Online prescription of TRT/HCG

Thanks. Sure I will contact the custom and ask whether i can bring medication from usa with valid prescription. If they say yes, then most of my problem is solved.
I know its hassle to go back n forth, i have to talk to the clinic about this and get one year of medication at a time or something like that.
2nd option is to order online directly without prescription who can ship to canada
Problem is that my Testosterone is just above normal, so doctors are not prescribing test for me. They are telling me to improve by exercising. I have ED, low sperm count, high cholestrol, low rbc and sleep disorder.
Thanks. Sure I will contact the custom and ask whether i can bring medication from usa with valid prescription. If they say yes, then most of my problem is solved.
I know its hassle to go back n forth, i have to talk to the clinic about this and get one year of medication at a time or something like that.
2nd option is to order online directly without prescription who can ship to canada
Problem is that my Testosterone is just above normal, so doctors are not prescribing test for me. They are telling me to improve by exercising. I have ED, low sperm count, high cholestrol, low rbc and sleep disorder.

In Ontario, the government-run health plan is called the Ontario Health Insurance Plan(OHIP). OHIP is paid through taxes.

Why pay out of pocket?

Sure in many cases it is easier to find a doctor to treat you for low-t when paying out of pocket as oppose to seeking out a doctor working under OHIP.....but in most cases if you take the time to find the right doctor you will get treated and OHIP will cover the cost of most of your trt meds.
In Ontario, the government-run health plan is called the Ontario Health Insurance Plan(OHIP). OHIP is paid through taxes.

Why pay out of pocket?

Sure in many cases it is easier to find a doctor to treat you for low-t when paying out of pocket as oppose to seeking out a doctor working under OHIP.....but in most cases if you take the time to find the right doctor you will get treated and OHIP will cover the cost of most of your trt meds.
I have health card but the problem is that i am not able to find right doctor. I have an appointment with endocrionologist on monday and hopefully he can diagnoise properly. They are not going my symtoms but my blood work. I have high LH an FSH but just below high normal and low test but just below low normal. So doctors are thinking its normal. They are saying that my ed is pshycological and clearly my testis is small which they can easily figure it out but unless i ask them to look at my testicles they are not bothered.
Do u know any good doctor? I live in toronto.
I have health card but the problem is that i am not able to find right doctor. I have an appointment with endocrionologist on monday and hopefully he can diagnoise properly. They are not going my symtoms but my blood work. I have high LH an FSH but just below high normal and low test but just below low normal. So doctors are thinking its normal. They are saying that my ed is pshycological and clearly my testis is small which they can easily figure it out but unless i ask them to look at my testicles they are not bothered.
Do u know any good doctor? I live in toronto.

Do you have any previous labs to post?
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Regarding the Canadian Testosterone Deficiency guidelines when a patient is presenting symptoms along with blood work which shows that TT levels fall within what is called the grey zone TT 8-12 nmol/L than most doctors in the know would offer the patient a 6 month trial of trt.

Unfortunately most GPs/endos/uros will turn around and tell the patient his TT levels are ok if they are borderline low/low-normal of the reference range when in fact the patient is truly suffering low-t symptoms not only due to having sub-par TT levels but more importantly low/low-normal FT levels.

Many doctors unfortunately only test for TT which is ridiculous as although TT is important to know FT is what truly matters as it is the unbound active fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive effects.

Many men suffering from low-t symptoms who have borderline low/low-normal TT/FT levels are denied treatment simply because their levels fall in the reference range.

To make matters worse there are many men with descent TT levels but still have low/sub-par FT levels due to having high SHBG.....and unfortunately in most cases doctors do not test for SHBG.....let alone FT!

Your TT levels are definitely sub-par and although they are low-normal of the reference range 10 nmol/L (288 ng/dL)/ (reference range 7.6-31 nmol/L).....I would put money on it that your FT levels are low.

Your hemoglobin/hematocrit are low and RBC's borderline low.....common in hypogonadal men.

LH/FSH are basically high, sperm count low and TT is on the lower are most likely primary.

You just need to find a doctor who specializes in trt.

Easier said than done as it can be difficult finding a doctor in Canada but they are out there although far and few.

You will need a referral from your family doctor in order to seek out a 2nd opinion from a trt specialist.

My TT levels pre-trt were a little higher than yours 11.3 nmol/L (325 ng/dL)/ (reference range 8.6-28.8 nmol/L) and my FT was borderline low.
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Thanks so much for analysing my report. You got it. What ever u said is 100% correct. I am primary and i also have low sperm count, that is one of the reason why i dint start TRT as i was afraid that my sperm count will go to zero and never return to normal but now i am willing to take calculated risk. My life was normal to be honest as i am single and not actively looking for partner so ED is not bothering me, but i knew my health will screw up if i dont get treatment. So i started doing research. So finally i came to conclusion to use TRT+HCG+FSH treatment and check my semen analysis after 3 months. All i am looking for is to maintain sperm count for IVF. I somehow managing ED with pills. Hopefully my cholestrol and RBC will become normal after my TRT therapy.
So now the big problem is to get prescription. Lets see i have one appointment in monday. Hopefully he can identify the cause and prescribe TRT.
Thanks for the response. As i mentioned earlier, its hard to get prescription from endocrinologist. Since my testosterone is just above normal 11(7-31), he said i can manage by myself with exercise. I tried for 3 months and it increased my testosterone from 8 to 11but other than that nothing happened. My symtoms still exist like high cholestrol, low rbc n ed.
If it was below normal range, then i would have got prescription.
Testosterone and HCG is cheap. What bothers me is high consultation fees(200 to 300) and u never know how much consultation is needed before i get prescription and worst case what if i dont get prescription as my testosterone is in normal range technically.
So i was thinking that i only need damn prescription as i know what is the trt/hcg dosage and what needs to be monitored.
Btw, is it crime to use trt without prescription?

You need to look into ways to LOWER your total T, thus qualifying for treatment. If your testosterone was 8 and range you need is below 7, then you are pretty close.

Doctors are annoying. I want to ask, what total T qualifies me for treatment? I knew what my T level tested at so I don't want to waste my time and money seeing a doctor when really all they care about is the number. They say they don't care about the number, but really, they do. These are most doctors that take medical insurance or are a part of a large medical group. I am not sure why I can't ask that sort of simple question?

Now the other odd things is, two doctors in the USA who wouldn't prescribe because my total T is usually between 340-390 ,and they need to see below 264. BUT when I tell those same doctors that I am on TRT ,they think it's a great idea, and one doc even wrote a letter saying he was OK with me continuing on with TRT.

My take, what the doctors personally think about TRT is at odds with what the insurance companies and the Medical Group they are a part of tell them they need to adhere to. They can't prescribe testosterone even if they think it would be helpful, but not medically necessary. I think it's mostly negative aspects of capitalism and avoiding liability.
You need to look into ways to LOWER your total T, thus qualifying for treatment. If your testosterone was 8 and range you need is below 7, then you are pretty close.

Doctors are annoying. I want to ask, what total T qualifies me for treatment? I knew what my T level tested at so I don't want to waste my time and money seeing a doctor when really all they care about is the number. They say they don't care about the number, but really, they do. These are most doctors that take medical insurance or are a part of a large medical group. I am not sure why I can't ask that sort of simple question?

Now the other odd things is, two doctors in the USA who wouldn't prescribe because my total T is usually between 340-390 ,and they need to see below 264. BUT when I tell those same doctors that I am on TRT ,they think it's a great idea, and one doc even wrote a letter saying he was OK with me continuing on with TRT.

My take, what the doctors personally think about TRT is at odds with what the insurance companies and the Medical Group they are a part of tell them they need to adhere to. They can't prescribe testosterone even if they think it would be helpful, but not medically necessary. I think it's mostly negative aspects of capitalism and avoiding liability.
I agree with you. I guess because of normal people abusing testosterone for bodybuilding, people like me who genuinely need TRT are finding it hard to get bcas of bab publicity. So I guess, I have to tell new doctor that i am taking testosterone every now and then, thats y the results are up. May be he will believe me and prescribe me. Also, I am planning to visit USA and get medications from them directly like primebody and Defy and bring it back to canada.
I agree with you. I guess because of normal people abusing testosterone for bodybuilding, people like me who genuinely need TRT are finding it hard to get bcas of bab publicity. So I guess, I have to tell new doctor that i am taking testosterone every now and then, thats y the results are up. May be he will believe me and prescribe me. Also, I am planning to visit USA and get medications from them directly like primebody and Defy and bring it back to canada.

That brings up an interesting conundrum.

If you are already on TRT from the USA, when they test you in Canada your levels will be higher.

It's quite possible before any Canadian doctor will treat you they will want you to be off all testosterone for a time so they can get a natural reading. One thing you could try is doing something that lowers your natural blood levels.

I know the laws "pretty" well in the USA, it's qualified because while testosterone is a Schedule III medication, I have never had any problems buying it from countries outside of the USA and shipping it here. It appears from reading that Customs Inspections will allow shipment of drugs for personal use not approved in the USA as long as they are accompanied by a prescription. Personal use is subjective, but likely it means a small quantity. So I am a little fuzzy about what is typically done by customs inspection Vs what they could do if they wanted to.,

I have in the past I have bought Nebido from Israel and places and pharmacies in London. Nebido isn't going to be anyone's drug of choice to abuse testosterone. Mostly I had a prescription that was issued from Thailand, and it's good for 6 months. But once I did buy from Israel without any script, but the price was 2X higher that it should be. In the past I have even done tele-medicine from a pharma in London where a doctor issued a script and the pharma shipped based on blood tests. But the rules are "fluid" and seem to change. IE: The script from Thailand is no longer accepted by a British pharma, now they need a script written by a NIH doctor.

IMO the real problem is that where ever you buy from, it's not reliable that the same place will be there next time you go to buy or the rules won't change.

There aren't underground labs, its manufactured by Bayer. The time I bought from someone in Israel I guessed he was an individual that was buying and reselling on his own.

I have never tried to bring a drug across the border myself, I don't want to get flagged in the system if from some reason they do a border inspection and they question if even if I have a prescription issued in a foreign country. I have had my luggage searched at least once when returning from Thailand. That is where they take you aside and go through everything in detail in your checked luggage.

Now I use Defy, not because I 100% need to, but because they are located within the USA and they are reliable, going to be here year after year.

I have no idea of how Canada treats drugs that you import from another country with or without a foreign prescription and I "doubt" any USA pharma wants to ship a drug that might get them in legal trouble to another country.
Fixed it for you:
"I think it's mostly negative aspects of crony capitalism/socialism/nanny-state mentality and avoiding liability."

Let me fix if for you also.

All human societies have a greater or lessor crony mentality.

I think the USA excels in having too many laws, regulations and the avoidance of liability, UNLESS the drug company can make billions of dollars on a drug, they they are OK with possible liability.

In the USA we (companies) tend to use Congress and laws to create a system where they can maximize profit, minimize liability and decrease individual choice. In the US we are free to use whatever corporate resource we want to, but try starting a business selling street food, it's nearly impossible.

While in places like Thailand, Russia, cronyism is more of an individual people to people basis. A small amount of money "facilitates" transactions.

In the USA, if you are wealthy you can pretty much find a doctor to prescribe any legal drug whether or not it's indicated.
Thanks a lot for showing interest in this topic.
If I stop going to gym then I guess my testosterone will come down. It keeps fluctuating. I will also try to draw sample around evening time. Lets see if it comes down. One year ago it was actually 6 but now it went up to 10. Although I am trying this method, I am also trying to visit USA and get prescription or medication directly from the clinic. Clinic is saying that they cant give the medication but they can only ship to anywhere in the usa. I have a friend in USA, so thinking to ship to his address.

You said you ordered medications from abroad or israel. Which website did u use to order? Also, does the website asked for prescription? Or did custom asked for prescription? I believe we can use medication for 3 month supply.

Reagarding tele medicine, can you please tell me which websites in london gave you prescription and which websites can I order medicaitons? Where can I find NIH doctors who can prescribe me after seeing my blood work?

I agree with you. Its illegal to ship medication from one country to another country or else american pharmacies will become bankrupt because of cheap medicines from other countries.

Yes I am also thinking to go to Defy or Primebody and get the prescription and asking them to ship medication to my friends place in detroit. I guess, it should work but the only problem is to travel several times which is fine considering my life is at stake.

Sorry i am just trying to find the best and most economical way to find the medication. I guess, USA method looks easy considering customs allow me to bring the medication from USA.
I mean, after consulting and blood work not right away. Just like a regular patient visiting a doctor.I called Defy and they said they will do it but they asked me to come to florida for face to face consultation, I was looking for online consultation. So worst case, ill be visiting florida.

I don't know why you simply do not understand despite what people are telling you. No doctor in U.S.A will write you a prescription for testosterone. Even though if you come here physically and visit a doctor. You will have to see a doctor in Canada and have to fill the prescription in Canada. There is no other options for you if you really want a valid doctor and prescription.
Thanks a lot for showing interest in this topic.
If I stop going to gym then I guess my testosterone will come down. It keeps fluctuating. I will also try to draw sample around evening time. Lets see if it comes down. One year ago it was actually 6 but now it went up to 10. Although I am trying this method, I am also trying to visit USA and get prescription or medication directly from the clinic. Clinic is saying that they cant give the medication but they can only ship to anywhere in the usa. I have a friend in USA, so thinking to ship to his address.

You said you ordered medications from abroad or israel. Which website did u use to order? Also, does the website asked for prescription? Or did custom asked for prescription? I believe we can use medication for 3 month supply.

Reagarding tele medicine, can you please tell me which websites in london gave you prescription and which websites can I order medicaitons? Where can I find NIH doctors who can prescribe me after seeing my blood work?

I agree with you. Its illegal to ship medication from one country to another country or else american pharmacies will become bankrupt because of cheap medicines from other countries.

Yes I am also thinking to go to Defy or Primebody and get the prescription and asking them to ship medication to my friends place in detroit. I guess, it should work but the only problem is to travel several times which is fine considering my life is at stake.

Sorry i am just trying to find the best and most economical way to find the medication. I guess, USA method looks easy considering customs allow me to bring the medication from USA.

The laws about shipping meds for personal use country to country is at best a gray area.

It seems customs usually allows them through, companies shipped including a local prescription or my prescription in the package, though I wouldn't want to carry meds like Nebido in checked baggage, not that I think I would get in serious trouble, but I wouldn't want lie on the customs form, get searched then get flagged in the system.

Keep in mind I was only looking for Nebido, which has a very low risk of steroid abuse and a higher cost for each ampule. Those pharmacies that carried Nebido DIDN'T carry testosterone cypionate or other esters.

The Doctor in Thailand wrote me a prescription, that worked 8 years ago, now at least in Britain they require a local NIH prescription.

Thailand isn't necessarily easy either, the first time I went there I traveled with a young woman who was my neighbor and a 22 year old guy. The guy wanted drugs to become a woman, the doctors refused to treat him since he was a tourist and not staying. They wouldn't just give him a "bag" of drugs and send him on his way. He was a bit of a doofus, didn't fully research what he wanted and would have likely caused himself harm.

But I asked him who he was talking to at the hospital, and I checked into it. That Doc specialized in trans women, he refereed me to another TRT doc, which was how I got started.

Even if a doctor in the USA will write you a prescription for testosterone doesn't mean a pharmacy in another country will honor it or that anyone will ship to Canada from a first world country. Likely China might ship, but then you don't know how they have manufactured the drug.

Are you interested in Nebido?

Because that is the only form of testosterone I have experience with internationally. If you want to find that product, just google Nebido, london, cost, you will find pharmacies that will help. You could also find it in Mexico, but it helps if you speak spanish. In London they have conditions such as needing two blood tests and other requirements, like how do you intend to dispose of the needles?

And since I live in the USA getting a legal prescription / shipment of testosterone cypionate or a cream isn't difficult so I have no need to find out whether I can get it from another country.
I don't know why you simply do not understand despite what people are telling you. No doctor in U.S.A will write you a prescription for testosterone. Even though if you come here physically and visit a doctor. You will have to see a doctor in Canada and have to fill the prescription in Canada. There is no other options for you if you really want a valid doctor and prescription.
Defy clinic agreed to give me prescription by evaluating my blood report but i have to be physically present but anyways i figured another way to get medications.
The laws about shipping meds for personal use country to country is at best a gray area.

It seems customs usually allows them through, companies shipped including a local prescription or my prescription in the package, though I wouldn't want to carry meds like Nebido in checked baggage, not that I think I would get in serious trouble, but I wouldn't want lie on the customs form, get searched then get flagged in the system.

Keep in mind I was only looking for Nebido, which has a very low risk of steroid abuse and a higher cost for each ampule. Those pharmacies that carried Nebido DIDN'T carry testosterone cypionate or other esters.

The Doctor in Thailand wrote me a prescription, that worked 8 years ago, now at least in Britain they require a local NIH prescription.

Thailand isn't necessarily easy either, the first time I went there I traveled with a young woman who was my neighbor and a 22 year old guy. The guy wanted drugs to become a woman, the doctors refused to treat him since he was a tourist and not staying. They wouldn't just give him a "bag" of drugs and send him on his way. He was a bit of a doofus, didn't fully research what he wanted and would have likely caused himself harm.

But I asked him who he was talking to at the hospital, and I checked into it. That Doc specialized in trans women, he refereed me to another TRT doc, which was how I got started.

Even if a doctor in the USA will write you a prescription for testosterone doesn't mean a pharmacy in another country will honor it or that anyone will ship to Canada from a first world country. Likely China might ship, but then you don't know how they have manufactured the drug.

Are you interested in Nebido?

Because that is the only form of testosterone I have experience with internationally. If you want to find that product, just google Nebido, london, cost, you will find pharmacies that will help. You could also find it in Mexico, but it helps if you speak spanish. In London they have conditions such as needing two blood tests and other requirements, like how do you intend to dispose of the needles?

And since I live in the USA getting a legal prescription / shipment of testosterone cypionate or a cream isn't difficult so I have no need to find out whether I can get it from another country.
Thanks Dragonbits,
Sorry for late reply.I found a canadian website which delivers only within canada.
Dint know its a huge market here. So i decided to order from these websites only. Let see i will reply here after using it but its nice to know multiple suppliers
Defy clinic agreed to give me prescription by evaluating my blood report but i have to be physically present but anyways i figured another way to get medications.

well if Defy gives you prescription than you will have to fill it up from USA, I don't thing you will be able to fill up prescription in Canada with Defy's prescription.
well if Defy gives you prescription than you will have to fill it up from USA, I don't thing you will be able to fill up prescription in Canada with Defy's prescription.
Yes your correct but i was thinking to order online so that incase if they catch items in the custom, atleast i have a chance to show the prescription. Not sure whether they accept or not but just i can defend that i am not doing anything illegally. You know what i am trying to say. I am talking about websites who doesnt ask for prescription.
Not sure whether they accept or not but just i can defend that i am not doing anything illegally. You know what i am trying to say. I am talking about websites who doesn't ask for prescription.

As long as you have valid prescription with you and you purchase the medicine from the same country will not be in trouble for Test Cypionate or other TRT product.

Yes there are lot of websites that you can buy TRT products from. You would not need any prescription for them. You get the product directly shipped to your address. There is a huge market for that but not all of them are genuine though. You just have to find the right one. Price is much higher though without prescription from those websites.And you don't know if you are getting 100% pure product or not if you decide to purchase from them.
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