Dr prescribed 25 IU's HCG twice weekly - Will this do ANYTHING ???


So my Urologist has me on TRT, testosterone cypionate. I'm still adjusting weekly dose, between 100 - 200 MG's. My Urologist won't prescrib HCG so I went to TRT Nation. Had appointment today and doctor prescribed me "25 IU's twice weekly / 50 IU's total per week". Virtually every study, and most TRT clinics, recommend anywhere from 250 IU's to 500 IU's total weekly. Is 50 IU's a week going to truly make ANY difference whatsoever as far as restoring my testicle size, libido, etc... ??? I told them I'll try it, but I'm not expecting to see any major changes, if at all, and I won't be renewing in 10 weeks if this does absolutely nothing for me but lighten my wallet. Opinions please ??? Thank you !!!!!
Nah I doubt 50iu’s would do anything noticeable. U sure he didn’t mean to do 25 units on the syringe twice per week? That would make way more sense

Plus, at 50iu’s per week, ur bottle of HCG is gonna expire way before u get to use much of it at all, basically wasting most of it, and wasting most of ur money
So looking at my 100 unit / 1 ML syringe, 25 units would obviously be between 20 & 30 Unit measurement. I thought "IU was international units" so isn't it the same thing 25 IU's and 25 Units ???
No it’s different. International units (iu’s) are what HCG is measured in. Units on an insulin syringe are simply just the the numbers on it. How much ur taking of something all depends on the concentration of whatever ur injecting

Usually HCG is reconstituted as 1000iu’s/ ml. Aka 1000iu’s per 100 units on an insulin syringe. So every 10 units on the insulin syringe would be 100iu’s of HCG. So I think ur doctor probably wants u to take 250iu’s of HCG twice per week (500iu’s/ week total) which would mean u would draw the HCG into the insulin syringe to the 25 mark, and do that twice per week. Almost positive that’s what ur doctor meant
No it’s different. International units (iu’s) are what HCG is measured in. Units on an insulin syringe are simply just the the numbers on it. How much ur taking of something all depends on the concentration of whatever ur injecting

Usually HCG is reconstituted as 1000iu’s/ ml. Aka 1000iu’s per 100 units on an insulin syringe. So every 10 units on the insulin syringe would be 100iu’s of HCG. So I think ur doctor probably wants u to take 250iu’s of HCG twice per week (500iu’s/ week total) which would mean u would draw the HCG into the insulin syringe to the 25 mark, and do that twice per week. Almost positive that’s what ur doctor meant
Oh fantastic !!!!! I have NEVER read any studies, or TRT/HRT clinics, that recommended "50 IU's HCG weekly". I was thinking maybe this clinic was making crazy profits off I'll informed people but I was thinking how could they get repeat business if that's the case, plus they wouldn't be pushing 200 MG's of Testosterone Cypionate weekly, as that would be completely the opposite prescribing.
I'll confirm and post what they come back to me with tomorrow. Thanks so much. 250 IU's twice a week / 500 IU's weekly sounds spot on.
Awesome man, glad to help. I can almost guarantee they want u doing 500iu’s/ week total, which is a dosage that’s a great balance between being effective, and limiting possible side effects from taking HCG. BuT ya keep us posted
Awesome man, glad to help. I can almost guarantee they want u doing 500iu’s/ week total, which is a dosage that’s a great balance between being effective, and limiting possible side effects from taking HCG. BuT ya keep us posted
I emailed the clinic late last night. I'll find out tomorrow. I'm thinking you must be correct. I'm certain I must have misunderstood the doctor. They wouldn't stay in business prescribing 50 IU's weekly. I'll confirm ASAP. Thanks for explaining all of this. You "walked me off the ledge".
After the cost went up I started purchasing from ReliableRX and India pharmacy.
I went to TRT Nation. I filled out the 20 pages of required documentation a week ago, had a phone consultation with the doctor yesterday, Monday, and my prescription for HCG shipped today. It was $200.00 for 10 weeks of HCG.
Yea. But I needed a prescription. I can't just log on and buy HCG at ReliableRX. So $200.00 to see a doctor and get a prescription seems reasonable.

My first fullfillment for HCG was from a domestic pharmacy. I scanned the label on the box which had my name, the substance and dosage and attached that scan for reliable. I did this once 5 years ago, and have not had to resubmit.
ok, so reliable RX is an 'underground' pharmacy. i don't give a shit TBH, but it looks like they ship from outside the USA, which should be fine for non controlled substances
Yea. But I needed a prescription. I can't just log on and buy HCG at ReliableRX. So $200.00 to see a doctor and get a prescription seems reasonable.

Not correct. I been buying HCG from them for about 10 yrs with no prescription. They "ask" for one to upload when ordering...now figure it out from there.
Not correct. I been buying HCG from them for about 10 yrs with no prescription. They "ask" for one to upload when ordering...now figure it out from there.
Is this pharma grade here in the US or UGL ??? I've used a ton of different UGL's, and some stuff is good other stuff is bunk. At this point in my life, I want to ensure what I'm buying, and what's printed on the label, is what I'm taking, not under dosed or over dosed. I totally crashed my estrogen taking some UGL Armidex and Letrozole.
Is ReliableRX here in the states and is it pharma grade or UGL ???
Is this pharma grade here in the US or UGL ??? I've used a ton of different UGL's, and some stuff is good other stuff is bunk. At this point in my life, I want to ensure what I'm buying, and what's printed on the label, is what I'm taking, not under dosed or over dosed. I totally crashed my estrogen taking some UGL Armidex and Letrozole.
Is ReliableRX here in the states and is it pharma grade or UGL ???

It's generic made in India. If that worries you, talk to your local big chain pharmacist about where most of their generics are from....not just HCG but any generic drug.
No. That doesn't worry me. That's not an UGL. UGL's are notorious for selling under dosed, over dosed, or not the drug on the label. For example, "Anavar" is a very expensive PED drug, so most UGL's will actually use something much cheaper, say Anadrol, D-bol, or some other cheap oral, and sell it as Anavar. This can have devastating consequences if your a female and you think you're taking Anavar and instead your taking Anadrol.

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