Most people don’t need TRT

If the reason for diminished sexual desire and function stems from something in childhood, why would you not want to understand the reason and exorcise it from your life? A healthy sex life or love life is also a reflection of being emotionally healthy.
I don't want to send the thread on a tangent, but I appreciate what you're saying so I'll address it.

My situation isn't too bad. I'm not sexually-charged in general. For instance, I get nothing out of porn and don't have spontaneous erections at all. And if I had the most beautiful woman placed in front of me, legs wide open, I would not be aroused. This was a problem when I was single and had chances for one-night stands. But whenever I've been in a relationship (including now, being married), I can get into sex mode when I want to, especially having viagra and cialis available, but it takes some meditation and concentration.

I wish it was better, but I know that for many it is far worse. So it's sometimes a real question in my mind - just how important is sex. I think getting past my blockage would be great, but trying too hard to do so could lead to frustration and depress me, thereby making my life worse.

If I had a magic bullet to fix me, I would do it. But reinforcing the idea that I need a better sex life to be happy by spending the money, time, and effort on fixing me seems like it could be disastrous.
I don't want to send the thread on a tangent, but I appreciate what you're saying so I'll address it.

My situation isn't too bad. I'm not sexually-charged in general. For instance, I get nothing out of porn and don't have spontaneous erections at all. And if I had the most beautiful woman placed in front of me, legs wide open, I would not be aroused. This was a problem when I was single and had chances for one-night stands. But whenever I've been in a relationship (including now, being married), I can get into sex mode when I want to, especially having viagra and cialis available, but it takes some meditation and concentration.

I wish it was better, but I know that for many it is far worse. So it's sometimes a real question in my mind - just how important is sex. I think getting past my blockage would be great, but trying too hard to do so could lead to frustration and depress me, thereby making my life worse.

If I had a magic bullet to fix me, I would do it. But reinforcing the idea that I need a better sex life to be happy by spending the money, time, and effort on fixing me seems like it could be disastrous.
I owe you an apology. I'm somewhat of a 'I have a hammer, so everything is a nail' type. I know from my life that for some disorders, conditions or situations there are either acceptable or necessary compromises or, no solution. You've likely read from my many posts that I have treatment resistant bipolar illness. Though I accept that fact, I continue my search for ways, medically and non-medically, to help myself. My life's work is ME, LOL.

You're with a woman who loves you and accepts you as you. That's beautiful.
I owe you an apology. I'm somewhat of a 'I have a hammer, so everything is a nail' type. I know from my life that for some disorders, conditions or situations there are either acceptable or necessary compromises or, no solution. You've likely read from my many posts that I have treatment resistant bipolar illness. Though I accept that fact, I continue my search for ways, medically and non-medically, to help myself. My life's work is ME, LOL.

You're with a woman who loves you and accepts you as you. That's beautiful.
No apology necessary. Your reply to my post made me realize that I had been blase, and replying to you gave me a chance to qualify my remarks.

When it comes to the search, self-discovery has been enlightening, but it hasn't brought about much in the way of change. But every person's situation is different, and I wish you the best in finding the answers.
No apology necessary. Your reply to my post made me realize that I had been blase, and replying to you gave me a chance to qualify my remarks.

When it comes to the search, self-discovery has been enlightening, but it hasn't brought about much in the way of change. But every person's situation is different, and I wish you the best in finding the answers.
Thank you.
Big topic. Lots of debate. The + and - of TRT will never end.

If you haven't already, why not try a secretagogue that helps your body produce it naturally with none of the TRT-related side effects or negative feedback loop issues (i.e. Enclomiphene, hCG, Kisspeptin-10)?

That's what I'm doing; exhausting all those possibilities first before throwing in the towel and jumping on TRT. One or more of those compounds might actually work (in combination with proper sleep, total hormone balancing, diet, macro and micronutrition, sunlight, red light, etc.). I've been using Kisspeptin-10 and have noticed a 40% increase in total T from baseline - but I am also taking other peptides. Need more time and followup labs to see if it really is working. Stay tuned.
Do you feel any different or is it like enclomiphene where the only difference is on the lab numbers? (At least for me)
is it maybe you wernt tunee up properly on TRT, were your numbers optimal, the experts will tell you that you dont have to donate blood unless your taking too much T. Ive never had to and T only helps erections for me, I have never heard of anyone losing erections if dialled in properly with proper counts. Others may have different views?
How much and injection frequency? Thanks.
Big topic. Lots of debate. The + and - of TRT will never end.

If you haven't already, why not try a secretagogue that helps your body produce it naturally with none of the TRT-related side effects or negative feedback loop issues (i.e. Enclomiphene, hCG, Kisspeptin-10)?

That's what I'm doing; exhausting all those possibilities first before throwing in the towel and jumping on TRT. One or more of those compounds might actually work (in combination with proper sleep, total hormone balancing, diet, macro and micronutrition, sunlight, red light, etc.). I've been using Kisspeptin-10 and have noticed a 40% increase in total T from baseline - but I am also taking other peptides. Need more time and followup labs to see if it really is working. Stay tuned.
If all that is working for you, I applaud you and every other man for persistence and dedication to learning. Not every man, though, feels comfortable becoming his own scientific experiment or for his protocol becoming a complex balancing act. It's easier to utilize testosterone, finding a dose and protocol that works and if he needs help in the bedroom, a PDE5 or Trimix injection.
I am strill trialing KS-10, not enclomiphene yet. So far into the 2nd month, have not seen a continued increase in total T, but a substantial increase in free T. Can't tell any difference in how I feel.
I was going to try that to see of anything improves. I'll probably skip it.

I tried hcg, don't feel a difference, clomid no difference (when I was younger I felt a difference not anymore) enclomiphene no difference. I don't think I wamt to try it. I might give trt a try, Maybe a month low dose. I mean if I really need it I should feel a difference, specially if depleted.
I've posted here before I believe about a similar issue. Not so much all of the other side effects listed. TRT has increased my overall health markers. My cholesterol, triglycerides, BP, bodyfat, muscle mass, mental health, energy levels have all improved. It's been a great increase to the quality of my life in many ways. I still have sky high hemoglobin and hematocrit. And ever diminishing quality of erections.

Morning and spontaneous erections are completely gone.

I always need some sort of physical stimulation for erections. That was never the case before TRT.

Mostly they are at maybe 70% of what they were before TRT.

Before TRT, if I took 50mg of sildenafil, I should get flush, warm and stuffy nose and have 100% rock solid erections. Now, I do get some boost from PDE5i's, but barely even the side effects. That's why I think there's something chemical that I'm missing.

Early on when I noticed my erection quality diminishing, I would take a small dose of anastrozole and erections would come storming back the next morning. Even the PDE5i side effects would come back stronger. Not so much anymore.

All of my personal tests have pointed to it being a chemical issue in some way. I've tried every combination of dose and injection frequency. I'm actually thinking about creating some sort of variable injection frequency to simulate the peaks and valleys of natural levels.

The other issue I'm experimenting with is what someone else mentioned, I believe. Dopamine. My first couple years of TRT was me just banging the wife every day..... or 4x a day. :) Seriously, in the beginning, it was an insatiable drive. And she was going along with it, getting me worked up, buying cute outfits, etc. It was fun. All of that while I was growing more muscle than I ever had in my life. Experiencing vitality and drive like I hadn't in years. ETc, etc, etc. On top of that I look at my lifestyle. I have a screen/device in front of me all the time. All of the social media apps are addicting. I had to delete TikTok and Instagram because eventually the algorithm just showed me "fitness" girls spreading their vaginas for the camera. Now, YouTube is doing it to me with the YouTube shorts. ******** is feeding me college cheerleaders. The things I see accidentally or are fed to me on social media would have been considered pornography just 10 years ago. Have I just completely blown out my dopamine system in the last couple years?

So how do we reset this dopamine system in this world? I'm trying to figure that out and spending as much time away from screens as possible. Andrew Huberman has a good podcast about it.

Having said all of that, I still think there is a hormonal component to my decrease in erection quality. I still have plenty of sex and it's important to me and feeling close/connected with my wife. But, if the quality decreases any more, I may have to back off of TRT as my next experiment, which I would hate to do.
I've posted here before I believe about a similar issue. Not so much all of the other side effects listed. TRT has increased my overall health markers. My cholesterol, triglycerides, BP, bodyfat, muscle mass, mental health, energy levels have all improved. It's been a great increase to the quality of my life in many ways. I still have sky high hemoglobin and hematocrit. And ever diminishing quality of erections.

Morning and spontaneous erections are completely gone.

I always need some sort of physical stimulation for erections. That was never the case before TRT.

Mostly they are at maybe 70% of what they were before TRT.

Before TRT, if I took 50mg of sildenafil, I should get flush, warm and stuffy nose and have 100% rock solid erections. Now, I do get some boost from PDE5i's, but barely even the side effects. That's why I think there's something chemical that I'm missing.

Early on when I noticed my erection quality diminishing, I would take a small dose of anastrozole and erections would come storming back the next morning. Even the PDE5i side effects would come back stronger. Not so much anymore.

All of my personal tests have pointed to it being a chemical issue in some way. I've tried every combination of dose and injection frequency. I'm actually thinking about creating some sort of variable injection frequency to simulate the peaks and valleys of natural levels.

The other issue I'm experimenting with is what someone else mentioned, I believe. Dopamine. My first couple years of TRT was me just banging the wife every day..... or 4x a day. :) Seriously, in the beginning, it was an insatiable drive. And she was going along with it, getting me worked up, buying cute outfits, etc. It was fun. All of that while I was growing more muscle than I ever had in my life. Experiencing vitality and drive like I hadn't in years. ETc, etc, etc. On top of that I look at my lifestyle. I have a screen/device in front of me all the time. All of the social media apps are addicting. I had to delete TikTok and Instagram because eventually the algorithm just showed me "fitness" girls spreading their vaginas for the camera. Now, YouTube is doing it to me with the YouTube shorts. ******** is feeding me college cheerleaders. The things I see accidentally or are fed to me on social media would have been considered pornography just 10 years ago. Have I just completely blown out my dopamine system in the last couple years?

So how do we reset this dopamine system in this world? I'm trying to figure that out and spending as much time away from screens as possible. Andrew Huberman has a good podcast about it.

Having said all of that, I still think there is a hormonal component to my decrease in erection quality. I still have plenty of sex and it's important to me and feeling close/connected with my wife. But, if the quality decreases any more, I may have to back off of TRT as my next experiment, which I would hate to do.
I can only say thank you for the detailed analysis of what you've been experiencing.

Though I feel better, physically and emotionally on T, my sexual function has been poor, nor was my wife encouraging or supportive. Her ambivalence about sex is another story and I will not hijack your thread. At the moment, I'm off T and will test in 4 to 6 weeks before I go to my urologist. Even off of T, I still have a strong libido. I'm a mystery even to my doctor who's been involved in hormone replacement for over three decades.

I'll be watching the replies you receive. Definitely don't give up.
I had none of these issues before TRT and tho my levels werent great they weren horrible either

Most importantly i had no palpitations and no erectile issues

I googled this forum and other venues many have experienced similar sides that go away when they stop trt

There is already a dude in this thread confirming this that when he goes one week without injections his libido and erections return and hes been 4 years on trt
I had similar issues when i first got on trt. It took a lot of adjusting before i solved it and started feeling amazing.

Bloated and acne on twice a week with hcg, got off hcg then had ed. once i went to eod dosing the ed went away. Once I added hcg i felt even better. Trt is not for everyone. Probably not for people with underlying health issues of the heart and prostate. Also probably not for people who cant handle trial and error and potentially feeling bad until they find the right protocol. But personally trt made me feel like a lead weighted vest was taken off of my personality. Never realized how much i had been missing out on
If is this much work just for a little more muscle then is not worth it for me

I have more sides than good

Literally i feel the same except my muscle are a little bigger now

Im bloated my
Psa went up where now im have discomfort when peeing
Erectile issues
More anxiety

I feel like trt is overrated and it only works good for people who were really low so the changes are night and day

For someone low normal the improvements are minimal

at least for me is not what i expected in wasn’t expecting miracles but it barely helps in some aspects seems to be a done deal. Stop taking testosterone and return to being natty. If you started taking testosterone for muscle, then honestly you need a much larger dose than people commonly use for TRT. Its too bad so many get into this expecting magic.

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I had similar issues when i first got on trt. It took a lot of adjusting before i solved it and started feeling amazing.

Bloated and acne on twice a week with hcg, got off hcg then had ed. once i went to eod dosing the ed went away. Once I added hcg i felt even better. Trt is not for everyone. Probably not for people with underlying health issues of the heart and prostate. Also probably not for people who cant handle trial and error and potentially feeling bad until they find the right protocol. But personally trt made me feel like a lead weighted vest was taken off of my personality. Never realized how much i had been missing out on
Whats your current protocol and what size needle do you use EOD? Tx

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