At wits end with ED problems

As others have stated, your dose is probably too high with that low of SHBG. Mine is around 24 and I've been in a process of lowering my dose and reassessing every 6 weeks. I'm currently at 90mg, which I think might be too low for me.
My personal experience is when my Free T is too high, I get ED. I am low SHBG too. Your Free T is really high. Have you considered lowering your dose? Also, try losing the AI. AI plays havoc with my libido and erections.
Hey man whatever you decide to do make sure you make small Incremental changes. Be sure to look up the half-life of all the stuff that you’re using and understand how long it takes to reach a steady state in your body for each of those drugs. I think some of the important things to look at for erectile dysfunction is estrogen. Maybe leave everything the same and lower your testosterone does a bit and if it were myself I would drop the hCG. I would drop it only until I get the ED fixed get the labs make sure you’re cruising well and then add the hCG back in at a very low dose. You could try dropping The hCG right now as it does aromatize a bit more in quicker than the testosterone will. I think some important things for you to do is to start writing down everything every day dosages where you’re at the amounts that you’re taking and keep a detailed log you have to know where you’re at and you have to know where you’re going and where you want to be in order for you to be successful with this I think guys make it a lot harder than it Has to be chasing numbers when you want to really chase how you feel.
My personal experience is when my Free T is too high, I get ED. I am low SHBG too. Your Free T is really high. Have you considered lowering your dose? Also, try losing the AI. AI plays havoc with my libido and erections.

How do u know it’s ur high free T causing the ED and not high free E2? Just curious

Well u said when ur free T gets too high u get ED, guess u didn’t specify why the ED occurs. Would u assume that it’s from high free E2?
your E2 is probably way too high for you and free e2. I would also recheck your prolactin on your current protocol. your dosage is probably too high as well. I had some success as a low shbg guy so far recently, you can look at my recent thread. Time will tell if it will last, but right now not feeling bad other than the cialis body aches and lethargy.

you posted dosages but not labs.....
So i am just waiting on e2 ultrasensitive to come back but heres the rest....Thoughts? I lowered my dose to 9mL test cyp EOD which works out to 36mg EOD if im saying this right and i am going to stick to this. Also, still doing 300IU HCG e3.5 days but dont know if low SHBG i should do more often.

Prolactin, Free T4 look low...not sure your thoughts on Free vs Total. FYI this was on the day of my injection while i have been doing EOD. Had the test Friday at 11am and last time i injected was Wednesday around 8am.


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You mean .09ml.

These lab results were from when you were on 52mg EOD, right?
Whoops yes and that is correct. I did my first at .18ML yesterday and due to do again tomorrow. I know I'm also due to donate blood. But ferritin is already low. Thoughts on the rest?
Ok so you're .18ml (36mg) EOD now. That will help.

IMO, your current test & hcg doses make more sense now. Will be interesting to see your E2 (when available) on these latest labs.

Your next adventure is to decrease your RBC without killing your iron. I might donate blood one more time now then try to manage RBC & hematocrit via your new lowered dose as well as drinking at least 3L of water per day (meaning try to eliminate needing future blood donations due to high hematocrit).
Ok so you're .18ml (36mg) EOD now. That will help.

IMO, your current test & hcg doses make more sense now. Will be interesting to see your E2 (when available) on these latest labs.

Your next adventure is to decrease your RBC without killing your iron. I might donate blood one more time now then try to manage RBC & hematocrit via your new lowered dose as well as drinking at least 3L of water per day (meaning try to eliminate needing future blood donations due to high hematocrit).
Im waiting for the Estradiol but what do you think about by Total T to Free T ratio...Prolactin and Free t4 numbers or any other? I just dont know how this relates also to helping ED or not. Also do I need AI? How about frequency and dosage of HCG? Do i need to be on HCG?
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Im waiting for the Estradiol but what do you think about by Total T to Free T ratio...Prolactin and Free t4 numbers or any other? I just dont know how this relates also to helping ED or not. Also do I need AI? How about frequency and dosage of HCG? Do i need to be on HCG?

Many guys do better without HCG. I do best with the absolute smallest dose I can get away with (200iu once a week, Sunday) If fertility isn’t a huge concern for you, I would recommend giving it a try. Stop the AI when you stop that and things might really turn around for you, especially now that you have a more reasonable Test dose.
Many guys do better without HCG. I do best with the absolute smallest dose I can get away with (200iu once a week, Sunday) If fertility isn’t a huge concern for you, I would recommend giving it a try. Stop the AI when you stop that and things might really turn around for you, especially now that you have a more reasonable Test dose.
I'm due for HCG tonight as well as AI. Now I don't know what to do lol. Thoughts? I don't care about fertility at all. I'm not sure why I'm on it other than ball size hahaha
I would wait until your E2 test comes back before you consider making any more changes other than lowering your Test dose.
I would wait until your E2 test comes back before you consider making any more changes other than lowering your Test dose.
So I took my .05 anastrozole yesterday and I took my 300iu of HCG. I just wonder if I need to take the AI with reducing the testosterone?
I'm due for HCG tonight as well as AI. Now I don't know what to do lol. Thoughts? I don't care about fertility at all. I'm not sure why I'm on it other than ball size hahaha

My thoughts are that you can always get back on the AI and HCG if you don’t like the results. I thought my balls would shrink a lot more than they have with only 200iu a week but I’ve been happy with where I’m at. I think if fertility isn’t an issue, all men should start their TRT programs with a moderate test dose and nothing else. Then build from there if they aren’t happy. I think the KISS rule applies well to TRT.
So I got my estradiol ultra-sensitive back. It was 72. This test was taken on Friday July 10th. That was the morning after I took .05 mg of anastrozole. I have not taken since. I did have my estradiol tested again on Monday this past week again but didn't get results back yet. I'm assuming I'm pretty high still. I've taken 36mg EOD this week with my next injection due this morning.
What is your current protocol as of now and what is your TT/FT levels at the trough?

My apologies for taking so long to get back to you.
So I was doing EOD 52mg when my last labs were taken which are in post 27. I also took HCG I forget if the night before or two nights before 300iu which then might not be a true trough.

596 was TT and 26.5 was total testosterone. My estradiol level was 72 that day as well.
Smokers have high hematocrit. Those on TRT even higher. Have you checked it ? What’s your blood pressure and what other meds are you taking? How many times do you masturbate per week? How are you sleeping ?
Besides mental reasons, vascular problems are probably number two or three main causes of ED. Medication side effects, lack of attraction with the one you are trying to have sex with, and daily porn use are others.

Guys on this and other forums become so obsessed with numbers beyond total and free T and waste a lot of time by not dealing with the elephants in the room.

Have you tried low dose daily ED meds ?
Smokers have high hematocrit. Those on TRT even higher. Have you checked it ? What’s your blood pressure abs what other meds are you taking? How many times you masturbate per week? How are you sleeping ?
Guys on this and other forums become so obsessed with numbers beyond total and free T and waste a lot of time by not dealing with the elephants in the room.
I quit smoking 7 weeks ago. Hematocrit in low 50s. See labs in post 27. Not obsessed with numbers as I haven't even been tested in 7 months until last week. I sleep decently but have mild osa. I masturbate daily when I can. The days that are good I get morning wood which would lead me to believe it isn't mental. Blood pressure is perfect. Only creator. Blood pressure was mildly elevated before quitting smoking. By the way I donate blood every other month double red
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