Libido is there, but orgasms are not

As always, the HARBINGER OF DOOM speaks....

My libido is great. Would do the wife everyday if she would let me. But the orgasms are just not the same. Ejaculation is not even the same. I am waiting on my blood work after being on TRT now for about 8 weeks. So maybe that will show something. But has anybody else experience high libido, but just "ho-hum" orgasms? It's kind of like...I ejaculate, but there is no "rush" of endorphins throughout the body. Also I used to be able to shoot across the room. Now its just thick, and dribbles out. Almost have to squeeze the rest of it out. Any experience with this?

I am currently not on HCG, but when I get my blood back(depending on results) I plan on incorporating it to my protocol.

I was just wanting to know if anybody else experienced anything like this and if they did were they able to cure it.

Just a cautionary tale. Back in the 90's I was in my early 40's. I had gone a while without sex and met someone. We started having sex and I noticed my orgasim was way was like many mini-orgasms. It was okay and in some ways I liked it. Thought I was just getting old. One night after sex I went in an urinated and there was red blood in my urine stream. I freaked !!! Turns out I had stones in my prostate. When my prostate became swollen, the stones would cut my urethra. It was not the dreaded cancer, but after dealing with this issue for some time, I eventually had a TURP. You don't want a TURP, but it is better then cancer or other issues. My reason for writing not assume a change in your body function is age related, I tend to ignore the change...oh...I'm getting older. Sometimes there is something wrong you NEVER heard PROSTATE STONES.
Been on the ****tail of pills from the link Vince posted up for now 5 weeks. I have not noticed any increase in orgasm intensity. I also have not noticed any difference in semen. Still thick/stringy and just oozes out. I hate to go into much detail, but...(delete this Nelson if its too much). Let's just say I pull out from the missionary position when its time and it ends up on her tummy. Hop in the shower and the water will not even wash it off. You literally have to wipe it off. And it does not matter if I drink no water, or drink two gallons a day. Been like this for 2 years now. I used to be able to pull out, and look like Peter North. Not anymore. Any ideas. There has to be something that determines what kind of semen you have. Is their something that could have changed it in my body?
I would say the same thing with what I shared in the link above, I had a glimmer of once or twice that had a shoot type effect but otherwise I had no change from what has been my norm for 44 years, in volume of distance (or lack there of).
Same lack of shooing.
I now use pygeum and lechtitin and it helps a little. But the only thing that makes it decent is have sex longer and letting it build up.
Does anyone know what actually changes in the body to cause this? I would think saya would know.
It seems to be less of the clear ish fluid that causes this as the contractions are still there.
NOSUPERMODEL any update on this? I am in a similar situation... Low volume and thick and orgasm is close to non existent... Everything works fine and desire is there... I have seen Gene and other mention Cabergoline. Have you tried this?
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I swear by Cabergoline; as a dopamine agonist it helps with both libido and orgasm intensity...sometimes insanely so!

.25 mg twice weekly on injection days is all is that is needed.
I swear by Cabergoline; as a dopamine agonist it helps with both libido and orgasm intensity...sometimes insanely so!

.25 mg twice weekly on injection days is all is that is needed.

Is this something I can talk to Dr. Saya about? Also I just got the nasal spray Oxytocin... But I need a little direction on how much and timing... Like I said desire is strong, erections are great... The grand finale is a let down... Sometimes can barley tell it happens... Maybe that's normal?
I swear by Cabergoline; as a dopamine agonist it helps with both libido and orgasm intensity...sometimes insanely so!

.25 mg twice weekly on injection days is all is that is needed.

How long have you been using it?
Use it every week?
Isn't isnpossible to lower your prolactin too much, do you test it with labs?
Is this something I can talk to Dr. Saya about? Also I just got the nasal spray Oxytocin... But I need a little direction on how much and timing... Like I said desire is strong, erections are great... The grand finale is a let down... Sometimes can barley tell it happens... Maybe that's normal?

Yes, you can get Cabergoline from Defy. I have done so, but in my case it did nothing for me. I have never heard of anyone getting anything out of Oxytocin, either so I will be curious to see if it works for you.
Dr. Eugene Shippen started low dose Caber for his men years ago who didn't respond with a better libido and stronger erections...all with very good results...and if you don't know who this guy is he's a master mind in men's health...a true medical thought leader by far!!!

All that is needed is .25 mg twice a week or every 3.5 days.

For some it doesn't have the desired effect but for others like myself it can be like being 16 again.

Even masturbation orgasms are so dame intense it's not even funny.

Worth a discussion with Dr. Saya, he's very open minded and knows of it's therapeutic use on this front.
Dr. Eugene Shippen started low dose Caber for his men years ago who didn't respond with a better libido and stronger erections...all with very good results...and if you don't know who this guy is he's a master mind in men's health...a true medical thought leader by far!!!

That is true only for guys with high prolactin. When I saw him my prolactin was around 7 on 2 separate test and he said caber would not help me and wouldn't prescribe it to me.
That is true only for guys with high prolactin. When I saw him my prolactin was around 7 on 2 separate test and he said caber would not help me and wouldn't prescribe it to me.

Yet referring to Gene's post right above I've watched video chat (youtube) with Saya/Crisler/et al., with Crisler stating that Shippen treats Prolactin @ a "5" with Cabergoline, and Dr Saya coming along with that though I think he said 6 or 7 with Prolactin. I've tested with a 4 and 5 on Prolactin before and tried some research chem Cabergoline really for the Dopamine factor more than Prolactin and I don't think anything came of it for me, following Gene's .25mg E3.5D routine.
One of the big things with my Prolactin research is that I never found a number that is low/high/just right, outside of what is printed on lab tests.
NOSUPERMODEL any update on this? I am in a similar situation... Low volume and thick and orgasm is close to non existent... Everything works fine and desire is there... I have seen Gene and other mention Cabergoline. Have you tried this?

It's all same. I really wish I could get it figured out so it was better.
Dr. Eugene Shippen started low dose Caber for his men years ago who didn't respond with a better libido and stronger erections...all with very good results...and if you don't know who this guy is he's a master mind in men's health...a true medical thought leader by far!!!

All that is needed is .25 mg twice a week or every 3.5 days.

For some it doesn't have the desired effect but for others like myself it can be like being 16 again.

Even masturbation orgasms are so dame intense it's not even funny.

Worth a discussion with Dr. Saya, he's very open minded and knows of it's therapeutic use on this front.

It has been over a year but I just looked at my last prolactin and it was - [TABLE="class: test_data_results"]
[TD="class: result_date"][/TD]
[TD]9.6 ng/mL

I wonder if this qualifies me?

How can I tag Dr. Saya to this message?
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