New Member
Hi Everyone,
I'm glad I found this site and have read a bunch. I have symptoms of low T and visited a male clinic that wants me to get on on 140mg of test once a week along with an AI and Clomid. After what I read here I'm going to push back on the Clomid and AI and only accept the test. I'm also going to ask for twice a week injections. My questions are as follows
1. Do you see anything on my pre treatment labs I should look into before starting TRT?
2. When I asked about HCG they said they can provide me info of where to get it. Not sure what that means, but not worried about it now as I will not be having more kids.
A little about me. I'm a 5'9 36 year old male that weighted about 218 at the start of this year currently 183lbs . I started lifting 3 times a week. 10k + steps a day and eating mainly whole foods. I cut out all the sugary drinks and only drink water at least a gallon a day. The thought of injections is scaring me, but I hope to get use to it and then just start injecting myself along with the HCG.
Low Libido
Sleeping issues (cant sleep through the night)
Starting to stale and can gain muscle
Dr recently prescribes Cialis and it has helped tremendously the ED which I think naturally improved the libido. I also do use a CPAP for the last 4 years. Just had a sleep study and they lowered the pressure from 14 to 7 due to the weight loss.
I'm glad I found this site and have read a bunch. I have symptoms of low T and visited a male clinic that wants me to get on on 140mg of test once a week along with an AI and Clomid. After what I read here I'm going to push back on the Clomid and AI and only accept the test. I'm also going to ask for twice a week injections. My questions are as follows
1. Do you see anything on my pre treatment labs I should look into before starting TRT?
2. When I asked about HCG they said they can provide me info of where to get it. Not sure what that means, but not worried about it now as I will not be having more kids.
A little about me. I'm a 5'9 36 year old male that weighted about 218 at the start of this year currently 183lbs . I started lifting 3 times a week. 10k + steps a day and eating mainly whole foods. I cut out all the sugary drinks and only drink water at least a gallon a day. The thought of injections is scaring me, but I hope to get use to it and then just start injecting myself along with the HCG.
Low Libido
Sleeping issues (cant sleep through the night)
Starting to stale and can gain muscle
Dr recently prescribes Cialis and it has helped tremendously the ED which I think naturally improved the libido. I also do use a CPAP for the last 4 years. Just had a sleep study and they lowered the pressure from 14 to 7 due to the weight loss.
F | GLUCOSE | 95 | 65-99 (mg/dL) | KS |
- | ||||
- Fasting reference interval | ||||
- | ||||
F | UREA NITROGEN (BUN) | 18 | 7-25 (mg/dL) | KS |
F | CREATININE | 1.04 | 0.60-1.26 (mg/dL) | KS |
F | EGFR | 95 | > OR = 60 (mL/min/1.73m2) | KS |
- The eGFR is based on the CKD-EPI 2021 equation. To calculate | ||||
- the new eGFR from a previous Creatinine or Cystatin C | ||||
- result, go to Kidney Professionals | ||||
- kdoqi/gfr%5Fcalculator | ||||
F | SODIUM | 139 | 135-146 (mmol/L) | KS |
F | POTASSIUM | 4.7 | 3.5-5.3 (mmol/L) | KS |
F | CHLORIDE | 103 | 98-110 (mmol/L) | KS |
F | CARBON DIOXIDE | 29 | 20-32 (mmol/L) | KS |
F | CALCIUM | 9.7 | 8.6-10.3 (mg/dL) | KS |
F | PROTEIN, TOTAL | 7.3 | 6.1-8.1 (g/dL) | KS |
F | ALBUMIN | 4.9 | 3.6-5.1 (g/dL) | KS |
F | GLOBULIN | 2.4 | 1.9-3.7 (g/dL (calc)) | KS |
F | ALBUMIN/GLOBULIN RATIO | 2.0 | 1.0-2.5 ((calc)) | KS |
F | BILIRUBIN, TOTAL | 1.0 | 0.2-1.2 (mg/dL) | KS |
F | ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE | 77 | 36-130 (U/L) | KS |
F | AST | 20 | 10-40 (U/L) | KS |
F | ALT | 19 | 9-46 (U/L) | KS |
F | WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT | 4.6 | 3.8-10.8 (Thousand/uL) | KS |
F | RED BLOOD CELL COUNT | 5.41 | 4.20-5.80 (Million/uL) | KS |
F | HEMOGLOBIN | 16.2 | 13.2-17.1 (g/dL) | KS |
F | HEMATOCRIT | 47.8 | 38.5-50.0 (%) | KS |
F | MCV | 88.4 | 80.0-100.0 (fL) | KS |
F | MCH | 29.9 | 27.0-33.0 (pg) | KS |
F | MCHC | 33.9 | 32.0-36.0 (g/dL) | KS |
F | RDW | 13.3 | 11.0-15.0 (%) | KS |
F | PLATELET COUNT | 220 | 140-400 (Thousand/uL) | KS |
F | MPV | 9.9 | 7.5-12.5 (fL) | KS |
F | ABSOLUTE NEUTROPHILS | 2479 | 1500-7800 (cells/uL) | KS |
F | ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTES | 1628 | 850-3900 (cells/uL) | KS |
F | ABSOLUTE MONOCYTES | 313 | 200-950 (cells/uL) | KS |
F | ABSOLUTE EOSINOPHILS | 161 | 15-500 (cells/uL) | KS |
F | ABSOLUTE BASOPHILS | 18 | 0-200 (cells/uL) | KS |
F | NEUTROPHILS | 53.9 | (%) | KS |
F | LYMPHOCYTES | 35.4 | (%) | KS |
F | MONOCYTES | 6.8 | (%) | KS |
F | EOSINOPHILS | 3.5 | (%) | KS |
F | BASOPHILS | 0.4 | (%) | KS |
F | DHEA SULFATE | 363 | 93-415 (mcg/dL) | KS |
F | FSH | 2.1 | 1.6-8.0 (mIU/mL) | KS |
F | LH | 3.3 | 1.5-9.3 (mIU/mL) | KS |
F | T4, FREE | 1.3 | 0.8-1.8 (ng/dL) | KS |
F | TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL, MALES (ADULT), IA | 325 | 250-827 (ng/dL) | KS |
F | TSH | 2.41 | 0.40-4.50 (mIU/L) | KS |
F | ESTRADIOL | 21 | < OR = 39 (pg/mL) | KS |
- Reference range established on post-pubertal patient | ||||
- population. No pre-pubertal reference range | ||||
- established using this assay. For any patients for | ||||
- whom low Estradiol levels are anticipated (e.g. males, | ||||
- pre-pubertal children and hypogonadal/post-menopausal | ||||
- females), the Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute | ||||
- Estradiol, Ultrasensitive, LCMSMS assay is recommended | ||||
- (order code 30289). | ||||
- | ||||
- Please note: patients being treated with the drug | ||||
- fulvestrant (Faslodex(R)) have demonstrated significant | ||||
- interference in immunoassay methods for estradiol | ||||
- measurement. The cross reactivity could lead to falsely | ||||
- elevated estradiol test results leading to an | ||||
- inappropriate clinical assessment of estrogen status. | ||||
- Quest Diagnostics order code 30289-Estradiol, | ||||
- Ultrasensitive LC/MS/MS demonstrates negligible cross | ||||
- reactivity with fulvestrant. | ||||
F | PSA, TOTAL | 0.42 | < OR = 4.00 (ng/mL) | KS |
- The total PSA value from this assay system is | ||||
- standardized against the WHO standard. The test | ||||
- result will be approximately 20% lower when compared | ||||
- to the equimolar-standardized total PSA (Beckman | ||||
- Coulter). Comparison of serial PSA results should be | ||||
- interpreted with this fact in mind. | ||||
- | ||||
- This test was performed using the Siemens | ||||
- chemiluminescent method. Values obtained from | ||||
- different assay methods cannot be used | ||||
- interchangeably. PSA levels, regardless of | ||||
- value, should not be interpreted as absolute | ||||
- evidence of the presence or absence of disease. | ||||
F | SEX HORMONE BINDING GLOBULIN | 24 | 10-50 (nmol/L) | KS |
F | T3, FREE | 3.4 | 2.3-4.2 (pg/mL) | KS |
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