Can I recover after 4 years on 150-250mg of testosterone?


New Member
First of all, congrats to this awesome community, you guys help a lot of people by sharing all of this knowledge. And sorry for my not perfect english, it's not my main language. I'm from Brazil.

So, I'm 31 years old, always had a pretty decent health, normal levels, never experienced nothing negative about my general health. I started a cycle 4 years ago testosterone+oxymetholone+nandrolone decanoate just for 4 weeks, just for fitness. Then after that got stuck on testosterone(150-250mg per week) till now. Never used HCG.

Last month went to doctor she sent me to blood work, sperm count and abdominal xray exams.

sperm count: zero
abdominal xray: fine
blood work got these altered results:

free testosterone: 37,163 ng/dL (normal range: 3,400 a 24,600 ng/dL)
total testosterone: 1.281,56 ng/dL (normal range: 175,00 a 781,00 ng/dL)
LH: 0,12 mUI/mL (normal range: 0,57 a 12,07 mUI/mL)
Creatine kinase: 1.315 U/L (normal range: 20U/L - 200U/L)
FSH: lower then 0,20 mUI/mL (normal range: 0,95 a 11,95 mUI/mL)

Also my hematocrit was 51% (then I gave blood next week and started taking 80mg aspirin EOD). I had the feeling my hematocrits was raising a lot, since I donated blood 3 months before, also was feeling dizziness... then I lowered my testosterone dose to: 80-90 mg per week. I'm on that dosage now for 1 month more or less.

Honestly, today I regret all of this, I dont'care about muscle gains anymore. But when I started it I knew it could be a lifetime decision. But I will try my best to be natural again, PCT, HCG etc. but I wonder. Its possible to me, after so long, recover like it was before?

Being shutdown for 4 years is pretty good chance you might not be recoverable but only a good PCT will know for sure just go in to it with low expectations. Remember its not just shutdown or "dormant", it's induced organ failure.

Honestly, today I regret all of this, I dont'care about muscle gains anymore. But when I started it I knew it could be a lifetime decision. But I will try my best to be natural again, PCT, HCG etc. but I wonder. Its possible to me, after so long, recover like it was before?

Possible sure, but no one can give you a definitive answer on that. Only way you will know is to try an HPTA reboot (found on this forum) and or wait to see if it rebounds. Genetics, dose and duration of AAS taken, and other factors will dictate that.

Good luck

i am curious what your testosterone levels will be after pct I am off long trt at this moment too but feel better than my last year on trt for sure
Thanks guys, for the feedback and support.
I will do PCT next month and share the experience here.

Wow. Look how low that reference range is for TT. Getting ridiculous.

OP, it’s my understanding the younger you are the better s restart tends to work. Odds are good. Get with a doc who does this a lot. Not some random endo. They could really screw you up.

Yeah, I noticed that also. I wonder how terrible would be for someone to be on 175, and hear the doc says its normal range. That's sad.
Since steroid use in young males is quite common here in Brazil , i´ve done some restarts trials. As Will Brink states , it depends to some factors , so it´s very variable .
In most cases insted of just do the restart , after the attack protocol ( hcg and higher doses of serms ) , i like to keep long term a lower dose of serms and or ai + tadalafil , 2 or 3 times weekly and slowly reducing it checking the lab test/estrogen values and how the man feels .
How to Stop Testosterone Safely and Possibly Reset Your Hormonal Axis

The protocol for HPTA normalization contains (edited on Dec 2017):

First 15 days:

HCG 1,000-2,000 IU (subcutaneous) every 3 days;
Clomiphene citrate 25-50 mg orally once a day; and
Tamoxifen 20 mg orally once a day.

A satisfactory testosterone level on day 15, typically 350 ng/mL or greater, is followed by the oral medications (no HCG) for an additional 15 days (25 mg per day clomiphene would be sufficient in most cases).

This protocol has not been tested in many patients but has shown good results in restoring HPTA in a month. I know that this sounds like a long time but without treatment, the body's restoration process would take about the same length of time that somebody was using androgens. In some, HPGA function and testosterone production never returns to normal.
I am new to ExcelMale. I've been on PeakTestosterone Forums for a while. I did an extended restart after 7 years on trt. I'm going back on trt this week. When I started on Clomid, I had decent results, but my testosterone slowly crept down over time. Even on 25mg of Clomid per day, I'm below 300. My restart kind of stretched into monotherapy, because, even though my numbers looked good in the beginning, I couldn't maintain them.

The restart attempt itself wasn't all that bad. I didn't have a lot of sexual side effects. Only towards the end when Clomid stopped working I started getting tired all the time and just felt awful. During the past 10 months I lost some body hair, my muscle tone is gone, I put on some weight, and my eyesight has gotten worse. The hair will come back, the muscle tone and fat loss is easy when you don't have the testosterone level of an 80 year old and the estrogen level of a truckload of teenage girls. It's the eyesight thing that disturbs me.

I'm not saying don't attempt a restart, but definitely research it before you try. I haven't encountered a single successful restart from trt. The one guy who I had thought was successful wound up cycling on and off testosterone, so his whole restart attempt was a fraud.

Do I personally think it is possible for you to recover? No, but what do I know? I'm just some guy on the internet. I do know it wasn't possible for me and a lot of others. For me, trt is necessary for quality of life. It's not optional. I'm hypogonadal. That's it. Barring some miraculous cure in the future, I will be on trt for life. Is it ideal? Hell no, but there are worse things that could happen. I have a friend in his early 30s who has stage 3 colon cancer. I'll take hypogondadism over that any day of the week.

I wish you luck. Whatever happens, stay positive and keep your focus on the things you love to do and the people you love. That will get you through just about anything. It works for me, anyway. Keep it in perspective, my friend.

Guys, I did just as my doctor said. She told me to trust her, so I did it. She was so nice I felt comfortable with her. The only thing I did differently was about stopping cold turkey. As I said before, I dropped to 75mg/week for 2 and a half months before stopped it.

I felt great, I felt low libido for 1 week only and then it was fine again. I did blood work last month and my results are:








No medications and no PCT, nothing, just natural recover. I'm very happy with the results and feeling very fine since the day I stopped it. In fact my mood are way better now.

I want to thank everyone, you guys helped a lot! Thank you very much! I'm open to everyone who want to question and I will be glad to help with my experience.

best regards folks.
A lot of variables here such as lifestyle etc. Being as healthy and active as possible will only help you recover even more. I've seen guys recover cold turkey after 10 years, its definitely possible. As a matter of fact I've seen a lot of guys recover, some do the Clomid/HCG/SERMS route, others lower their T dose and stop. Some have issues, some don't, it just depends. The more information I gather is that we should do away with the "once you start TRT you can never come off" mantra that seems to be perpetuated in the TRT community.
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