Online prescription of TRT/HCG


Hello folks,
Does anyone knows which doctors/nurse can provide prescription over the phone or video chat? I live in canada and its expensive and time consuming to visit doctor and takes usually 3 to 4 months and in the end you dont even get prescription. SO looking for somebody who can just see my blood reports and give me prescription as its high time that i have to start TRT as my testosterone is below normal. Please help me out.
Hello folks,
Does anyone knows which doctors/nurse can provide prescription over the phone or video chat? I live in canada and its expensive and time consuming to visit doctor and takes usually 3 to 4 months and in the end you dont even get prescription. SO looking for somebody who can just see my blood reports and give me prescription as its high time that i have to start TRT as my testosterone is below normal. Please help me out.

Testosterone is a controlled substance (CIII)

No such things as what you ask.

You need to see a doctor who specializes in trt as when treated you will be under the doctors care as follow up labs are part of the process.

You state..... "I live in canada and its expensive and time consuming to visit doctor and takes usually 3 to 4 months and in the end you dont even get prescription"

- in many cases insurance will cover the cost of the testosterone/ancillaries

- if you do not make the effort to invest the time to seek treatment to improve your overall health/well-being than trt is not for you

- the only way it can be some what expensive is if you find a private clinic and pay out of pocket

- most doctors require pre-trt lab work showing that your testosterone levels are low/sub-par along with presenting low-t symptoms (blood testing is done in the am in a fasted state)

- as far as quality care doctors who specialize in trt are far and few especially in Canada as many doctors will only test Total Testosterone without testing SHBG/Free Testosterone

- pre-trt labs should at the minimum test for Total Testosterone, Free testosterone, LH/FSH, estradiol, Prolactin, CBC (includes hemoglobin/hematocrit), PSA, thyroid (full panel), salivary cortisol (4 point)
Thanks for the response. As i mentioned earlier, its hard to get prescription from endocrinologist. Since my testosterone is just above normal 11(7-31), he said i can manage by myself with exercise. I tried for 3 months and it increased my testosterone from 8 to 11but other than that nothing happened. My symtoms still exist like high cholestrol, low rbc n ed.
If it was below normal range, then i would have got prescription.
Testosterone and HCG is cheap. What bothers me is high consultation fees(200 to 300) and u never know how much consultation is needed before i get prescription and worst case what if i dont get prescription as my testosterone is in normal range technically.
So i was thinking that i only need damn prescription as i know what is the trt/hcg dosage and what needs to be monitored.
Btw, is it crime to use trt without prescription?
It depends on the issue, if ed is bcas of low testosterone then i guess trt helps. If its psycological then i dont think so. There are several causes for ED like venous leak, high blood pressure, diabetes, porn induced, hypogonadism, obesity m many more. So in my case i have ed from childhood n i know the reason is primary hypoganadism as i have high lh/fsh and low testosterone along with high cholestrol, low rbc, low sperm count, small testicles to name a few.
Where do you live? Are you in Ontario?
Hi Coastwatcher,
I am looking for a prescription and also online consultation. Most of the clinic mentioned here like primebody and defy dont handle pateints from canada. I just need prescription and consultation and i am ready to do all the blood work and neccessary work. I get my medication online thats not a problem but i just need prescription. In otherwords, i am looking for clinic who will do my health checkup, blood work and prescription. I dont want to deal with clinic which offers me medications or ship to my address. You know what i am trying to say.
Hi Coastwatcher,
I am looking for a prescription and also online consultation. Most of the clinic mentioned here like primebody and defy dont handle pateints from canada. I just need prescription and consultation and i am ready to do all the blood work and neccessary work. I get my medication online thats not a problem but i just need prescription. In otherwords, i am looking for clinic who will do my health checkup, blood work and prescription. I dont want to deal with clinic which offers me medications or ship to my address. You know what i am trying to say.

What is it you are not understanding here?

"I am looking for a prescription and also online consultation"

In Canada there is no such thing as getting an online consultation which will result in getting a prescription for low-t.

You need to physically see a doctor as you will have a consultation, discuss symptoms and have bloodwork done.....than depending on blood work and whether it comes back showing one has low/sub-par (low/normal) TT/FT levels or in some cases descent TT but low/sub-par FT levels due to high SHBG than a decision will be made on a treatment protocol and a prescription will be prescribed.

You will than physically need to see the doctor treating you for a follow-up 2-3 months after you start T-therapy as once blood levels have stabilized 6-8 weeks.....follow up blood work needs to be done to see where your TT/FT/e2 levels sit.....let alone overall health markers such as CBC which will include hemoglobin/hematocrit/RBC's.

A protocol adjustment may be needed depending on where your TT/FT/e2 levels sit, whether one is experiencing any side-effects and most importantly whether the patient is experiencing relief/improvement of low-t symptoms or lack there of.

When prescribed testosterone most doctors will require one to have blood work done twice yearly (every 6 months) to keep an eye on hormone levels/monitor blood work and to make sure blood markers are in a healthy range along with making sure the patient is benefiting from therapy.

"Most of the clinic mentioned here like primebody and defy dont handle pateints from canada"

Why would they as testosterone is a controlled substance CIII.....and it would be illegal for them to prescribe to Canadians.

In Canada we do not have anything similar to Defy or Primebody.....let alone online consultations for low-t which will result in a prescription.

You need to see a doctor in person and even than if you end up getting treated for low-t and are prescribed testosterone.....under the doctors treatment you will be required to see him/her on average every 6 months for follow up blood work and in many cases if your protocol is tweaked when first starting trt you may have to see them more often.
What is it you are not understanding here?

"I am looking for a prescription and also online consultation"

In Canada there is no such thing as getting an online consultation which will result in getting a prescription for low-t.

You need to physically see a doctor as you will have a consultation, discuss symptoms and have bloodwork done.....than depending on blood work and whether it comes back showing one has low/sub-par (low/normal) TT/FT levels or in some cases descent TT but low/sub-par FT levels due to high SHBG than a decision will be made on a treatment protocol and a prescription will be prescribed.

You will than physically need to see the doctor treating you for a follow-up 2-3 months after you start T-therapy as once blood levels have stabilized 6-8 weeks.....follow up blood work needs to be done to see where your TT/FT/e2 levels sit.....let alone overall health markers such as CBC which will include hemoglobin/hematocrit/RBC's.

A protocol adjustment may be needed depending on where your TT/FT/e2 levels sit, whether one is experiencing any side-effects and most importantly whether the patient is experiencing relief/improvement of low-t symptoms or lack there of.

When prescribed testosterone most doctors will require one to have blood work done twice yearly (every 6 months) to keep an eye on hormone levels/monitor blood work and to make sure blood markers are in a healthy range along with making sure the patient is benefiting from therapy.

"Most of the clinic mentioned here like primebody and defy dont handle pateints from canada"

Why would they as testosterone is a controlled substance CIII.....and it would be illegal for them to prescribe to Canadians.

In Canada we do not have anything similar to Defy or Primebody.....let alone online consultations for low-t which will result in a prescription.

You need to see a doctor in person and even than if you end up getting treated for low-t and are prescribed testosterone.....under the doctors treatment you will be required to see him/her on average every 6 months for follow up blood work and in many cases if your protocol is tweaked when first starting trt you may have to see them more often.
I think i should have explained to you in a better way

I dont mind personally visiting doctor in USA and have my blood work and physical examination in USA. I also dont mind following up with doctor whenever necessary.
My question is, I want doctor to just give prescription so that i will get the medication on my own. They dont have to worry about it. Doctor job is to check whether i am eligible candidate for TRT and prescribe, isn't it how it should work everywhere. Doctors job is not to ship the medication to patients right? Its upto patients to get the medication by going to pharmacies. I can get medications in canada. Thats not a problem, i just need prescription.

Regarding online consultation, I dont think so its necessary for a doctor to see the patient physically. They can check the blood work and ask for symtoms over the phone or video conference. Although i dont mind visiting USA, i am looking to save time and money and hassle of travelling. Clinics like primebody are doing online consultation through video chat but they want patients to be inside the USA, So i am looking for clinics who accept international patients. The reason why primebody and Defy are not accepting international patients is that they cant ship the medication outside the country and i guess that is how they make money. They wont make money if they just give consultation and prescription. They have to sell the bioidentical hormones which they prepare in their own compound clinics and bill patients on monthly subscription basis.
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I think i should have explained to you in a better way

I dont mind personally visiting doctor in USA and have my blood work and physical examination in USA. I also dont mind following up with doctor whenever necessary.
My question is, I want doctor to just give prescription so that i will get the medication on my own. They dont have to worry about it. Doctor job is to check whether i am eligible candidate for TRT and prescribe, isn't it how it should work everywhere. Doctors job is not to ship the medication to patients right? Its upto patients to get the medication by going to pharmacies. I can get medications in canada. Thats not a problem, i just need prescription.

Regarding online consultation, I dont think so its necessary for a doctor to see the patient physically. They can check the blood work and ask for symtoms over the phone or video conference. Although i dont mind visiting USA, i am looking to save time and money and hassle of travelling. Clinics like primebody are doing online consultation through video chat but they want patients to be inside the USA, So i am looking for clinics who accept international patients. The reason why primebody and Defy are not accepting international patients is that they cant ship the medication outside the country and i guess that is how they make money. They wont make money if they just give consultation and prescription. They have to sell the bioidentical hormones which they prepare in their own compound clinics and bill patients on monthly subscription basis.

Welcome to socialized medicine. That's the gyst of your problem; Canada. (not an endorsement of US medicine)
I think i should have explained to you in a better way

I dont mind personally visiting doctor in USA and have my blood work and physical examination in USA. I also dont mind following up with doctor whenever necessary.
My question is, I want doctor to just give prescription so that i will get the medication on my own. They dont have to worry about it. Doctor job is to check whether i am eligible candidate for TRT and prescribe, isn't it how it should work everywhere. Doctors job is not to ship the medication to patients right? Its upto patients to get the medication by going to pharmacies. I can get medications in canada. Thats not a problem, i just need prescription.

Regarding online consultation, I dont think so its necessary for a doctor to see the patient physically. They can check the blood work and ask for symtoms over the phone or video conference. Although i dont mind visiting USA, i am looking to save time and money and hassle of travelling. Clinics like primebody are doing online consultation through video chat but they want patients to be inside the USA, So i am looking for clinics who accept international patients. The reason why primebody and Defy are not accepting international patients is that they cant ship the medication outside the country and i guess that is how they make money. They wont make money if they just give consultation and prescription. They have to sell the bioidentical hormones which they prepare in their own compound clinics and bill patients on monthly subscription basis.

Its upto patients to get the medication by going to pharmacies. I can get medications in canada. Thats not a problem, i just need prescription.

Again.....the only way this is going to happen is if you are prescribed testosterone by a practicing licensed physician in Canada in the province Ontario where you currently reside.....period!

Testosterone is a controlled substance CIII and no pharmacy in Canada would ever accept a prescription from any prescribing doctor outside of Canada let alone it would be illegal!

So i am looking for clinics who accept international patients.

There are none as not only would it be illegal for them to prescribed Canadian pharmacy would ever accept the prescription.

You have 2 options.....either seek out a doctor in Ontario who specializes in trt or you would have to take the shady route and purchase UGL meds (would not recommend) than monitor your own blood work which is critical!
Its upto patients to get the medication by going to pharmacies. I can get medications in canada. Thats not a problem, i just need prescription.

Again.....the only way this is going to happen is if you are prescribed testosterone by a practicing licensed physician in Canada in the province Ontario where you currently reside.....period!

Testosterone is a controlled substance CIII and no pharmacy in Canada would ever accept a prescription from any prescribing doctor outside of Canada let alone it would be illegal!

So i am looking for clinics who accept international patients.

There are none as not only would it be illegal for them to prescribed Canadian pharmacy would ever accept the prescription.

You have 2 options.....either seek out a doctor in Ontario who specializes in trt or you would have to take the shady route and purchase UGL meds (would not recommend) than monitor your own blood work which is critical!
Thanks for the reply.
There is another option though. I can visit USA and meet a doctor who can prescribe me TRT. I can order online, I just need prescription in case if they hold my parcel in the customs. Atleast i can show the prescription and get my medication.
Thanks for the reply.
There is another option though. I can visit USA and meet a doctor who can prescribe me TRT. I can order online, I just need prescription in case if they hold my parcel in the customs. Atleast i can show the prescription and get my medication.

No doctor in the US can write you a prescription for testosterone!
No doctor in the US can write you a prescription for testosterone!
I mean, after consulting and blood work not right away. Just like a regular patient visiting a doctor.I called Defy and they said they will do it but they asked me to come to florida for face to face consultation, I was looking for online consultation. So worst case, ill be visiting florida.
I mean, after consulting and blood work not right away. Just like a regular patient visiting a doctor.I called Defy and they said they will do it but they asked me to come to florida for face to face consultation, I was looking for online consultation. So worst case, ill be visiting florida.

You are not a resident of the US so it would be illegal to prescribe you testosterone and bring it back over the border.
Not sure about that but i dont have any other option. I am doing everything legal here if i visit doctor in USA and get prescription. It looks like there will be problem crossing usa n canada border but since i have prescription i dont think so custom can take my medications.
Not sure about that but i dont have any other option. I am doing everything legal here if i visit doctor in USA and get prescription. It looks like there will be problem crossing usa n canada border but since i have prescription i dont think so custom can take my medications.

You would need to contact the Canadian Border Services Agency to look into this.....if a licensed physician in the US can prescribe you testosterone and whether the medication can be brought over the border with a valid prescription.

Even than you would need to travel back and forth to the US to obtain your medication as no Canadian pharmacy would accept a US based prescription.

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