Did the Coronavirus Originate in the US?

So many conspiracy theories, so little evidence.
How can any direct observation be 'conspiracy theory' ? Who would be defending against Holocaust denial today if not for survivor video testaments? Perhaps you should consider this conversation a final opportunity secure your true history before we are all gone. Or better yet tape the video testimony of myself and others.

Instead of CT look in to cover-ups and ask Why? Those of us still alive today recall quite vividly the "convention of gays in Haiti brought AIDS here" b.s as well as the bizarre intense daily media campaign of fear mongering and disinformation. Now search for that allegation. It has already largely been erased from history. Evidence of revision is itself damning. Only so much can be attributed to coincidence before mathematical improbability defines implausibility.

Slamming the CT label on every subject which threatens to destroy the illusions so essential for the power elite is routed in the art of psychological manipulation. Perpetrators masterfully tap in to fear for ever greater control. Do humans need to be deceived to maintain functional sanity? Deception is however a pyramid scheme destined for colossal failure.

Why do you ask for "proof" from a witness when customarily veracity is established with corroboration from other witnesses? Have you tried to interview anyone at all who was there? If you establish what I've said as factual in your mind then what? How do you reconcile? The version you put forth requires ignoring history, ignoring witness accounts, ignoring tenants of epidemiology, ignores the well established motive of crime to defeat *** rights burgeoning in its infancy in a politically charged climate of fear and extreme hatred from then pillars of society. Adherence relies entirely on speculation dressed up in a clown outfit of genetic data whose sources and techniques are inadmissible in any court of law with no chain of custody on deteriorated scarce samples. It would seem that you are the one in need of defending this fantastic theory.

Carefully chosen verbiage is today being recycled from the past. That much you can verify. Just as you can verify that many of the GW Bush administrations speeches leading up to Shock and Awe were almost verbatim 3rd Reich. Or that Sec of State George Shultz enthusiastically framed the HIV as a bio-weapon: "Let's give him AIDS!"

Now as then people will rightfully conclude that getting by day to day is what matters not the mysterious origin of SARS CoV-2. Survivors will one day go about putting their lives and the planet back together but the little self-deceits they must string together will haunt them for decades.
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So much verbiage, so little said. Still waiting for something that remotely resembles evidence. In the case of the coronavirus origin, this could be science-based criticism of the reasoning used to conclude natural origins. But that takes effort and knowledge, whereas spewing baseless accusations is easy, but also grounds for being ignored and ridiculed.
I'm scared about it, we're having vitims here in Brazil too.. really scared.
If you're not in a high risk group then you should not fear too much for your personal safety. The U.S. now has the most confirmed cases, but as of yesterday these amounted to only 0.035% of the population, about one in 3,000. Better yet, the recent growth trend may be rolling over, looking more linear than exponential.

There is some evidence that the virus does less well in hotter and more humid climates, which may reduce the severity in your country.

If you have relatives who are at greater risk then do what you can to help them stay isolated during this period of uncertainty.
So much verbiage, so little said. Still waiting for something that remotely resembles evidence. In the case of the coronavirus origin, this could be science-based criticism of the reasoning used to conclude natural origins. But that takes effort and knowledge, whereas spewing baseless accusations is easy, but also grounds for being ignored and ridiculed.
It is nearly 35 years to the day that I took my friend to the mass testing site. People here are asking: "What is the origin of COVID?" The answer is, for now, it does not matter. Try and learn something from the tragedy of HIV.

At some point you and everyone else are going to have to come to terms with the state of human affairs that fostered the military application of recombinant DNA research and all that followed and continues to this day. To those naive enough to believe government claims that that this malignant research has been discontinued there is nothing else to say.

"...whereas spewing baseless accusations is easy, but also grounds for being ignored and ridiculed" strongly suggests to me a state of deeply rooted fear and denial. If you care to investigate then you will find other accounts of that bizarre and suspicious scene at the mass testing site in 1985 along with the other things I have reported. I have given first hand observations. By referring to them in this manner you appear to be placing yourself in the lowly company of holocaust deniers. Is this an improper assessment? Do you have the internal strength to suppress an emotionally charged response? Have you done sufficient soul-searching to answer honestly? Up to 50% of Americans appear to be afflicted with similar disorders. It is a curious thing. Trust that I am not here to push your buttons.

Reasonable people base their opinions on a preponderance of evidence. To put all of one's faith in a handful of scientific papers without thoroughly back-checking is bad science as is accepting conclusions that fail to account for real world observations. Good detectives often find that the correct answer is an unexpected combination of the possible solutions.

My message to the community is do not squander your energy on reading papers to determine the origins of this virus. Find answers in the HIV experience. Consider COVID to be a personal and collective challenge from your creator, the universe or the planets to evolve or die.
The consensus among experts researching the virus places the beginning of its spread at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, China.
Not true. There is no scientific consensus that patient 0 was infected at the seafood market. Claiming it is so is politically motivated.

Cherry-picking studies in an attempt to prove a point is contrary to the theme of this forum. The origin of SARS-CoV-2 can not be approached in the same way that the benefits of a supplement can simply because it is not possible to dismiss the reality of political agendas bio-weapon research, strings attached to funding and historical crimes which are fact through admission.

90 days in to this the disinformation machine is already hard at work.

["The consensus among experts placed the beginning of the spread of HIV to a convention of gays in Haiti". "Then they moved on to green monkeys."]

You chose to call this "political" incitement without even considering the possibility that the words are actually true historical quotes.

Historical revisionism is repugnant. Perhaps you engage in it because you are unable to imagine a moment in history when it was much easier to deceive the public. Representing yourself as an objective thinker when you are actually narrow minded and uninformed isn't cool. Especially not here.

Haiti convention was your "experts" speaking when GRID (HIV) first made headlines.

Who were these "experts" speaking to in 1983-4?
A gullible god-fearing public who, thanks to the profound right wing agenda prevalent at the time, were more than willing to blame homosexuals for this judgement sent by their deity.

In 1983 very few Americans understood that this "vile homosexual activist community" actually consisted of their very own sons, spouses, co-workers and clergy. This lack of understanding on the faces to be detested made it making it quite easy for evil-doers to paint villains congregating at a convention in Haiti.

Later, when the absurdity of that claim became difficult to avoid the "experts" switched to "green monkeys" .

The purpose of HIV "expert" revelations has never been anything other but an agenda to deflect attention away from the fact that the virus mysteriously surfaced simultaneously in three major homosexual communities confounding epidemiologists.

The furious campaign of disinformation which immediately and simultaneously surfaced with national disclosure of horrific death sweeping through *** communities demonstrates that the disinformation machine was pre-conceived.

Relentless propaganda pounded the airwaves for more than a year. It took many forms such as dispensing muddled statistics from two different viruses on two continents, dismissal of inquiries about disappeared serum control samples from the NYC *** hepatitis vaccine trials and on and on and on.

Not withstanding the fact that there is absolutely not any scientific consensus whatsoever as to who coronavirus patient 0 actually was your mind refuses to accept the fact that "experts" rely on funding that flows to researchers who march in time to the tune of the propaganda machine. POTUS is the terminal output. Look at what he has said!

Do you deny that the U.S. government injected citizens with plutonium and other noxious agents without their knowledge or consent? Or that it knowingly denied antibiotics for syphilis to Americans of color while pretending to treat them for years "just to see what happens"? Or that it conducted occult vaccine tests off-shore which were grossly unethical? Or that the U.S. gave birth to eugenics and genetic hygiene? What more proof does anyone need that dangerous organized well funded genocidal militant extensions of political extremists exist?

It is not necessary to adhere to either a natural history or a weaponized-only theory for the origin of HIV. Nor is it scientifically reasonable to view it as a single epidemic that spread around the world. Natural viruses can be harvested the injected in to target populations. The historical fact of the intensive disinformation campaign is damning all by itself.

Any reasonable person must consider all that has gone before if they are to digest reports from today's pandemic "experts" objectively.

I promote reasonable discussion about the highly relevant history of HIV not a theory about intentional release of a weaponized agent as the cause of the COVID pandemic because the same disinformation machinery with "expert" reports is proving no different than what has come before.

Your inability to respond in any meaningful way to the historical facts presented as a means of encouraging others to question "experts" is disheartening. You engage in the well known and lowly tactic of slamming with the 'conspiracy label theory' as if your purpose on the forum is little more than to dissuade critical thinking and discussion. Is this true or are you merely a victim of your own delusions?
More highlights from what was published in Nature.
SARS-CoV-2 need not have been GMO or intentionally or accidentally released to have a relationship with bio-weapon research. The article offers nothing but speculation.

Professor Kim Woo-joo from Korea University Guro Hospital speaks the truth about how masks, widespread testing and containment and saved lives while the U.S. gov sat back and did nothing while lying about everything including the importance of everyone wearing a mask.
If POTUS is the terminal output then who or what is the face of the killer machine feeding the lies?
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I await your listing of all the opposing, published, peer-reviewed studies.

You were offered a few questions but are apparently not up to the challenge to speak to a single one of them.

You are the one claiming to be in possession of credible published peer reviewed studies which you allege conclusively prove the origin of a virus to the exclusion of all other theories.
You alone need to post these links. No such studies, even if it existed, speak to how the alleged bat jumping or monkey-jumping viruses ended up in patient 0. Never will happen.

What we do have for COVID is a pile of mounting deceit, disinformation and truckloads of evidence that many will die needlessly for the same reasons HIV took so many lives.

Nearly 50% of Americans are similarly afflicted, blind if not fanatic adherents to dogma.

I await your awakening, deprogramming or resignation from whatever assignment you may have which calls for denigration via "conspiracy theory" slamming.

Tune in to Fox news, get a good seat on the fear and comfort see-saw. Then go back to sleep.
There's an interesting story suggesting a natural virus under study escaped from the Wuhan lab. The evidence doesn't seem too strong at this point.

The sources believe the initial transmission of the virus – a naturally occurring strain that was being studied there – was bat-to-human and that "patient zero" worked at the laboratory, then went into the population in Wuhan.
The “increasing confidence” comes from classified and open-source documents and evidence, the sources said. Fox News has requested to see the evidence directly. Sources emphasized -- as is often the case with intelligence -- that it’s not definitive and should not be characterized as such. Some inside the administration and the intelligence and epidemiological communities are more skeptical, and the investigation is continuing.
What all of the sources agree about is the extensive cover-up of data and information about COVID-19 orchestrated by the Chinese government.
Oh my a cover-up! Imagine that! I was kind of enjoying the bat cave stuff. We now know a bat flew out to dine when she encountered a rare micro vortex which sucked her high up in to the stratosphere where she was instantly frozen solid then, as coincidence would have it, caught up in a freak polar tunnel vortex excursion. In less than five hours she was whisked 1000 miles before drop from the sky shattering in front of a starving Wuhan youth who was grateful for the bounty of protein rich bat-sicles which he took home to share.
One year later here we are facing what I predicted which is that the lies will catch up with themselves. So here's to all that were swallowing last year's b.s hook line and sinker. The only disappoint I have is in their not yet announcing discovery in a freezer somewhere of shards from the Bat-cicle that fell from the sky or having identified the starving kid who scavenged them to become the alleged patient zero. No worry, history shows that they typically wait 10 or more years to announce the find.
I have one thing to add. Anyone who has half a brain, now after everything we have seen this past year, should be able to discern that the US government and the media are not to be trusted. If you follow them blindly you are a fool.
The virus was most probably already propagating worldwide when it was noticed in Wuhan. Antibodies to it were detected in US blood donations 13-16 December 2019:
Covid-19 was already in US in December 2019 which means these people were infected beginning of December or earlier.

Most probably we will never know where the virus "originated".

China is guilty of suppressing the information when they already knew about the problem in Wuhan. Then notified WHO later on December 31, 2019. It is sensible that the virus will bee first noticed in a densely populated area like China, although by that time it may have been all over the world but still unnoticed.

WHO are guilty of downplaying the threat - they were stubbornly denying it could cause a pandemic and "advised" countries to not lock borders. Countries are guilty of listening to incompetent medical bureaucrats like WHO. The same WHO later was denying that the virus was air-born and a large group of medical doctors had to write an open letter to WHO to point that data clearly indicates it transmits by air.

CDC were guilty of creating the illusion that rags on face i.e. "masks" stop an airborn virus and downplaying the importance of keeping distance from people. They finally corrected that in the last few months.

In short, this virus clearly exposes the inherent stupidity of humanity in general and of medical organizations in particular. They just don't use their brain often.

At the same time, we had great achievements of real science - the Phizer and Moderna vaccines.
I understand what you mean buy "great achievements". However, we have all seen what Pharma and Biotechs have done in the past is not all good for us. In about 10 years, we will know if the people who got these injections will have benefited from them.
I understand what you mean buy "great achievements". However, we have all seen what Pharma and Biotechs have done in the past is not all good for us. In about 10 years, we will know if the people who got these injections will have benefited from them.
Published works are convincing that mRNA vaccines are safe. No mode of permanent harm has been described. It does not interact with cellular DNA they say.

I overcame my lack of trust and completed both doses of vaccine knowing that SARS-CoV-2 is highly capable of inflicting permanent harm including that to the reproductive system even in those young males who show few or no systems.

No one can promise that anything injected is 100% safe. People need to make their own decisions after reviewing the scholarly papers. What is disturbing is those who are vaccine hesitant as a result of nonsense and disinformation they read on social media.

As for the above mention of "antibodies were discovered in the blood samples way back..." Horsepucky. This is exactly what I warn of. The serum antibody test is notoriously inaccurate for SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Published works are convincing that mRNA vaccines are safe. No mode of permanent harm has been described. It does not interact with cellular DNA they say.

I overcame my lack of trust and completed both doses of vaccine knowing that SARS-CoV-2 is highly capable of inflicting permanent harm including that to the reproductive system even in those young males who show few or no systems.

No one can promise that anything injected is 100% safe. People need to make their own decisions after reviewing the scholarly papers. What is disturbing is those who are vaccine hesitant as a result of nonsense and disinformation they read on social media.

As for the above mention of "antibodies were discovered in the blood samples way back..." Horsepucky. This is exactly what I warn of. The serum antibody test is notoriously inaccurate for SARS-CoV-2 infection.
The 2 words in bold are the ones we need to validate with more experience. Unfortunately experience comes with time. So as we all know.....only time will tell.

More food for thought. Do we think "scholarly papers" are not influenced by corrupt governements and so called - "higher learning institutions" who have clearly been molding young minds in the image of their heroes?
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