Back on TRT: Same old thing


Active Member some of you may remember I stopped TRT awhile ago. And was feeling really good....for awhile.

But after a bit, I was not having good workouts, my energy was less, I was having more pronounced mood swings, etc.

I decided to reach back out to Defy and see what they thought. We spoke about what I was experiencing and went over my labs, etc.
And I/we decided to give it another go.

So here I am. Three months into restarting TRT and fresh labs.

For those who do not remember or are new to my story, I have had pretty high SHBG. Usually 70-75 is where it runs.
So my latest blood work shows a much lower SHBG number. Good I guess?

The before....are back. I have never had ED. And when not on TRT can have sex twice a day and when I get off it is with great force and volume.
So now I am back to having rock hard erections, but can rarely finish. Even when I am taking care of myself, I can pound away for 30-45 min and never get off. And when I do, my volume is pretty much a small drop or two and very little force.
And my orgasm only last for 10-15 sec. So very unfulfilling for me.

I am doing EOD injections of T with only a small amount of HCG. I have always need a pretty healthy protocol to get my numbers up.
My prior TRT dose was 210mg a week and was on MWF and ended on EOD injections.
Right now on my EOD schedule, I am at 200mg a week. And again...if you look at my labs below that puts me just at the top of range.

So for most folks I guess my E2 might be high, but I have no symptoms. And generally, my high SHBG pretty much kept it in check. But now that it is lower, not sure?

We tested prolactin this time but I have no idea what "optimal" levels should be. Guess I will find out with my consult.

Well, there it is. Not sure what to do now.

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I have shbg that stays 60-70 and have been on trt nearly a decade. The only thing I have found that works for me is doing once weekly injections and a low-dose With no other meds. I’m only doing 68mg per week and feel pretty well overall. Once my total levels go over 850ng or so I feel like crap and have a ton of side effects. My trough levels are only 650ng or so and feel much better. This works for me and might not for you.
So for most folks I guess my E2 might be high, but I have symptoms.

Well your Free T is definitely in the optimal range , as for the estrogen being a little high, maybe you are just one of those guys who is sensitive to estrogen. You wouldn't be the first.

I wonder if perhaps a daily protocol would do the trick for you, it's not like SHBG is very high and this wouldn't be the first time I heard of a high SHBG guy doing well on a daily protocol.

If Free T were in excess I would just tell you to lower the dosage, but would hate to recommended it because I wouldn't want to sacrifice optimal Free T levels.
Since I am in EOD now, ED would not be a big deal for me. And I am not opposed to lowering my dose if it would help.

I am at a loss as to why I feel the way I do mentally and have the sexual issues.

I am hoping that Defy will have some insight this time around and it will be a “simple fix”.
Well your Free T is definitely in the optimal range , as for the estrogen being a little high, maybe you are just one of those guys who is sensitive to estrogen. You wouldn't be the first.

That should have said, I have NO symptoms.

I have had my E2 up around 70 in the past and still no real symptoms that I could tell.
I was a strong responder to EOD injections, but ED injections was a game changer for me even at lower levels. I felt for the first time that I was not in excess, it would almost seem the less testosterone I used to achieve a similar level as on an EOD protocol, the better the outcome.

I'm starting to wonder if my body just doesn't like HCT anywhere near 48% or RBC close to 6.0. Looking back at all my labs I noticed a pattern of feeling unwell on any protocol where HCT was at 48% or RBC close to 6.0.
It’s sounds like all in all you were doing pretty well off trt. If I remember correctly you even stated coming off was easy. Man I’d give anything to make that transition easily. The few times I’ve tried to stop were the worst thing I’ve ever been through in my life. As I said before, higher levels affect me extremely mentally and totally take away any libido along with a plethora of other side effects. You’re on a high dose by any standards and more isn’t always better.
Yes, I stopped cold turkey and literally had no crash or issues.

My levels off were around 580 TT, but only 9 FT. SHBG was 70+

So we will see what Defy says and go from there.
Any talk of adding a small amount of scrotal cream daily to your protocol if you switch to daily injections?
Some guys apparently respond really well to that.
Any talk of adding a small amount of scrotal cream daily to your protocol if you switch to daily injections?
Some guys apparently respond really well to that.

Hi Sean.
Yes, that was mentioned before I stopped TRT. I really do not want to use creams.
I am trying to keep what I take to a minimum.

I am very surprised that my SHBG and my total cholesterol have dropped so much in three months.
I have been eating a bit better....not that I was eating real bad before...and have been hitting the weights really aggressively and added in more cardio.
I too had little sensitivity which resulted in an inability to ejaculate. A low dose AI of .125mg twice weekly seemed to help me.
I too had little sensitivity which resulted in an inability to ejaculate. A low dose AI of .125mg twice weekly seemed to help me.

I do not tolerate AI at all. I took three .125 capsules in a week and a half and I had a horrible panic attack.

I have never had a panic attack in my life prior to the AI or since.
Well what kind of work outs are you doing on trt at 50 years old. The problem I see on these forums is a lot of guys are chasing being able to look and feel like a man in his 20s. We are fighting against nature. Your body slows down in our 50s your work capacity becomes lower. It’s a fact of life. Look at elite athletes. Look how small the window for peak performance is.

And on the other side of the coin. I’m a union operating engineer. In a big ego mans business. My t levels are low even for a 37 year old. Yet I’m still very alpha male at work and even with my friends. Not in an arrogant type of way. I’m very confident I get along with almost everyone. All the traits of an alleged “high t” male. Thick beard deep voice 6ft 220. So how much do t levels really affect all the shit that is talked about on these forums.

I know for me I’m way better off without trt. Sure I have complaints about the way I feel but I also have to look at my life style. With my job I only sleep 5-6 hours a night. Do not have optimal diet. Get the shit beat out of me on my machines day in and day out still play hockey competitively 1-2 times a week. And chase my one year old around.

I’m not saying that trt can’t work for people. And if you are ok with the risk vs reward of trying to keep yourself “feeling” like a 20 year old then more power to you. But let’s be realistic the human body is the most complex organism on earth and manipulating one small hormone isn’t the answer for the big picture. I see far too many guys on here convincing themselves that it is just to look good. And who is to say that’s even optimal. I’ll tell you what the best laborers in my field of work 9 times out of 10 are guys you would consider chubby and out of shape. Besides the natural genetic lean guys.

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