Well, it's been an interesting few days and this post will be long as I want to provide as much info as possible. My TRT Dr ordered a set of labs. The key numbers were;
RBC - 6.03 - Range of 4.14-5.80
Hemo - 17 - Range of 13-17.7
HemoCrit - 49.8 - Range of 37.5-51
Total T - 945 - This is down from 1500+ 6 weeks ago after a lowered dose
Free T - 19.6 - Down from 38 6 weeks ago after lowered dose. Range is 6.8-21
Cortisol is 8 - Range of 6.2 - 19.4
Estradiol - 24 - Down from 65.3 six Weeks ago when I started an AI that I stopped 2 weeks ago.
Iron - 81 - Range 38-169
Ferritin - 87 - Range 30-400
I did not donate blood yet/if at all. I wonder if I need to supplement with Iron.
All other labs were normal. My TRT clinic followed up and said he likes where my numbers are but he wants me to up my DHEA dose to 100 from 50. I'll go 75. This clinic is good but they seem too aggressive in their chase of a number. I'd rather need more than deal with too much.
Here is the interesting part. I was given an EKG at my TRT office and it was fine. To refresh, I came in with high BP and headaches related to that. I was also having a few random flutters in my heart beat. No pain, no radiating anywhere, just an odd sensation I didn't enjoy and was worse when sitting down. I have no cardiac issue history, my triglycerides have always been low, and my cholesterol has always been around 200, currently 208 with a decent ratio.
Well, the day after my TRT visit, a few hours after waking I had some serious heart beat fluttering that was happening too much and too hard for my comfort level. I was sitting there and my heart just did the samba. That experience rattled my cage if I'm honest. I called my dr and they said go to the ER so I did. I had heart attack enzyme tests done, 2 hours apart, all negative. Bloodwork showed I'm totally fine, BP was a little higher than normal but that's surely stress related. After I'd been there while it came down to close to my normal range of 120/80'ish. An ER EKG showed a normal rhythm. Then, as I sat there the Dr noticed the flutters and said I was having
"PVC's". He said it's very common, almost always benign when that's the only symptom but He wanted to to follow up with my Dr. I did and he ordered a treadmill stress test that's to be scheduled. A holter monitor is also a possibility as is medication. It all depends on how ofter I have them and for how long.
I read online that *** can help with PVC's so I got some from a local dispensary and I have to say, it has helped a fair amount. I don't know where all this is gonna go but I need to see it thru.
I would prefer my total T be a little lower that maxed out, I'm fine with the middle of the range on both free and total T. I may lower my dose from .20 to .18 and see what my labs indicate in 6 weeks.
I quit all pill form of allergy meds and use Flonase. My TRT doc wants labs again in 6 weeks, my regular Dr scheduled me a stress test and I've eliminated any supplement that could be considered a stimulant. My coffee habit is 1-2 cups each morning, (down from 5 cups by lunchtime) none after 9AM. I use no pre workout, never have, and I'm gonna put weights on hold until after the stress test. I will just walk each day on the treadmill like I have been.
I want to also add that as I read my own writing, it makes me look like a bit of a head case. lol. I have never had anxiety, depression, panic attacks, etc. I don't normally overreact to things, or I like to think I don't. I'm not nor have I ever been on any SSRI's or the like. I felt lead to add this part because looking back, it seems a bit drastic of a response. All I can say is to go from never having any cardiac issues at all to have them dropped in your lap along with high BP and the associated headaches....at the age of 49 it threw my own mortality square in my face for the first time. That discussion is for a different thread.
I've only been on TRT for about 5.5-6 months. What I wonder is if this issue is due to the thicker blood from TRT or if I would have had this issue regardless. If anyone has any similar experiences or what I can do to eliminate this issue, I'm all ears. Thanks in advance for your help.