My first shot of trimix

Pabowhunter I know that place you were at with not being able to perform oh so well brother. Been married for 19 years to the best woman ever and she kept trying with me even though we knew it wasn't going to happen. TRIMIX & TRT has brought me back to life man. lol I'm very happy for you buddy. Trimix takes a lot of stress & worrying off the table and helps me take care of business like I did when we first met. Congrats.
Pabowhunter I know that place you were at with not being able to perform oh so well brother. Been married for 19 years to the best woman ever and she kept trying with me even though we knew it wasn't going to happen. TRIMIX & TRT has brought me back to life man. lol I'm very happy for you buddy. Trimix takes a lot of stress & worrying off the table and helps me take care of business like I did when we first met. Congrats.

Yes it does brother , and thank you for the kind words sure glad we have a place like this to discuss this type of matter ..
I totally agree with you. There is so much available info on here it makes life so much easier. Before I found out about trimix I basically thought it was over for me. I thought testosterone, pumps & pills were the only choices we had. lol There's so many men who have ED and have no clue about Trimix. It definitely put the SMILE back into my marriage. lol Good luck!!
I feel the same way , and yes I know for sure there are many guys Struggling and are not aware of Trimix or any compounded injection because I struggled and I meant struggled as I mentioned in a prior post for over a year and I was seen by my PC doctor been to a Urologist but since my labs and over all health was good at 43 they had no explanation other than mental due to work stress personal stress and recently going through divorce so I tried every oral med at every level min dose to Max and had sub par results at best not much of a side effect either thankfully stuffed up left side of nose usually was all.. I all about gave up until I found this site along with others and read up on all I could about Trimix and found a Urologist in Philadelphia area which is about 2hrs away that had a good reputation actually very well respected Dr that has a long history practicing with Trimix and others .. Can't say enough about him very understanding very thorough and willing to go one on one with you to get to the bottom of the issue and correct it.. Point being is if someone reading this is struggling with ED don't give up be persistent refuse to settle, it has been a journey for me through trial and error very costly without insurance but I got there and so can u ...I can't tell u how glad I am that I found the right Urologist he was willing to introduce me to Trimix it .. As crazy as it my sound it been my saving grace
I feel the same way , and yes I know for sure there are many guys Struggling and are not aware of Trimix or any compounded injection because I struggled and I meant struggled as I mentioned in a prior post for over a year and I was seen by my PC doctor been to a Urologist but since my labs and over all health was good at 43 they had no explanation other than mental due to work stress personal stress and recently going through divorce so I tried every oral med at every level min dose to Max and had sub par results at best not much of a side effect either thankfully stuffed up left side of nose usually was all.. I all about gave up until I found this site along with others and read up on all I could about Trimix and found a Urologist in Philadelphia area which is about 2hrs away that had a good reputation actually very well respected Dr that has a long history practicing with Trimix and others .. Can't say enough about him very understanding very thorough and willing to go one on one with you to get to the bottom of the issue and correct it.. Point being is if someone reading this is struggling with ED don't give up be persistent refuse to settle, it has been a journey for me through trial and error very costly without insurance but I got there and so can u ...I can't tell u how glad I am that I found the right Urologist he was willing to introduce me to Trimix it .. As crazy as it my sound it been my saving grace
Dude... How horrible has it been? I've dealt with it for years, 100% MENTAL. Not really when you STUDY it and understand it's a chemical reaction. Your anxiety causes your body to flood with adrenaline/epinephrine, and you go into FLIGHT mode. And as time passes, it get worse. Vicious cycle.
Just lying in the same bed with my girlfriend would cause it... Here it goes... you kinda get wood... Then your heart starts to beat a bit quickly... Oh please NO!!! Don't happen.. I took a Viagra... WTF??? Then more beating, your breathing gets a bit shallow, but it's not because you're horny, it's because your TERRIFIED!!!.... Then it comes TIME... and POOF!!! Where did it go? The switch GOES OFF!! You're still horny, but the lil' guy ain't gettin' the message. Hey you down there!! Wake up!!
I'm a newb, and in all honesty, I think I just saved my relationship by the skin of my teeth!! 3 "applications" in the last week (gotta cut it down, but hey, I got some time to make up!!) and I don't know who this crazy, horny woman is in my bed!!!
Guys... PLEASE... I know you're out there. You think you are alone, suffering.... getting depressed... the anxiety when you even just *THINK* of sex. Your friends talk about their escapades, and you get the nervousness.... You think you will never be able to perform again.
This stuff is a MIRACLE DRUG!!!! And there are so many combinations.. Trust me... It will PUSH YOU PAST THE BONER KILLING ANXIETY, and maybe even CURE it after a few months time when your body "reprograms" itself not to flood epinephrine into your bloodstream.
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Yeh, I know anxiety can kill an erection, but at least for me the anxiety came about because of a real physical problem. I think for most people who used to have good reliable sex, the physical problem comes first and that causes the anxiety.
Just to clarify my erection from Trimix is cold to touch for it's entire duration .. Also penis head does not swell from Trimix . When I was able to achieve a natural Erection my penis was always warm and head would swell or harden as well .. Like I mentioned no big deal on the head it just looks a bit out of place being the shaft is engorged like it is.. I'm a bit more curious on the cold to touch penis during the erection from Trimix I'm kind of worried because my partners vagina being naturally warm inside she will get freaked out when I enter with that cold beast .. It's odd is all
Anyone else have this ?
Hey, I just started Trimix, and yes I noticed my dick went cold. It didn't have the sensitivity and it was cold. It was hard, but when i get a boner with Viagra, it stays hot, with the Trimix, it went cold. Did you find out why your penis became cold? I noticed that no one replied to your questions or maybe they did and I missed it.
I will contact my doctor next week after the holiday, but I don't understand it. A firm dick does me no good, if I can't feel the heat.
I hope to hear from you.
If your penis feels cold and your head remains soft, you are probably deficient in nitric oxide production. This is just a theory I have that is not supported by data.

I would try 2000 mg per day of citrulline. Also, using a cock ring for 10-20 min after you get erect may help get fullness, warmth, and sensitivity in your penis head. Just do not use it for too long since that may increase the risk of priapism. HCG also helped me not have that feeling of a "fake erection".

If you are taking a beta blocker for blood pressure, that could also be related to having that cold penis feeling.

Review Video of Penile Constriction Rings for Improved Erectile Function
was amazing. lol Felt a little strange at first with that cold medicine entering my penis but it did not hurt and I'm not sore. It started working fast like with in 10 seconds after injecting. A little strange here also having my penis starting to get erect with no effort but hey I can get use to that. Not sure if this was just my mind messing with me but at first when we started having sex I felt a little numb but that didn't last long at all. Sex lasted about 30 min but could have went much longer. I was erect for about an hour & a half so next time I'm only going to use .1ml. I was prescribed .2ml but I feel like that was a bit to much if you know what I mean. Its going to take a few times to get use to it but yeah I'm blown away at trimix. With TRT & trimix hell I'm 19 again. lol
My first shot was 10 units it seem to start working right away Within five minutes I was so hard I couldn’t stand it I was ready for sex unfortunately the first time I took a shot I was alone just sat there watching it throb up and down, don’t ever remember being that hard in my whole life I’m 61 now. So I started to jerk off I found it it took a little longer than usual to cum after I was done still so hard I just continue to watch it throb for the next two hours Then started round two cannot believe all the pre-cum after the second time I came still hard as rock was hard for 4 hour was starting to get worried I was so hard for four hours that my dick hurt a little, the next shot I only did 5 units was hard for 2 hours without the pain trimix works great been using it for six months now ,one happy fella
My first shot was 10 units it seem to start working right away Within five minutes I was so hard I couldn’t stand it I was ready for sex unfortunately the first time I took a shot I was alone just sat there watching it throb up and down, don’t ever remember being that hard in my whole life I’m 61 now. So I started to jerk off I found it it took a little longer than usual to cum after I was done still so hard I just continue to watch it throb for the next two hours Then started round two cannot believe all the pre-cum after the second time I came still hard as rock was hard for 4 hour was starting to get worried I was so hard for four hours that my dick hurt a little, the next shot I only did 5 units was hard for 2 hours without the pain trimix works great been using it for six months now ,one happy fella
Also I noticed my dick looked bigger I’m 6 inch’s girth by 7 inch length did a remeasure I’m now 61/2 inch girth by 7 inch length is it just me or could this really be happing

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