Blood test results after i stooped taking testosterone.


New Member
Hey i am 32 years old, i have been a steroids user in the past and at some point i decided to stop the steroids cycles and then i decided to get into continuous low dose of testosterone. So i spent more than 1 year on a 200mg testosterone/week dose. I had to stop taking testosterone, because i am moving to another country and i won't be able to have access to the drugs that i need there. It's been about 38 days since i had my last testosterone injection and started taking herbal medicine to try to reestablish my hormonal levels. I did some blood work this week and this are the results:

LH: 3,48 mui/mL
range: 1,24 mui/mL to 8,62 mui/mL

FSH: 5,89 mui/mL
range:1,50 mui/mL to 12,40 mui/mL

range: 241,0 ng/dL to 827,0 ng/dL

range: 3,4 ng/dL to 24,6 ng/dL

DHT: 1095,0 pg/mL
range: 135 pg/mL to 1365 pg/mL

ESTRADIOL E2: 17,2 pg/mL
range: > 39,8 pg/dL

PROLACTIN: 11,50 ng/mL
range: 2,1 ng/mL to 17,7 ng/mL

SHBG: 37,1 nmol/L
range: 13,2 nmol/L to 89,5 nmol/L

So those are the levels i got after basically 38 days. Can those levels still go up as i continue to take the vitamins, minerals and herbal medicine supplements? Does it take longer than 4 weeks to the hormonal levels reestablish itself? Are those levels that i have now, too low?
So those are the levels i got after basically 38 days. Can those levels still go up as i continue to take the vitamins, minerals and herbal medicine supplements? Does it take longer than 4 weeks to the hormonal levels reestablish itself? Are those levels that i have now, too low?

Those things might possibly be good for you but in regards to getting back hormonally...probably not. Why not a proper PCT, HCG, etc etc is it because you can't access those appropriate methods already?
Do you know what your blood work looked like before you started to use steroids? At least your total testosterone. So you know where "normal" is for you.

6 mg of boron helped me, but most testosterone boosters already have a lot of boron in them, so maybe your "
vitamins, minerals and herbal medicine supplements" already has boron in them so more wouldn't help.

I have read it takes 1-3 months to get back to normal after steroids, but like I said, what is normal for you?

I would give it at least 6 months or more, it will take time for your body to get back to your old levels. Your age definitely will help, I see many young men after stopping steroids go back to their normal levels. I just talked to one man age 32, he justed stop abusing heroin after 10 years and his testosterone levels did eventually return to good levels.
So those are the levels i got after basically 38 days. Can those levels still go up as i continue to take the vitamins, minerals and herbal medicine supplements? Does it take longer than 4 weeks to the hormonal levels reestablish itself? Are those levels that i have now, too low?

It will be a solid 6 months or longer before you know if you're HPTA rebounds, if it does at all. An HPTA reboot (see protocols on this forum) would be very beneficial. The supplements will have little to no impact on that unless you have a deficiency in say zinc, mag, etc. Without the reboot, you may feel pretty awful for a while, assuming you do get back to normal T production at all, which will depend on dose, duration, etc of the AAS you used and other factors.

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