to respond as generally recommended by literature and commonly accepted best practices before attempting other approaches. So far with our limited timeframe I responding very well. If that changes we will adjust. He fully expects to need to make a change in dose and/or timing once I hit the 12-18 month mark to account for the drop in effectiveness the many people see then. Regardless of if this meets your personal ideal treatment, it is working for me so far (which is not long). He is fully on board with actively managing this to best meet my individual needs.

Understanding that, many of your gave some great feedback and ideas I can bring back to him when we revaluate my progress with TRT.

For those who asked, I am taking 200mg Testosterone Cypionate via IM injection every 21 days. I know I already gave some of that info, but that has the specific T version as well.

Why question a good thing like this? Because sudden, unexpected changes in one's body are things you investigate. Were we expecting a gradual increase in libido and hopefully a decrease in refectory period? Absolutely. Were we expecting me to suddenly become Insatiable Man - the superhero who never goes flaccid, the unstoppable orgasm machine? No. That is, to my understanding, not a recorded side effect in the literature. Maybe it is a very rare side effect, or maybe it is unrelated. Maybe it is the first sign of some other physiological change that could be good or bad for my overall health. The responsible thing to do is to follow up on things and not just assume it's all great because you like it.

Aggressive cancer is a heck of a teacher when it comes to the value of picking up on things at the earliest possibly moment.

Some gave feedback that essentially consisted in part of, "LOL, the newb thinks he has a clue what is going on at only 8 weeks in." I would encourage you to find some kindness in yourself before responding to others. Yes, even if you are a mod. I mean whatever, you do you, but that sort of response is unhelpful at best. It also fails to take into account the notion that a new poster might come with specific questions after research and consideration of their own health history. I don't really get talking down to others online or in real life - there is no purpose other than stroking your own ego.

Thanks again for the conductive feedback. More is always welcome!
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I should also add that everything people have mentioned for testing is on the docket for the future. We did a 7-days-post-injection testosterone test to get a basic measurement on it. At around 6 months we will evaluate how TRT is treating me and do a whole battery of tests. All of that happens sooner if I feel it is needed. Right now, I am seeing progress in pretty much every aspect one might expect to see at this point.
There is lot to unpack from these posts, my two take aways are, Urologist advise needs to be taken with a grain of salt. I got the best guidance from this forum, and two, multiple orgasm, at least in my experience, is all in your mind, I only achieve a triple one time in my life. This had nothing to do with my taking anything, just the right circumstance.
I have been on hiatus and lurking for a while, but your post made me log on just to say, excellent results, which mimic a lot of non forumers TRT experiences. Well done!

And this is perhaps the reason for your spactacular results, but most people here are sadly are blind to it. Massive variation of T levels could well be the key to your stellar results.

To be expected, but I am curious, the excellent libido persists even between days 7 till day 21 roughly? Or does it wane towards the end and return on the next inject?

Please please please dont listen to this guy. Go through and read all the depressing stories on this forum of ZERO libido with no cure. All those guys messed with high frequency inject protocols. I would say everyone here has this problem of no libido, and the running theme is finding the miracle cure for libido.

If it aint broke don't fix it! Don't change a thing!

Most forumites would bet both their nuts to get the results you are getting. Yet go through 10000 past threads and you will find your protocol has already been bashed ad nauseum.

Cue extensive criticism of OPs protocol....
Agree! 100%! Even if OP is an outlier, his success, as well as almost ZERO refractory period gives hope to men(including me) who've never found a protocol that works. And I believe it's a given that more is at play than testosterone, whether directly or indirectly, like high E2, neurotransmitters(dopamine) or peptides, such as the pathways stimulated by PT-141. In my prime, 3 times in one night, but not every night, LOL! That was long before I was married.
In the TRT world, you can’t determine success after two injections.

Let’s at least try to be realistic here.

Defy Medical has a good reputation for managing men and women on TRT/HRT, none of their doctors prescribe injections every 3 weeks. That’s because they know what the f*** they’re doing after treating 15,000+ patients.

For the fact that the OP is responding better than can be expected is a surprise piece of luck, nothing more, and has a small chance of long term success.

The OP’s doctor clearly doesn’t have a lot of experienced prescribing TRT.
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In the TRT world, you can’t determine success after two injections.

I agree wholeheartedly, as does my doctor. So far the results are promising, but I went into this knowing it was for the long haul. He was very good about trying to moderate my expectations going in, which I was already doing on my own.

My impression from our conversations is that he has more experience with TRT then most GPs. My experience with him in other areas is that he is happy to handle things he feels able to handle, and he does not hesitate to escalate to a specialist when someone moves out of his comfort zone. There was a SNAFU with his paternity leave starting earlier than expected, so my initial prescription was handled by another doctor in the practice. My doctor is back now. I believe he was planning on 200mg every 2 weeks but is running with the 3 week interval because that is what the other doctor prescribed and my initial response to that has been excellent.

To my observations, he has never pretended to know something he was not sure about. Our discussions frequently involve him saying, "I am not sure about this. I am going to do some reading and talk to a couple colleagues and get back to you. Send me any research that you find." He is as collaborative a doctor as I have ever had, so I tend to trust him.

But I also think it depends on what you mean by enough experience. This is not the only thing he does at all, but he has worked with several other patients for TRT with those patients having differing goals, protocols, and responses. If it works for me I am comfortable with it. If it does not meet my needs in the end, then I can pivot either with my doctor or without him.
hey buddy - you have a lot of trust and respect for your doc. this is inherently not a bad thing and I am happy that you like him.
but as others said here, every 2 or even 3 week protocol will be very bad with time for you. right now you still produce natural T. this will end (unless you start HCG). Tcyp has a half life of 8 days. so if you inject 200mg every 3 weeks, before your next injection there will be roughly 1/3 of T left (probably much less, which is individual based on metabolism of T etc). while daily swings should be ok, with short esters like propionate or creams, those large multi-day swings are garbage, and I have yet to see a single person who is doing well on this long term. I have a personal buddy who did every 2 weeks, and all it did was ramp his e2 sky high, make him agressive and then tank down and feel like shit. he eventually stopped TRT but at some point I convinced him that his protocol was garbage and his doc an idiot. he restarted and now is happy with a proper scheduling
I can't help but think there is some sort of extreme dopamine signaling going on that is somehow caused by some sort of trauma that happened with the chemo interacting with the TRT.

Are you craving things at all? Extreme sensations? Extreme experiences? Are you having any issues with impulse control? Giving in to urges shopping or gambling? etc.

Part of me wants to say BRO!!!! and high five you, another part of me hopes this isn't a sign of some neurochemical cascade that was triggered.

I wouldn't be too worried about it and just enjoy it while it lasts, at the same time I would stay on the lookout and even ask your wife if you start exhibiting any other weird behavior.
The results are promising but preliminary. You had only 2-3 injections so far, so this is not a steady state. Your brain is not adjusted to it yet. This is similar to the so-called "honeymoon effect" the first few weeks of TRT.

The question is whether your brain will adjust to that regimen and downregulate the response or it won't because of the see-saw nature of that specific protocol. Also, will the sexual benefit be experienced only the 7days after the injection or they will encompass the whole 21 day period.

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