Nandrolone for Mood | Feeling much Better..

Perhaps this is what bixt is referencing?

Technically in a pharmacological world, Nandrolone has much more anabolic properties

Thanks, but I cant believe expert @madman doesn't know this??? Every single 16 year old high school gym steroid bro knows deca is more anabolic.

Adding 150mg/wk of nandrolone is going to push you serum T levels way over the top.
Off topic, but I just want to point out that nandrolone pushes up serum...nandrolone levels. Not T levels.

But heres another fun fact, older TT tests will pick up nandrolone as T and falsely inflate the T number. Our friend @madman refers to these older tests as "piss poor" :).

EDIT: ninja'd! @readalot beat me to it.
Thanks, but I cant believe expert @madman doesn't know this??? Every single 16 year old high school gym steroid bro knows deca is more anabolic.

Off topic, but I just want to point out that nandrolone pushes up serum...nandrolone levels. Not T levels.

But heres another fun fact, older TT tests will pick up nandrolone as T and falsely inflate the T number. Our friend @madman refers to these older tests as "piss poor" :).

EDIT: ninja'd! @readalot beat me to it.
Funny story WRT gainz:

- 120 -150 mg/week TC: nice improvement

- Above + 120-160 mg/week ND: noticeable muscular improvement over above (almost strange) plus massive depression and serial sides

- Solo 325 mg/week TC: AFIB 2 weeks in

Third data point may have ** and COVID interaction but got me worrying about heart remodeling and fortunately I caught the issues on Echo.

I'm looking out for the heart hyper-responders on AAS. Probably best to explore other hobby but it's tough to give up.
Here is another fact about nandrolone used in conjunction with testosterone.

The possible use of nandrolone in the context of alopecia results from the fact that it does not convert to DHT but instead gets transformed into 5α-dihydro-19-nortestosterone, a molecularly distinct compound. It is thus possible that in hypogonadal males nandrolone, in addition to or in replacement for testosterone, could alleviate concerns for the development of androgenic alopecia.

Kicman AT. Pharmacology of anabolic steroids. Br J Pharmacol 2008;154:502-21. 10.1038/bjp.2008.165
Robic A, Faraut T, Prunier A. Pathways and genes involved in steroid hormone metabolism in male pigs: a review and update. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 2014;140:44-55. 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2013.11.001

I recognize that with some, this is a very important issue or places like Hair Club for Men and Bosley would not exist. I could care a less and have kept my hair buzzed for years.


The end result could be a decrease in prostatic growth with a possible and theoretical effect on lower urinary tract symptoms such as those developed as a result of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

Indeed, an increase in lean body mass and muscle mass with the systemic administration of nandrolone could improve body composition and augment testosterone’s effects in preventing and reversing metabolic syndrome and the risk of type 2 diabetes in hypogonadal men.

Kovac JR, Scovell J, Kim ED, et al. A positive role for anabolic androgenic steroids: preventing metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Fertil Steril 2014;102:e5. 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2014.05.010

nandrolone should be administered with testosterone to prevent ED with an eye towards regulation of a patients estradiol levels.

Pan MM, Kovac JR. Beyond testosterone cypionate: evidence behind the use of nandrolone in male health and wellness. Transl Androl Urol. 2016;5(2):213-219. doi:10.21037/tau.2016.03.03

As I read the research on nandrolone it is a pretty safe drug but the side effects it does have increase with dose. Low doses seem to work well and there should be a ratio 2:1 or even 4:1 testosterone to nandrolone. Nandrolone decanoate seems to complement testosterone well and the combination of the 2 drugs can mean lower dosages of each.

I know in the competitive bodybuilding world individual milligrams are not as important as total milligrams. So no matter what combination of drug you use the total milligrams is important. I guess the same applied with TRT if you are using a total of 150mg a week, that could also be done by using 125mg of testosterone + 25mg of nandrolone or any combination keeping the ratio from 2:1-4:1 and the total doesn't exceed 150mg. I am wondering if it might be better to use nandrolone every other week, again keeping the total weekly milligrams up.
OK, lets forget the anabolic potential for now. (Its NOT bullshit, you clearly have not much knowledge of anabolic info, but lets pretend ND has no extra anabolic potential).

So, I keep seeing the following being preached on here: "A healthy male produces 5-7mg testosterone a day"

That's 7-9mg a day or 50-63mg a week of cypionate equivalent in the best gifted teen athlete.

So the OP is taking over FIVE to SEVEN times the total mg of a gifted teen athlete (ignoring deca being more anabolic or dangerous).

5 times natural production...yes indeed in my book is a cycle. (I got my own first hand evidence. Hardgainer friends in their early 20s with no low T symptoms BLEW UP on 200mg T + 150mg NPP in 10-12 weeks.)

You appear to ignore nandrolone when calculating your total MGs. You appear to look at only the testosterone MGs and consider nandrolone to be an "add on". Your choice of words give me the impression an "add on" is harmless. You are WRONG. Add them up and see the total MGs, open your eyes. (Lets also ignore the synergy that when mixing steroids you can get results such that 1 + 1 = 3)

I truly wish your "add on" logic were true. I would run 100mg test \ 10mg npp \ 100mg tren \ 100mg substance X forever and sleep tight knowing that my T dose is "only" 100mg, everything else is an "add on".


OK, lets forget the anabolic potential for now. (Its NOT bullshit, you clearly have not much knowledge of anabolic info, but lets pretend ND has no extra anabolic potential).

That's no HRT, that's a cycle. If we look at the total equivalent anabolic potential, its like using 650mg of testosterone (Deca is 3 x Testosterone, so 200T+(3x150ND) = 650mg).

This is f***king absurd.

Your out to lunch if you think throwing in 150 mg ND with 200 mg T is equivalent to banging 650 mg T/week.


You are on the wrong forum trying to play this shit.

5 times natural production...yes indeed in my book is a cycle. (I got my own first hand evidence. Hardgainer friends in their early 20s with no low T symptoms BLEW UP on 200mg T + 150mg NPP in 10-12 weeks.)

What that shit load of water weight from the T.....LMFAO!

You are calling this a proper cycle.....give your head a shake.

Did you forget that he has been on 200 mg T/week for a f***king year and just recently added in the ND?

Think he is juicing anymore of dem gainzzz BRUH out of that top-end 200 mg trt dose 12 months

So what that is the same as a hypogonadal male jumping on 200 mg T + 150 mg ND
from the get-go.

Nuff said.

You appear to ignore nandrolone when calculating your total MGs. You appear to look at only the testosterone MGs and consider nandrolone to be an "add on". Your choice of words give me the impression an "add on" is harmless. You are WRONG. Add them up and see the total MGs, open your eyes. (Lets also ignore the synergy that when mixing steroids you can get results such that 1 + 1 = 3)

He is injecting 200 mg T + 150 mg ND.....350 mg androgens plain and simple.

As I stated previously it is a fair dose of androgens.

Nowhere near the same as banging 650 mg T/week.

You're delusional.

You appear to look at only the testosterone MGs and consider nandrolone to be an "add on". Your choice of words give me the impression an "add on" is harmless.

Never f***king stated such so do not even go there BRUH!

I truly wish your "add on" logic were true. I would run 100mg test \ 10mg npp \ 100mg tren \ 100mg substance X forever and sleep tight knowing that my T dose is "only" 100mg, everything else is an "add on".

Now we are comparing a protocol that includes 100 mg substance X let alone 100 mg TREN to nandrolone?

ND would be considered one of the mildest when it comes to lil sister knows this.

We are talking about therapeutic doses of T (100-200 mg/week) + ND (50-100 mg/week) here.

You know the so-called HRT protocol many are following let alone doctors in the know are prescribing and some highly respected ones, to say the least.

Is everyone on a cycle now?

The OP is on 200 mg T + 150 mg ND.

Again as I stated a fair dose of androgens.

Nowhere did I state this is considered HRT!

F**king rookie!

You are far better off sticking to those bum ass forums you reside on.

Hard to believe you still show your mug on here after being picked apart numerous times.

Especially after that last thread!

Thanks, but I cant believe expert @madman doesn't know this??? Every single 16 year old high school gym steroid bro knows deca is more anabolic.

Off topic, but I just want to point out that nandrolone pushes up serum...nandrolone levels. Not T levels.

But heres another fun fact, older TT tests will pick up nandrolone as T and falsely inflate the T number. Our friend @madman refers to these older tests as "piss poor" :).

EDIT: ninja'd! @readalot beat me to it.

Every single 16 year old high school gym steroid bro knows deca is more anabolic.

Maybe if you took the time to look over the numerous threads/post here I am well aware let alone have stated such.


But heres another fun fact, older TT tests will pick up nandrolone as T and falsely inflate the T number. Our friend @madman refers to these older tests as "piss poor"

I already ate and spit this shit out numerous times on here but you would have no clue from being caught up on all those other bum ass forums!

Yeah yeah, he didn't mention the assays used. Guess what, I don't care! I have been preaching this mantra for a while now, and new bloodwork keeps popping up.

This is downright embarrassing!

Would not even show my face on here after stating such!
OK, lets forget the anabolic potential for now. (Its NOT bullshit, you clearly have not much knowledge of anabolic info, but lets pretend ND has no extra anabolic potential).

So, I keep seeing the following being preached on here: "A healthy male produces 5-7mg testosterone a day"

That's 7-9mg a day or 50-63mg a week of cypionate equivalent in the best gifted teen athlete.

So the OP is taking over FIVE to SEVEN times the total mg of a gifted teen athlete (ignoring deca being more anabolic or dangerous).

5 times natural production...yes indeed in my book is a cycle. (I got my own first hand evidence. Hardgainer friends in their early 20s with no low T symptoms BLEW UP on 200mg T + 150mg NPP in 10-12 weeks.)

You appear to ignore nandrolone when calculating your total MGs. You appear to look at only the testosterone MGs and consider nandrolone to be an "add on". Your choice of words give me the impression an "add on" is harmless. You are WRONG. Add them up and see the total MGs, open your eyes. (Lets also ignore the synergy that when mixing steroids you can get results such that 1 + 1 = 3)

I truly wish your "add on" logic were true. I would run 100mg test \ 10mg npp \ 100mg tren \ 100mg substance X forever and sleep tight knowing that my T dose is "only" 100mg, everything else is an "add on".

Str8 from the CHAMPS piehole!


200-250 mg T.....who the f**K knew?

Screenshot (12731).png

Screenshot (12732).png

Better yet remember when you first came on here?

See you have been big on that blood work from the get-go and in 2022 still relying on those piss poor assays than again we know where you stand BRUH!

Yeah yeah, he didn't mention the assays used. Guess what, I don't care! I have been preaching this mantra for a while now, and new bloodwork keeps popping up.


Like I said think twice and more deeply before spewing off out that stinkhole!

We are in 2 different lanes!

0-100 real quick

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Screenshot (12737).png

I was waiting for you to bring this up, as you have numerous times before. Which is exactly the reason I stated in this very thread:

Im not being a hypocrite, I'm just calling it what it is.

If only you knew what I am using right now.....

The main thing, I know exactly what I am getting myself into, the potential harms etc.

And THATS the difference.

The OP and others using high doses of T + ND have no clue what they are getting themselves into, the potential harms to their CVS, possibly shaving years of their life.

People are free to do what they will (including myself), as long as they know the repercussions. You are falsely giving people the impression there are none, and therein lies the problem.
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I was waiting for you to bring this up, as you have numerous times before. Which is exactly the reason I stated in this very thread:

If only you knew what I am using right now.....

The main thing, I know exactly what I am getting myself into, the potential harms etc.

And THATS the difference.

The OP and others using high doses of T + ND have no clue what they are getting themselves into, the potential harms to their CVS, possibly shaving years of their life.

People are free to do what they will (including myself), as long as they know the repercussions. You are falsely giving people the impression there are none, and therein lies the problem.

If only you knew what I am using right now.....

Could care less.

Wait.....200-250 mg a week testosterone serves me well 99% of the time

So let me guess you just recently decided to step on that lower dose to cover the 1% of the time.


You got burned plain and simple.

You already toasted yourself, CHUMP!

Coming from a guy bitching and whining the OP is on a high-end dose trt let alone added in ND 150 mg/week (far from an absurd dose but above what would be considered therapeutic).

Screenshot (12738).png

You are falsely giving people the impression there are none, and therein lies the problem.

If it were only true.


Everyone on the forum is well aware of where I stand when it comes to trt and I would be the last one on the forum trying to push the so-called HRT add-ons such as oxandrolone, and stanozolol, let alone jumping on the nandrolone bandwagon!

GTF outta here!

You stated.....You appear to look at only the testosterone MGs and consider nandrolone to be an "add on". Your choice of words give me the impression an "add on" is harmless.

Again for the last time CHEST BRAHHH!

Never f***king stated such so do not even go there!
I started Nandralone a few weeks ago. I take it as part of my TRT treatment along with Test cypionate. 200mgs Test/ 150mgs of Deca every week.

I've noticed a difference already in my mood. I've suffered from clinical depression and anxiety for many years.

This protocol and combo was prescribed to me by Andrew Tylander from Hormone Health and wellness at West Palm Beach Florida.( [email protected]).

Now that I'm experiencing less pain during the night, I'm sleeping better. And because I'm sleeping better, my mood is better!

I'm much more energetic and positive as well. I'm 51 years old, and have been on TRT For almost a year. Just added Deca to my regimen. I'm looking forward to achieving better health as I continue to feel better.
Did you get Deca from an MD or DO I'm a 78 years old weight lifter. That may be a stretch calling myself that. LOL
OK, lets forget the anabolic potential for now. (Its NOT bullshit, you clearly have not much knowledge of anabolic info, but lets pretend ND has no extra anabolic potential).

So, I keep seeing the following being preached on here: "A healthy male produces 5-7mg testosterone a day"

That's 7-9mg a day or 50-63mg a week of cypionate equivalent in the best gifted teen athlete.

So the OP is taking over FIVE to SEVEN times the total mg of a gifted teen athlete (ignoring deca being more anabolic or dangerous).

5 times natural production...yes indeed in my book is a cycle. (I got my own first hand evidence. Hardgainer friends in their early 20s with no low T symptoms BLEW UP on 200mg T + 150mg NPP in 10-12 weeks.)

You appear to ignore nandrolone when calculating your total MGs. You appear to look at only the testosterone MGs and consider nandrolone to be an "add on". Your choice of words give me the impression an "add on" is harmless. You are WRONG. Add them up and see the total MGs, open your eyes. (Lets also ignore the synergy that when mixing steroids you can get results such that 1 + 1 = 3)

I truly wish your "add on" logic were true. I would run 100mg test \ 10mg npp \ 100mg tren \ 100mg substance X forever and sleep tight knowing that my T dose is "only" 100mg, everything else is an "add on".
It’s not that simple as comparing mgs/day produced naturally vs injectable. For one thing, the ester reduces the amount of actual testosterone by 30 percent - this is fact. Men taking 100 mg of test cyp are really getting 70 mgs of actual testosterone. Also otjer things come into play such as the amount of albumin and shbg a person has, which binds up the testosterone and reduces the actual affinity. I’ve seen plenty of guys with high shbg that need 200 mg of testosterone per week and that onLu gets them into the mid 500s ng/dl while other lower end shbg guys will be in the 900s at half the dose. This is why many knowledgeable doctors add androgens to the protocol to lower shbg.

the OPs dose is fine for someone who experiences a lot of pain. Check out a YouTube video by dr Carlson who was a cardiologist in Florida who put people on 1cc of testosterone and nandrolone (that’s 200 mg of both) for the first month and then titrated the amount down.

Lastly, steroid doses are not calculated based on any “more times anabolic“ theories. It doesn’t work like that for any medicine. Nandrolone is 3 times more anabolic than testosterone but that does not mean someone taking 100mg of nandrolone is like taking 300mg of testosterone- at least in terms of negative effects. for example - I’m on 5 mg of Crestor, a statin, which is twice as potent as Lipitor - so yes, the effect is like taking 10 mg of Lipitor,but side effects are reduced from taking the lower dose. That’s why someone can take a therapeutic dose of nandrolone and still get many benefits which a good safety profile.
I started Nandralone a few weeks ago. I take it as part of my TRT treatment along with Test cypionate. 200mgs Test/ 150mgs of Deca every week.

I've noticed a difference already in my mood. I've suffered from clinical depression and anxiety for many years.

This protocol and combo was prescribed to me by Andrew Tylander from Hormone Health and wellness at West Palm Beach Florida.( [email protected]).

Now that I'm experiencing less pain during the night, I'm sleeping better. And because I'm sleeping better, my mood is better!

I'm much more energetic and positive as well. I'm 51 years old, and have been on TRT For almost a year. Just added Deca to my regimen. I'm looking forward to achieving better health as I continue to feel better.
I can totally see how you would notice changes quickly. As other commenters stated, it is a high starting dose so you need to watch estradiol and hematocrit carefully and get checked again (or lower the dose) in a month to make sure you are not headed for issues. Good luck,and I’m glad you are feeling better. The nandrolone/ testosterone combination has done wonders for me and sounds like you are off to a great start.
It’s not that simple as comparing mgs/day produced naturally vs injectable. For one thing, the ester reduces the amount of actual testosterone by 30 percent - this is fact.

Yes, 100% true. If you bothered to look closely at my figures you will find I have already taken them into account. I even used the tern "cypionate equivalent".

Nandrolone is 3 times more anabolic than testosterone but that does not mean someone taking 100mg of nandrolone is like taking 300mg of testosterone- at least in terms of negative effects.

Again, you are 100% right. My mistake. Nandrolone is not 3 times more damaging to cells... It was shown to be potentially ELEVEN times more damaging (in a lab).

Summary for those without access or the time to read the full text:

Things like the above have been posted numerous times. Search for them.
Yes, 100% true. If you bothered to look closely at my figures you will find I have already taken them into account. I even used the tern "cypionate equivalent".

Again, you are 100% right. My mistake. Nandrolone is not 3 times more damaging to cells... It was shown to be potentially ELEVEN times more damaging (in a lab).

Summary for those without access or the time to read the full text:

Things like the above have been posted numerous times. Search for them.
I am very well familiar with the studies deriding nandrolone as being 11x more damaging to the heart. The first one was on rabbits with supr-physiological doses in human terms. The study you posted was also a postulation by the researches - extrapolating effects on cells to “heavy long term exposure“ on the heart muscle. but no one can tell us what that means. There is a rich history of long term nandrolone use at physiological doses in the HIV / muscle wasting disease populations who ran it for decades until the FDA banned it in favor of Oxandrolone (anavar) which is way more toxic, at least to the liver, than nandrolone.

it good to be cautious but I don’t believe the negative hype. It reminds me of the old school doctors telling me that I was risking a heart attack and cancer going on therapeutic testosterone doses because of one flawed study they read. What a load of cr@p.

Regarding my own nandrolone use - I went on it for chronic joint pain. Before that, I was offered high doses of Ibuprofen, Celebrex, Medrol, and even a pain killer. So am I better taking that junk or low dose nandrolone? Or, live in pain and be miserable? I’ve made my choice and weighed the risks. I encourage others to do the same and not base the efficacy or danger of a drug based on some laboratory test - probably designed to promote fear and discourage use ( because modern medicine will rather have a person feel like garbage using “standard treatments” than god forbid use anabolic and change their life for the better.

Also, I monitor blood work using the most advanced predictor of heart disease / arterial calcification called the Cleveland Heart Lab test. It looks at inflammation markers across all vessels. I’ve been on nandrolone for over two years and had the best score my cardiologist ever saw in a patient and I’m over 50. (I know it’s not conclusive - but it’s encouraging). My personal opinion is that nandrolone’s incredible anti-inflammatory effect may have actually helped. We will never know. All I’m saying is that nandrolone should not be treated as of it were cocaine - it’s not all bad and have allowed many people to live life pain free which is a miracle for those of us stricken with injuries.
@JimGainz man, really impressed by ur responses on the subject. The only thing that concerns me about nandrolone is the talk about it being neurotoxic and messing with dopamine. What’s ur current opinion on those two supposed aspects of nandrolone? TIA
I have looked at dozens of such studies over the years and I can’t find one that I would put my faith in. All the studies were done either in animal models using super physiological doses, or in vitro on cell membranes and then postulating the effect. I just read one recently where they were thinking that Parkinson’s disease is more related to neuron created dopamine disorders from testosterone (endogenous not TRT) because it has a higher frequency in men - And then designed some test in a petri dish and said “aha look at how this testosterone changes the dopamine cell membranes.” Meanwhile we all know the negative effect on dopamine that low testosterone has.

From personal experience - going back to the 1980s when I was bodybuilding and steroids were legal and highly available- I can concur with negative dopamine effects - coming off the drugs created massive withdrawal symptoms. BUT - no one knew the proper way to come off - we stopped cold turkey - so no wonder we had issues.

My previous experience had me very leery of doing any androgens - let alone nandrolone. In my current protocol - I am on TRT full time - but I try to cycle the Nandrolone as best I can (16 weeks on, 4-6 weeks off) just to prove I can do it and give my body a little break. I hate this time off by the way - pain comes back fast. Also, personally, I am not concerned about brain damage or neurotoxicity effects at 100mg per week, which is my dose.
I have looked at dozens of such studies over the years and I can’t find one that I would put my faith in. All the studies were done either in animal models using super physiological doses, or in vitro on cell membranes and then postulating the effect. I just read one recently where they were thinking that Parkinson’s disease is more related to neuron created dopamine disorders from testosterone (endogenous not TRT) because it has a higher frequency in men - And then designed some test in a petri dish and said “aha look at how this testosterone changes the dopamine cell membranes.” Meanwhile we all know the negative effect on dopamine that low testosterone has.

From personal experience - going back to the 1980s when I was bodybuilding and steroids were legal and highly available- I can concur with negative dopamine effects - coming off the drugs created massive withdrawal symptoms. BUT - no one knew the proper way to come off - we stopped cold turkey - so no wonder we had issues.

My previous experience had me very leery of doing any androgens - let alone nandrolone. In my current protocol - I am on TRT full time - but I try to cycle the Nandrolone as best I can (16 weeks on, 4-6 weeks off) just to prove I can do it and give my body a little break. I hate this time off by the way - pain comes back fast. Also, personally, I am not concerned about brain damage or neurotoxicity effects at 100mg per week, which is my dose.
Just to be clear - in the 80s we didn’t run a a testosterone base or did, what they call today - a post cycle therapy (pct) which is taking Clomid and HCG to get your system back on line. This plus running higher doses (300 mg Nandrolone combined with something like 20 mg per day of Dbol) was a common cycle. Imagine the uptick on dopamine on that :). Today - simply adding another 50-100 mg of Nandrolone on top of TRT does not create this problem

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