Dumb question regarding ejaculation


Active Member
So this may sound weird and trolling, but I've noticed I don't shoot anymore, I ejaculate and it just drips

It's been happening for a while

What causes that? Lack of excitement? Dull orgasms?
My libido is great but ejaculate sucks. Having low volume of semen is pretty common when you’re on TRT. There is not much you can do about that.
So this may sound weird and trolling, but I've noticed I don't shoot anymore, I ejaculate and it just drips

It's been happening for a while

What causes that? Lack of excitement? Dull orgasms?
Eli you've been on TRT a long time I'm guessing? Is this a new thing or something that's been going on since you started?
My libido is great but ejaculate sucks. Having low volume of semen is pretty common when you’re on TRT. There is not much you can do about that.

Eli you've been on TRT a long time I'm guessing? Is this a new thing or something that's been going on since you started?

Long time, it's nothing new
The only time I shot was when I was on cream scrotal
It's not about the volume honestly, it's about that it doesn't shoot out like before. Hahahah weird but it is what it is
The only time I shot was when I was on cream scrotal

Perhaps its like proviron. Same DHT effect.

Personally recently, I added in a lot of zinc, 60mg a day (4 x 15mg, divided doses).

NOT subjectively, volume has increased to almost original and is back to being thick and cloudy and white (75-80% as good as original, some minor clear parts if I analyse it)

It had turned almost completely clear \ watery weeks ago when I dropped my cypionate dose from 250mg/week to 10mg daily (why????) A girl I was with commented "theres not a lot" and "why is it clear". I was really upset. Thankfully zinc appears to have mitigated this (for me). I am testing by alternating the zinc at weekly intervals and its def the zinc (for me).
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I think that semen volume and ejaculatory force is very much tied to DHT levels.

Although having healthy T/DHT levels is critical there is much more going on when it comes to reduced semen volume/weak ejaculation.

Aging, weakened pelvic floor muscles, ED, BPH/LUTS.

*With aging, there is a decline in sensory nerve function, weakening of pelvic floor muscles, and diminished reproductive gland fluid production.

*The pelvic floor muscles play a key role in ejaculation

This entry is a long-overdue response to a request that I cover the topics of absent ejaculation and inability to orgasm.

It is important to make the distinction between ejaculation and orgasm: Ejaculation is the physical act of contraction of the pelvic floor muscles and expulsion of semen, whereas orgasm is the associated feeling of pleasure that usually accompanies ejaculation. The two are not the same, although the terms are often used synonymously. Ejaculation takes place in the genitals, orgasm in the mind. It is entirely possible to ejaculate without experiencing an orgasm and to orgasm without ejaculating. The ideal situation is when the two components are perfectly aligned when they go “hand in hand.” (Cute, right?)

Just Right

In the perfect world, ejaculation and orgasm are “just right,” meaning occurring on a timely basis (not too rapidly nor too slowly), nor too meekly, nor absent. Problems with ejaculation and orgasm include the following: rapid ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, absent ejaculation, skimpy ejaculation, weak ejaculation, diminished ejaculatory sensation, lack of orgasm, and post-orgasmic illness syndrome (POIS). Some would refer to these issues as “jizasters.”

Although rapid ejaculation is typically a problem of younger men, many of the other ejaculation issues correlate with aging, weight gain, the presence of lower urinary tract symptoms due to prostate enlargement, and erectile dysfunction. With aging, there is a decline in sensory nerve function, weakening of pelvic floor muscles, and diminished reproductive gland fluid production. Furthermore, medications and surgery used to treat prostate issues may profoundly affect ejaculation.

*Rapid ejaculation

*Delayed ejaculation

*Skimpy ejaculation

Skimpy ejaculatory volume is common with aging as the reproductive organs “dry out” to some extent. It also occurs commonly with prostate medications that either reduce reproductive gland secretions (Finasteride and Dutasteride) and/or cause the semen to be ejaculated backward (retrograde ejaculation–I like to use the term “injaculation”) into the urinary bladder (Flomax, Uroxatral, Rapaflo, etc.). Even though ejaculation is backward, sensation tends to be unchanged. Surgery for benign enlargement of the prostate (Greenlight laser, transurethral prostatectomy, etc.) often gives rise to retrograde ejaculation. This is not harmful to one’s health and whatever semen is released will be urinated out. Radiation therapy to the prostate can also cause diminished ejaculation.

*Weak ejaculation

Young men can often forcefully ejaculate a substantial volume of semen in an arc that may be several feet in length, associated with an intense orgasm. The aging male typically has a more lackluster experience with a smaller volume of semen weakly dribbling out of the penis. Weak ejaculation clearly correlates with aging, weakened pelvic floor muscles, and erectile dysfunction.

*Absent ejaculation


*Post-orgasmic illness syndrome

Optimizing Ejaculation and Orgasm

  1. Healthy lifestyle: Wholesome and nutritious eating habits and maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, adequate sleep, alcohol in moderation, avoidance of tobacco, and stress management will help keep all organs and tissues functioning well, including one’s ejaculatory “apparatus.”
  2. Pelvic floor muscle training: The pelvic floor muscles play a key role in ejaculation. The bulbocavernosus muscle engages when one has an erection and becomes maximally active at the time of ejaculation. It is a compressor muscle that surrounds the spongy erectile tissue that envelops the urethra and contracts rhythmically at the time of ejaculation, sending wave-like pulsations rippling down the urethra to forcibly propel semen, providing the power behind ejaculation. Pelvic floor muscle training can help one control the timing of ejaculation as well as enable forceful ejaculation. Readers are directed to the Male Pelvic Fitness book and PelvicRx DVD as excellent resources for learning how to properly pursue pelvic floor muscle training.
  3. Breathe deeply and slowly: During sexual activity, there is a tendency for shallow and rapid breathing and breath-holding because of excitement and increasing sexual tension. Depth and rhythm of breathing may affect ejaculation with deep, full breaths optimal.
  4. Stay sexually active: All body parts need to be used on a regular basis, including our reproductive organs. Keep the erectile and ejaculatory muscles fit by using them as nature intended. Use it or lose it!
Think of how many aging men end up with BPH/LUTS let alone have weakened pelvic floor muscles.

*When the intensity and duration of sexual stimulation surpasses a threshold, emission occurs, in which secretions from the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, epididymis, and vas deferens are deposited into the urethra within the prostate gland. During ejaculation the pelvic floor muscles contract rhythmically, sending wave-like contractions rippling down the urethra to forcibly propel the semen in a pulsating and explosive eruption

*The process of emission and ejaculation is actually a very complex and highly coordinated neurological event involving several specific centers in the brain (amygdala, thalamus, and other areas), spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system

*Less than 5% of the volume of semen is actually sperm and the other 95+% is a cocktail of genital juices that provides nourishment, support, and safekeeping for sperm. 70% of the volume comes from the seminal vesicles, which secrete a thick, viscous fluid, and 25% from the prostate gland, which produces a milky-white fluid. A negligible amount is from the bulbo-urethral glands, which release a clear viscous fluid (pre-come) that has a lubrication function

*The average ejaculate volume is 2-5 cc (one teaspoon is the equivalent of 5 cc)

As men get older, there are changes in the reproductive organs, particularly the prostate gland, one of the few organs in the body that enlarges with age.

The aging prostate and seminal vesicles produce less fluid; additionally, the ducts that drain the genital fluids can become clogged. In many ways, the changes in ejaculation parallel the changes in urination experienced by the aging male

The pelvic floor muscles play a key role in ejaculation. The bulbocavernosus muscle (BC) is the motor of ejaculation, which supplies the “horsepower.” The BC surrounds the inner, deepest portion of the urinary channel. It is a compressor muscle that during sex engorges the spongy erection chamber that surrounds the urethra and engorges the head of the penis. At the time of climax, the BC expels semen by virtue of its strong rhythmic contractions, allowing ejaculation to occur and contributing to orgasm

Ejaculation: What to Expect As You Age

There is little written on ejaculatory issues aside from timing problems (premature and delayed ejaculation) and hematospermia (blood in the semen). However, not a day goes by in my urology practice where I do not see at least several patients who complain about declining ejaculation function.

What does the word ejaculation mean?

Ejaculation derives from ex, meaning out + jaculari, meaning to throw, shoot, hurl, cast.

Trivia: You do not need an erection to ejaculate and achieve an orgasm. A limp penis cannot penetrate but is very capable of ejaculation and orgasm.

What happens to ejaculations as we age?

Ejaculation and orgasm often become less intense, with diminished force, trajectory and volume.
What was once an intense climax with a substantial volume of semen that could be forcefully ejaculated gives way to a lackluster experience with a small volume of semen weakly dribbled out the penis.

So what’s the big deal?

Men don’t like meager, lackadaisical-quality ejaculations and orgasms. Sex is important to many of us and getting a good quality rigid erection is foremost, but the culmination—ejaculation and orgasm—is equally vital. We may be 40 or 50 years old, but we still want to point and shoot like we did when we were 20. As the word origin indicates, we want to be able to shoot out, hurl or cast like an Olympian and we want that intensely pleasurable feeling of yesteryear.

The science of ejaculation

The sexual climax consists of three phases—emission, ejaculation, and orgasm. When the intensity and duration of sexual stimulation surpasses a threshold, emission occurs, in which secretions from the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, epididymis, and vas deferens are deposited into the urethra within the prostate gland. During ejaculation the pelvic floor muscles contract rhythmically, sending wave-like contractions rippling down the urethra to forcibly propel the semen in a pulsating and explosive eruption. Orgasm is the intense emotional excitement that accompanies the physical act of ejaculation.

Big head versus little head

An ejaculation is an event that takes place in the penis; orgasm occurs in the brain.
The process of emission and ejaculation is actually a very complex and highly coordinated neurological event involving several specific centers in the brain (amygdala, thalamus, and other areas), spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system.

What makes up the love juices?

Less than 5% of the volume of semen is actually sperm and the other 95+% is a cocktail of genital juices that provides nourishment, support, and safekeeping for sperm. 70% of the volume comes from the seminal vesicles, which secrete a thick, viscous fluid, and 25% from the prostate gland, which produces a milky-white fluid. A negligible amount is from the bulbo-urethral glands, which release a clear viscous fluid (pre-come) that has a lubrication function.

What’s normal volume?

The average ejaculate volume is 2-5 cc (one teaspoon is the equivalent of 5 cc).
While a huge ejaculatory load sounds like a good thing, in reality, it can cause infertility. The sperm can literally “drown” in the excessive seminal fluid.

Why does the seminal tank dry with aging?

As men get older, there are changes in the reproductive organs, particularly the prostate gland, one of the few organs in the body that enlarges with age.
The aging prostate and seminal vesicles produce less fluid; additionally the ducts that drain the genital fluids can become clogged. In many ways, the changes in ejaculation parallel the changes in urination experienced by the aging male. Certain medications that are used to treat prostate enlargement profoundly affect ejaculatory volume. Additionally, the pelvic floor muscles—which play a vital role in ejaculation—weaken with aging.

What about the pelvic floor muscles?

The pelvic floor muscles play a key role in ejaculation. The bulbocavernosus muscle (BC) is the motor of ejaculation, which supplies the “horsepower.” The BC surrounds the inner, deepest portion of the urinary channel. It is a compressor muscle that during sex engorges the spongy erection chamber that surrounds the urethra and engorges the head of the penis. At the time of climax, the BC expels semen by virtue of its strong rhythmic contractions, allowing ejaculation to occur and contributing to orgasm.
A weakened BC muscle may result in semen dribbling with diminished force or trajectory, whereas a strong BC can generate powerful contractions that can forcibly ejaculate semen at the time of climax.

How to get the juices flowing again?

Pelvic floor muscle training can be a useful tool to improve ejaculation. The stronger the BC, the higher the ejaculatory horsepower and the better the capacity for engorgement of the erection chamber that envelopes the urethra, resulting in optimized urethral pressurization and ejaculation. The intensified ejaculation resulting from a robust BC can enhance the orgasm that accompanies the physical act of ejaculation.
Fantastic compendium of very interesting topics, madman!

Most guys do not fully understand the difference between emission and ejaculation. Emission can be an absolute mind-blowing portion of the orgasm. I had a semi-awake wet dream once recently where the onset of the orgasm was this wonderful, prolonged emission that went on for like 30 seconds -- way, way longer than occurs when I am completely lucid. It felt like pouring water from a jug into another vessel. And then the blasting began. The prolonged emission phase must have really filled the tanks because boy did a lot come out.
Personally recently, I added in a lot of zinc, 60mg a day (4 x 15mg, divided doses).
Maybe a bit much?
One error in this piece is the stated figure of zinc loss in ejaculate. We calculated it to be more like 0.5 mg.
So this may sound weird and trolling, but I've noticed I don't shoot anymore, I ejaculate and it just drips

It's been happening for a while

What causes that? Lack of excitement? Dull orgasms?
I’ve been on TRT for ten years and I ejaculate a large volume. I always have and TRT hasn’t changed that.
I am 50 years old on TRT and noticed less fluid and intensity in feeing ejaculate. Besides doing pelvic floor muscle exercise, would zinc help? And if so, what strength and amount should I take? Thank you!
Aging represents a challenge to all who liked their robust sex life in younger years as they age. There may be some therapies that offer additional benefits not discussed so far in this thread. Recently, I had a P shot. P shots are shorthand for Penis shot or Priapus shot. Developed by Dr. Charles Runnels, it is an adaption of Platelet rich plasma therapy (similar to what orthopedists have used for years on patients for better healing) and was also recently given to Tiger Woods following his car injuries for better healing. There is NOT a lot of data regarding P shots yet, although they are working on several studies in centers around the country giving these shots. They have some possibility in helping regrow new blood vessels, and nerve support, and normal tissue growth. They hold out the possibility of a number of benefits, from girth enlargement, length enlargement, but especially improved penile sensitivity, improvement of ED, lessening or eliminating dependency on ED meds, and MORE POWERFUL ORGASMS. Needles to say since it is using your own blood product, and reinfected back into your penis with a small insulin needle, I was up for giving it try. Its been about 3 months, and so far, there is no question, I have increased girth. significantly increased girth especially on erection. I have perhaps a little less dependency on ED meds, (lower doses work as well as higher doses before) and the penile sensitivity is also much improved. I have some issues with prolonged orgasms, and still do, but when they do happen, generally they are very good, improved from before the P Shot. I have other issues with delayed orgasm that is still there, but everything else is definitely better. They are expensive, about ($1,900) and they do want you to use a penis pump twice a day for 8 weeks trying to get up to 10lbs of vacuum so that you create micro tears in the lining of the vessels so that all the protein rich platelets can attach and do their healing. I have seen enough improvement, and will likely try another in the next few months. Its worth considering, its one of the few therapies that likely help roll the clock back a little on your best friend.
TRT can decrease ejaculate volume


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