Estradiol and Social Anxiety


New Member

I hope all is well.

I know that testosterone plays a significant role in the production and regulation of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, GABA etcetera. If testosterone levels are low for an individuals physiological state then this can ofcourse cause social anxiety symptoms.

My question is in can low or high E2 cause social anxiety symptoms independent of testosterone levels?

From other forums (will not mention) it seems low E2 can cause social anxiety for some individuals. As estrogen is linked with serotonin production it makes sense that deficient levels could cause social anxiety and unwanted nervousness.

I would be grateful to hear everyone elses experiences in regards to E2 and social anxiety. It will be quite interesting to get more knowledge of this. Please kindly use the following format shown below.

Cause: Low E2 or High E2 (Either one or both if applicable).
Symptoms: Difficulty making eye contact, anxiety in crowded places etcetera. (This is just an example of social anxiety symptoms, please do share your specific ones if applicable).

Thank you.
Individuals with SAD have higher serotonin not lower Individuals with social phobia have too much serotonin -- not too little
Cause: Low or high E2
Symptoms: No difference in my social anxiety, higher E2 racing mind and more libido, lower E2 better cognition less water retention, very low E2 joints pain and fatigue no libido

Cause:very high or high normal P4
Symptoms: more social anxiety due to high amygdala activation, high normal P4 better sleep calm much more social minimal anxiety

Cause: too low or too high P5
Sympotms: too low P5 more general anxiety, too high P5 no social anxiety symptoms at all very social, over stimulation,insomnia, after 3 weeks all symptoms returned back
Hi everyone! New member here. I am trying to figure this out as well. I am on trt 125 mg week dosage split into two injections (no hcg, no ai) and I was thinking if I would benefit from an ai usage with respect to my social anxiety which is still high. I am also on cymbalta 60 mg every night and it doesn't help that much so it's interesting that more serotonin can cause more social anxiety to some individuals. Has someone found a solution?
Hi everyone! New member here. I am trying to figure this out as well. I am on trt 125 mg week dosage split into two injections (no hcg, no ai) and I was thinking if I would benefit from an ai usage with respect to my social anxiety which is still high. I am also on cymbalta 60 mg every night and it doesn't help that much so it's interesting that more serotonin can cause more social anxiety to some individuals. Has someone found a solution?
I am using androsterone it lowers estrogen, its gaba antagonist and raises DHT. It works very well for my social anxiety.
I am using androsterone it lowers estrogen, its gaba antagonist and raises DHT. It works very well for my social anxiety.
Androsterone is a very powerful androgen. I’m curious if my use of it led to altering my aromatase in a negative way as I aromatize at about 1/3-1/2 of what is generally accepted here as a suitable ratio of serum t:e2.

physiological amounts of dht created daily is around 150-900 mcg. I cannot seam to find any info to calculate a range of androsterone to then be able to have the proper replacement dose idea.

I’m not saying it doesn’t have a place, but it potentially will negatively impact men that have normal aromatization. also physiological dosing needs to be figured out.

Also, with normal rate of t to dht conversion also increases likelihood for androsterone levels to be solid.

One can also replace dht directly.

maybe a combination of proper low dose dht and androsterone if we can find the correct dose will be better than one or the other.

cool to see someone else who has used androsterone
Androsterone is a very powerful androgen. I’m curious if my use of it led to altering my aromatase in a negative way as I aromatize at about 1/3-1/2 of what is generally accepted here as a suitable ratio of serum t:e2.

physiological amounts of dht created daily is around 150-900 mcg. I cannot seam to find any info to calculate a range of androsterone to then be able to have the proper replacement dose idea.

I’m not saying it doesn’t have a place, but it potentially will negatively impact men that have normal aromatization. also physiological dosing needs to be figured out.

Also, with normal rate of t to dht conversion also increases likelihood for androsterone levels to be solid.

One can also replace dht directly.

maybe a combination of proper low dose dht and androsterone if we can find the correct dose will be better than one or the other.

cool to see someone else who has used androsterone
I agree with you is very powerful androgen. Im using only 1mg trans scrotal daily anything more makes me too relaxed and lazy.
I agree with you is very powerful androgen. Im using only 1mg trans scrotal daily anything more makes me too relaxed and lazy.
Have you tried psychiatric medicines. I have taken a dozen of them and they either make me feel worse or slightly better but with many unwanted side effects at the same time, so I want to come off of them. Now I am on cymbalta 60 mg(I was on 120 mg before) plus the trt(just testosterone enanthate 125 mg per week split into two injections) . Do you use anything else aside from testosterone and androsterone as part of your trt protocol. I have brain fog and my anxiety is more mental than physical.
@Billy7 and @manliness1

Have you tried pregnenolone or progesterone supplementation?
How is your caffeine intake?
Are you worrying about something when you have anxiety?
How do you sleep?

Estradiol is not a stimulating hormone. I do not see any of you mentioning your testosterone and sensitive estradiol test results either.
Thanks for the reply! To be honest I haven't tried pregnenolone or progesterone yet. I will have my hormonal bloodwork next week, unfortunately in my country neither e2 sensitive nor pregnenolone tests are available. Also hcg is out of stock.My total testosterone last time I checked it was 1100 ng/dl the day before my injection and my shbg is quite low around 17 so my free testosterone is probably even higher. I am a coffee drinker (I consume around 400 mg caffeine a day) I definitely have to reduce it (it helps though with cymbalta fatigue). My sleep is not good because I have stopped many psychiatric medicines in the span of the last few months so it's normal in most cases to give you some rebound insomnia (in my case I fall asleep very easily but I manage to get 5-6 hours of sleep most of the days). My anxiety is mostly mental (for example I can't concentrate well when having a conversation with someone). Weird thing is that I was abusing anabolic steroids in the past (I have used as much as 1 gram of testosterone per week without ai and I never had anxiety or something like that) so I think you are right it's not the high e2 I guess that causes anxiety. The only steroids that caused some anxiety back then but very little were trenbolone and boldenone.I was thinking to start using progesterone cream every night (after I have my levels checked) and 25 mg twice a day proviron that helps with cognitive function. Do you think that if my progesterone is low (which was last time) it might help with anxiety and sleep. Thanks in advance!
Have you tried psychiatric medicines. I have taken a dozen of them and they either make me feel worse or slightly better but with many unwanted side effects at the same time, so I want to come off of them. Now I am on cymbalta 60 mg(I was on 120 mg before) plus the trt(just testosterone enanthate 125 mg per week split into two injections) . Do you use anything else aside from testosterone and androsterone as part of your trt protocol. I have brain fog and my anxiety is more mental than physical.
In the past I've tried SSRIs, benzodiazepines, betablockers, herbs and felt felt numb and indifferent. The only herb what worked very well was St John's wort (natural SSNRI) but also had side effects like photo sensitivity and insomnia. Additionally I only take progesterone before sleep, DHEA+NDT in the morning and pregenonlone as needed to reduce stress.
Do you think that if my progesterone is low (which was last time) it might help with anxiety and sleep.
Progesterone act like natural benzo so it should help you with anxiety and calm you down. You have to play with dosage though too much it wakes me up so start low. Progesterone cream also builds up into skin making very long half life, sublingual works shorter but stronger in my experience.
@Billy7 and @manliness1

Have you tried pregnenolone or progesterone supplementation?
How is your caffeine intake?
Are you worrying about something when you have anxiety?
How do you sleep?

Estradiol is not a stimulating hormone. I do not see any of you mentioning your testosterone and sensitive estradiol test results either.
Hi Nelson,

I'm not on TRT but I'm very passionate on the topic of male hormone optimization and hence I made the thread to gain some knowledge on anxiety and E2 and also benefit other readers too.

In my case I have had varying levels of social anxiety which was caused by dopamine receptor issues and have resolved almost completely.

I have noticed though that when I consistently took a multivitamin which had 1 mg of copper, I started waking up feeling nervousness, jittery, a racing heart and not feeling physically calm. I would just walk in my house doing usual things and feel nervousness, increased heart rate and so forth. I have no mental worries whatsoever, it's only physical symptoms that just occured for no reason. This resolved after taking 25 mg Zinc Picolinate BUT after prolonged use of Zinc the nervousness feeling and anxious feelings has returned somewhat.

Per chance this could be a copper imbalance or my E2 may have lowered too much but I have no blood work to back that claim. In my case, I'll experiment and stop the Zinc for a while and see if I feel physically "calmer".
Hi Nelson,

I'm not on TRT but I'm very passionate on the topic of male hormone optimization and hence I made the thread to gain some knowledge on anxiety and E2 and also benefit other readers too.

In my case I have had varying levels of social anxiety which was caused by dopamine receptor issues and have resolved almost completely.

I have noticed though that when I consistently took a multivitamin which had 1 mg of copper, I started waking up feeling nervousness, jittery, a racing heart and not feeling physically calm. I would just walk in my house doing usual things and feel nervousness, increased heart rate and so forth. I have no mental worries whatsoever, it's only physical symptoms that just occured for no reason. This resolved after taking 25 mg Zinc Picolinate BUT after prolonged use of Zinc the nervousness feeling and anxious feelings has returned somewhat.

Per chance this could be a copper imbalance or my E2 may have lowered too much but I have no blood work to back that claim. In my case, I'll experiment and stop the Zinc for a while and see if I feel physically "calmer".
How did you resolve your dopamine receptor issue ?
How did you resolve your dopamine receptor issue ?
I refrained from PMO addiction and over time gradually the social anxiety symptoms subsided almost completely. Too much dopamine exposure over time will cause a desensitization of the dopamine receptors and lowered dopamine signalling.
Hi Nelson,

I'm not on TRT but I'm very passionate on the topic of male hormone optimization and hence I made the thread to gain some knowledge on anxiety and E2 and also benefit other readers too.

In my case I have had varying levels of social anxiety which was caused by dopamine receptor issues and have resolved almost completely.

I have noticed though that when I consistently took a multivitamin which had 1 mg of copper, I started waking up feeling nervousness, jittery, a racing heart and not feeling physically calm. I would just walk in my house doing usual things and feel nervousness, increased heart rate and so forth. I have no mental worries whatsoever, it's only physical symptoms that just occured for no reason. This resolved after taking 25 mg Zinc Picolinate BUT after prolonged use of Zinc the nervousness feeling and anxious feelings has returned somewhat.

Per chance this could be a copper imbalance or my E2 may have lowered too much but I have no blood work to back that claim. In my case, I'll experiment and stop the Zinc for a while and see if I feel physically "calmer".
I don’t think it’s possible for u to say that copper was what was causing u the issue in ur multivitamin. Imo multivitamins do more harm than good most of the time. In regards to vitamins and minerals it’s all about the forms and all about the ratios between everything. Nature and food is the only way to get things in the proper forms and ratios that works best with our bodies. U’ll never get proper ratios taking a multivitamin, and imo they do more harm than good
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I don’t think it’s possible for u to say that copper was what was causing u the issue in ur multivitamin. Imo multivitamins do more harm than good most of the time. In regards to vitamins and minerals it’s all about the forms and all about the ratios between everything. Nature and food is the only way to get things in the proper forms and ratios that works best with our bodies. U’ll never get but proper ratios taking a multivitamin, and imo they do more harm than good
I partially agree that using multivitamins may not be the absolute best approach but they have been life changing for me. After using a well known mens multivitamin my morning erections returned, I felt much better and great overall.

However, the supplement had 1 mg of copper which on top of the other foods I consume would lead to too much copper daily. I know it was copper overload that caused the anxious feelings initially because 1 day after taking Zinc Picolinate (25 mg), that anxiousness and nervousness was gone. That was not the first time I experienced that change after using the zinc. It then returned after prolonged supplementation with zinc only, pointing out that my zinc and copper ratio may have been imbalanced.

I also want to add that in this day and age it is almost impossible to get the vitamins and minerals we need from our food alone. Why? This is because the vitamin and mineral content in our foods is SIGNIFICANTLY lower than a century ago. This is due to modern agriculture methods. There is an article regarding that online and I'll pass the link if you wish to see.
I partially agree that using multivitamins may not be the absolute best approach but they have been life changing for me. After using a well known mens multivitamin my morning erections returned, I felt much better and great overall.

However, the supplement had 1 mg of copper which on top of the other foods I consume would lead to too much copper daily. I know it was copper overload that caused the anxious feelings initially because 1 day after taking Zinc Picolinate (25 mg), that anxiousness and nervousness was gone. That was not the first time I experienced that change after using the zinc. It then returned after prolonged supplementation with zinc only, pointing out that my zinc and copper ratio may have been imbalanced.

I also want to add that in this day and age it is almost impossible to get the vitamins and minerals we need from our food alone. Why? This is because the vitamin and mineral content in our foods is SIGNIFICANTLY lower than a century ago. This is due to modern agriculture methods. There is an article regarding that online and I'll pass the link if you wish to see.
Ya unfortunately there is much less vitamins and minerals in our food, it’s definitely sad. You can still get pretty much everything u need from eating organs, egg yolks, fruit, red meat, grassfed raw dairy, and fatty fish, as well as getting sunlight throughout the day. The only things u’ll really need to supplement with are magnesium, a quality sea salt and vitamin D when not enough sunlight is available

If u don’t want to eat any of these foods, and want to get most of ur vitamins and minerals through supplementing, just replace ur multivitamin with a desiccated grassfed beef liver supplement. It’s nature’s multivitamin and should give u all the benefits that ur multi is giving u, without causing u any anxiety due to ratios of certain minerals being out of whack

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