What is it you are not understanding here?
"I am looking for a prescription and also online consultation"
In Canada there is no such thing as getting an online consultation which will result in getting a prescription for low-t.
You need to physically see a doctor as you will have a consultation, discuss symptoms and have bloodwork done.....than depending on blood work and whether it comes back showing one has low/sub-par (low/normal) TT/FT levels or in some cases descent TT but low/sub-par FT levels due to high SHBG than a decision will be made on a treatment protocol and a prescription will be prescribed.
You will than physically need to see the doctor treating you for a follow-up 2-3 months after you start T-therapy as once blood levels have stabilized 6-8 weeks.....follow up blood work needs to be done to see where your TT/FT/e2 levels sit.....let alone overall health markers such as CBC which will include hemoglobin/hematocrit/RBC's.
A protocol adjustment may be needed depending on where your TT/FT/e2 levels sit, whether one is experiencing any side-effects and most importantly whether the patient is experiencing relief/improvement of low-t symptoms or lack there of.
When prescribed testosterone most doctors will require one to have blood work done twice yearly (every 6 months) to keep an eye on hormone levels/monitor blood work and to make sure blood markers are in a healthy range along with making sure the patient is benefiting from therapy.
"Most of the clinic mentioned here like primebody and defy dont handle pateints from canada"
Why would they as testosterone is a controlled substance CIII.....and it would be illegal for them to prescribe to Canadians.
In Canada we do not have anything similar to
Defy or Primebody.....let alone online consultations for low-t which will result in a prescription.
You need to see a doctor in person and even than if you end up getting treated for low-t and are prescribed testosterone.....under the doctors treatment you will be required to see him/her on average every 6 months for follow up blood work and in many cases if your protocol is tweaked when first starting trt you may have to see them more often.