New Labs- Adrenal Fatigue and Low Estradiol


New Member
Got new labs back this week. My sensitive estradiol is still at 14, which hasn't changed since November, and my regular estradiol is at 29. I'm still battling adrenal fatigue and leaky gut. The Dr. seems to think these issues are what caused my T to plummet to begin with and we're hoping once i'm healed up I can restart my T? I attached my labs. Any thoughts?


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westley, leaky gut is a course caused by diet, too many carbs, you also need some good probiotics.
here's a list of probiotics I have.

Among the best probiotics are VSL#3, Gardenof Life, and ReNew Life brands, with high-potency products in the multibillioncolony-forming units, or CFU (a count of microorganisms), range, with betterresults than with lower-potency preparations. We’ve had best results with dosesin the 30 to 50 billion CFU range. Healthy species include Lactobacillusplantarum, L. brevis, L. acidophilus, L. casei, L. paracasei, L. rhamnosus, L.salivarius; Bifidobacterium bifidum, B. lactis, B. subtilis, B. breve, and B.longum. The key with probiotics is therefore to supply sufficient numbers and abroad range of species, ideally a dozen or more. Some probiotic preparationscontain a yeast, Saccharomyces boulardii, either as part of a panel ofbacterial species or by itself, as clinical studies have demonstrated effectssuch as protection from Clostridium difficile infection, which can developafter antibiotic use (Venuglopalan 2010). (While refrigeration is helpful, itis not absolutely necessary, as shelf testing of these brands demonstratepreservation of bacterial counts in non-refrigerated capsule form.)
Thanks Vince. I take RAW probiotic for men, 85 billion. I'm more wondering about my e2 not being higher than it is. 14 is low compared to everyone else's labs. Can someone give me some feedback? Nelson mentioned bumping up my DHEA to 50 MG a day. Wish the human body had a reset button.
My SHBG was in middle range, prolactin was 14 last checked back in November. Dr said my thyroid looked just fine. My cortisol and DHEA are both shot still according to my saliva test in January. I'd like to know if that 14 is too low is all.
My SHBG was in middle range, prolactin was 14 last checked back in November. Dr said my thyroid looked just fine. My cortisol and DHEA are both shot still according to my saliva test in January. I'd like to know if that 14 is too low is all.

What does "thyroid is fine" mean?

Many Docs just test TSH and if it's in range that's what they all say and it might be further from the truth.

What specifically were your Cortisol and DHEA labs and what were the ranges.

BTW, Dr. Crisler is an expert on adrenal fatigue just so you know and he can consult with your Doctor for a very small fee if you need an expert to help you get better.
My 12:00, 5:00 and 10:00 samples were well below range, .3 was the highest, low in range is 2 something. My DHEA was low all day. They ran reverse t3, t3, t4, and tsh. Also other autoimmune labs. Adrenal fatigue is a real bitch!
I would try to increase TT to >700 ng/dL to increase E2 over your ultrasensitive level of 14 microg/mL. DHEA at 50 mg per day may also increase E2.

Getting 8 hours of sleep at night (and using a CPAP if sleep apnea is present), decreasing or eliminating caffeine and stimulants, mindfulness meditation, and breathing exercises are ways to improve cortisol and adrenal fatigue. But something tells me you are probably doing that.
Yes sir I do. 8 hours of sleep is the hardest, I tend to wake up at 3:00 and have trouble getting back to sleep. And I miss coffee but been off the caffeine for 6 months.
Was there a set of Cortisol/DHEA labs that I didn't see somewhere? I know the thread says "Adrenal Fatigue", but I don't see any results ..

Would need to compare them with a full thyroid panel (as noted by Gene). If you have the 24 hour circadian profile report with DHEA correlation, please post it up. Thanks
Was there a set of Cortisol/DHEA labs that I didn't see somewhere? I know the thread says "Adrenal Fatigue", but I don't see any results ..

Would need to compare them with a full thyroid panel (as noted by Gene). If you have the 24 hour circadian profile report with DHEA correlation, please post it up. Thanks

Yes, exactly where I was going.

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