Nandrolone Decanoate Report

I finally got the prescription for Nandrolone Decanoate from Dr. Lipshultz from Houston without an issue. I even mentioned my prior diagnosis of Gleason 6 low risk prostate cancer and his PA still made the prescription. All I said is that I knew the doctor was part of a study that found Deca to give improvement to joint pain and that I had been interested in trying it for my shoulder pain and he agreed.

I’m 53 yrs old and on 50 mg a week of Deca / 100mg Test and it’s only been 3 days since adding Deca and I’m already seeing a huge improvement however not without side effects. My left shoulder 90% improvement , lower back pain and right elbow tendinitis 100% improvement. I really like the way I feel only I don’t know if I can continue taking this due to the side effects I’m experiencing. Maybe I’m really sensitive and this may turn into something worse or my body is just trying to get used to the Deca in my body. After the first injection Saturday morning a few hours later began to feel like making more trips to the urinal and it has gotten worse especially at night and also noticing a slowing urine flow. I remember having this same issue when I first began TRT 3.5 years ago and later got better.
Don’t want to stop this but will if I have to. If you have experience with Deca what do you all think, is this something that requires attention from my doc (which I’ll do anyway) or is it the body adjusting to the androgen?
nandrolone 1.webp
Reduced mood and or depression, hypersexuality and intersex/transsexual mania, erection issues, hematocrit elevation, worse pain when you go off...glad some of your guys don't get all those and instead get the gainz and pain relief. We need a genetic screening tool for nandrolone use at the individual level.
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I finally got the prescription for Nandrolone Decanoate from Dr. Lipshultz from Houston without an issue. I even mentioned my prior diagnosis of Gleason 6 low risk prostate cancer and his PA still made the prescription. All I said is that I knew the doctor was part of a study that found Deca to give improvement to joint pain and that I had been interested in trying it for my shoulder pain and he agreed.

I’m 53 yrs old and on 50 mg a week of Deca / 100mg Test and it’s only been 3 days since adding Deca and I’m already seeing a huge improvement however not without side effects. My left shoulder 90% improvement , lower back pain and right elbow tendinitis 100% improvement. I really like the way I feel only I don’t know if I can continue taking this due to the side effects I’m experiencing. Maybe I’m really sensitive and this may turn into something worse or my body is just trying to get used to the Deca in my body. After the first injection Saturday morning a few hours later began to feel like making more trips to the urinal and it has gotten worse especially at night and also noticing a slowing urine flow. I remember having this same issue when I first began TRT 3.5 years ago and later got better.
Don’t want to stop this but will if I have to. If you have experience with Deca what do you all think, is this something that requires attention from my doc (which I’ll do anyway) or is it the body adjusting to the androgen?
By the way, how do you like Dr. Lipshultz? I live in Houston (Cypress) and have a private care doctor who writes me scripts. But I am alwasy open to change.
While we await BigTex's thoughts, a couple of things...1) All the other usual-suspect anti-inflammatories appear, from what I have been able to determine, to have downsides which prevent healthy chronic use. Aspirin can cause bleeding. NSAIDS like ibuprofen don't appear to be heart-healthy and have other issues I have forgotten the details of but which Chris Masterjohn has highlighted. 2) As I posted in another thread, I have been having success with White Willow Bark but I have only been using it a short period of time (a month or so), it is not as "strong" as other compounds, and it may have other issues I have not discovered yet such as interference with enzymes. 3) There was a post on another board that made the case that water retention in the joints was the mechanism behind the joint relief, and "dry" compounds such as Winstrol which tend to increase joint pain were cited as part of the argument. 4) I don't have a strong view on what the mechanism is, however if the affect was predominantly one of blocking pain signals, then people who use Nandrolone for joint relief and then go off of it should logically have much worse pain and joint damage when they stop since they blocked the pain warning signal, however I have not seen reports of this. Also, if tendon pain is blocked and someone continues to work the tendons before they heal, a phenomenon called tendinosis can occur which makes the tendon very prone to rupture, so we should hear of numerous tendon tears from people on Nandrolone, however we don't.
Time to trial the stanozolol...will probably heal everything in a wonderful paradoxical response sort of way. Oxandrolone definitely had a much better short term side effect profile with respect to stuff I mention above except the little issue with the lipids. Stanozolol will be as bad or worse.

Escitalopram has done nothing for my joint pain. like a champ. Also significantly reduces stress induced arousal which has steadied my brain/heart connection and allows me to exercise back up at 90% of max HR.
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Reduced mood and or depression, hypersexuality and intersex/transsexual mania, erection issues, hematocrit elevation, worse pain when you go off...glad some of your guys don't get all those and instead get the gainz and pain relief. We need to genetic screening tool for nandrolone use at the individual level.
I was getting scripts of Nandrolone from a doctor back in maybe 1982. I did quite a lot of it then, probably two of the 2cc bottles a week (400mg) for maybe 2-3 years. Never got any of the above side effects but hematocrit could have been elevated. Doctors didn't do any testing back then and we just took what others said they took and doctors gave us pretty much what we asked for. I never felt like it benefitted me so I eventually stopped using it and used Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate instead. I was in my mid 20's around then and certainly never had deca dick. I was hypersexual in my teens before ever doing steroids, steroids just made it worse, I went through girls like water.
Time to trial the stanozolol...will probably heal everything in a wonderful paradoxical response sort of way.

Dear readalot,

I am keenly reading this thread but am unsure about this statement. Are you:

1. Joking (because stanazolol is known to make joints feel like they are dry / feel like they have sand in them)
2. Think stanazolol will heal/fix/ease the pain
3. Think stanazolol is antiinflammatory (maybe you got this idea from Lichten as its part of his IBS protocol). I tried test and winny and it did jack in that department for me. There was no nandrolone involved

Just genuinely curious. I am known over the years to pop a 15mg winny here and there for a mental boost or a libido boost. (note: its not needed at all on my propionate experiment for these two uses so I havent used any last 3 months).

If I can find some evidence or anecdotes for the stuff being antiinflammatory, I have no issue testing small amounts of say 3.5mg / day (for those wondering, thats roughly 1/4 of a 15mg tab less wastage from breaking it)
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Dear readalot,

I am keenly reading this thread but am unsure about this statement. Are you:

1. Joking (because stanazolol is known to make joints feel like they are dry / feel like they have sand in them)
2. Think stanazolol will heal/fix/ease the pain
3. Think stanazolol is antiinflammatory (maybe you got this idea from Lichten as its part of his IBS protocol). I tried test and winny and it did jack in that department for me. There was no nandrolone involved

Just genuinely curious. I am known over the years to pop a 15mg winny here and there for a mental boost or a libido boost. (note: its not needed at all on my propionate experiment for these two uses so I havent used any last 3 months).
Dear bixt, door #1. Sorry my humor is very bad sometimes (or maybe all the time). Thanks for sharing your experience with the stanozolol.
If I can find some evidence or anecdotes for the stuff being antiinflammatory, I have no issue testing small amounts of say 3.5mg / day (for those wondering, thats roughly 1/4 of a 15mg tab less wastage from breaking it)

Ok , no need for this
If I can find some evidence or anecdotes for the stuff being antiinflammatory, I have no issue testing small amounts of say 3.5mg / day (for those wondering, thats roughly 1/4 of a 15mg tab less wastage from breaking it)
Same here, I have troches but never could justify actually running them. Sure for dermatologic and some autoimmune disorders a couple mg/day may do wonders, but that isn't going to make a dent with the gainz if someone is looking for the win-win and has autoimmune and body dysmorphic disorder (bummer). The lipid hit really kills any rationalization I try to pull on myself. At some point I may do the lipid comparison like I did with oxandrolone.
By the way, how do you like Dr. Lipshultz? I live in Houston (Cypress) and have a private care doctor who writes me scripts. But I am alwasy open to change.
Well I liked him he was the first to prescribe Nandrolone to me but him being in Houston and I in Fort Worth made it difficult when he said he wanted to examine me in person rather than telemed , that’s when I started looking around here locally to me. Aside from that all good
I was getting scripts of Nandrolone from a doctor back in maybe 1982. I did quite a lot of it then, probably two of the 2cc bottles a week (400mg) for maybe 2-3 years. Never got any of the above side effects but hematocrit could have been elevated. Doctors didn't do any testing back then and we just took what others said they took and doctors gave us pretty much what we asked for. I never felt like it benefitted me so I eventually stopped using it and used Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate instead. I was in my mid 20's around then and certainly never had deca dick. I was hypersexual in my teens before ever doing steroids, steroids just made it worse, I went through girls like water.
‘I never felt like it benefitted me so I eventually stopped using it’
So when you did nandrolone 400mg did you not see any muscle growth or strength gains that made you stop using it or why exactly did you stop nandrolone?
‘I never felt like it benefitted me so I eventually stopped using it’
So when you did nandrolone 400mg did you not see any muscle growth or strength gains that made you stop using it or why exactly did you stop nandrolone?
First, off this was at a time when I was a competitive powerlifter. We very rarely get much from more anabolic drugs and most of us prefer something with a much higher androgen base. I had to do two injections just to get 400mgs so the benefits were very low. By switcing to trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolin) I got a lot more bang for the buck.Nandrolone is 37:125 (androgen:anabolic), trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 500:500. As you can see it is a much more effective drug for both size and strength.
Well I liked him he was the first to prescribe Nandrolone to me but him being in Houston and I in Fort Worth made it difficult when he said he wanted to examine me in person rather than telemed , that’s when I started looking around here locally to me. Aside from that all good
Hahaha.....I tought my drive from Cypress to downtown was bad. Ft. Worth is horriible. I have a doctor in Katy that is pretty close. I hate driving, especially downtown. Thanks!
First, off this was at a time when I was a competitive powerlifter. We very rarely get much from more anabolic drugs and most of us prefer something with a much higher androgen base. I had to do two injections just to get 400mgs so the benefits were very low. By switcing to trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate (Parabolin) I got a lot more bang for the buck.Nandrolone is 37:125 (androgen:anabolic), trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate 500:500. As you can see it is a much more effective drug for both size and strength.
Tell us more about your personal experience using Tren, 1. what was your protocol and for how long did you run it?
2. What were your results and did you keep them once you stopped and lastly 3. Tell us about the side effects you experienced while on. I have heard the head games are the worse on Tren such as anxiety, paranoia or claustrophobia
We use to get the old stuff from France. It came in 1.5ml glass vials and was 76mg. I would do 2 of those per week. Usually ran it for the last 6 week before a meet. This stuff is only available from blackmarket labs now as it was discontinued. I have also done trenbalone enanthate at 150mg/wk and have also done trenbalone acetate at 75mg ever three days.. I have never gone more than 6 weeks on this stuff. The only time I had side effects was whenI tried 200mg of TE/wk. It made me have some serious anger issues so I foudn my sweet spot was 150mg/wk. I compltely stay away from this stuff now.

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