can i apply my androgel 1% in the PM some days?


hello. with summer coming it may be hard some days to apply and shower in enough time for a day at a pool or beach... would it mess my cycle up if say 2 or 3 days out of the week I applied it say 5 or 6pm?

but the rest of the days in the AM ??

any feedback would be great.
thank u :confused::):p
It is this reason why I went with injections, I love the beach and usually workout in the mornings and then head to Huntington beach for a bike ride and a swim. I will not allow a gel (or a woman) to dictate my lifestyle. However note injections will require a lot more skill for your doctor, so it pays to have the best.

You would want to match your body's daily natural rhythm, we wouldn't want our testosterone to peak while sleeping and wane midday. You want to wane close to bedtime.
thanks. . yes i know... i was on injections for 2 wonderful years .. but i had a bad reaction march 1st.... and went to the ER ... after my injection my BP and heart rate went flying high 150/114 and HR was like 153bpm or something... idk why... 2 years of great effects.. but it scared the shit out of me and then for weeks after i had heart palpitations. so i switched back to the gel because i figured it would NOT be as quick of an onset and as direct....

trust me dude im well aware of how amazing the IM route is.... but i was worried about my health... im seeing an endocrin may 21st....and it will be the first time im actually seeing a specialist about this... all this time my Primary just gave it to me and i did my own research...

so hopefully i can switch back, i was told maybe 100mgs at once was 2 much........ every week.....but yet again i did it for 2 years......? so idk......

there was a brand switch from pfizer depo T
to shitty perrigo pharma generic and that was the stuff that gave me the reaction..

anyway thanks for the info...
thanks FeelingLost for the reply just to clarify tho..

:cool:thanks FeelingLost ..... so just to clarify , it wasnst every day .. just sex days? and ur levels were ok ?
thanks again
:cool:thanks FeelingLost ..... so just to clarify , it wasnst every day .. just sex days? and ur levels were ok ?
thanks again
For me it was every late evening. I prefer sleeping with it than walking around all day.
I really don't think the time of day you apply has to be the same everyday.
T builds in your system that is why they want you to wait 5-6 weeks before doing a T lvl blood test.

When I was on Testim 1% gel one tube per day my TT was 630 and FT was 18 I felt fine however I could not afford the 300bucks a month they charged for it.
I do shots now just because of costs.
It was probably the carrier oil and is why there are three different types. Cottonseed oil, sesame seed oil and grapeseed oil exist for these reasons, as some have reaction. If you had selected a different carrier it's likely to have fixed the problem. Perhaps someday when the gel fails to absorb as your body changes you can try a different carrier oil.
it was cotten seed..... same oil is pfizer used..... perrigo used cotten also .. but that was the one that did me in.....
i do HOPE to switch back to the injection.... it helped me so much.... this gel is like half assing it..... im doing it now liek i said til i see the the endocrine....... i guess i have to be brand specific which the pharmacy and have the doc write the NDC # for pfizer on the script..... cuz that agreed with me for years..... sucked man......

well thanks for the info ...... some also told me that their oil cuz have been rancid....... i still have it i want to like go to a lab and get it checked .....i dont trust that company.......
it was cotten seed..... same oil is pfizer used..... perrigo used cotten also .. but that was the one that did me in.....
i do HOPE to switch back to the injection.... it helped me so much.... this gel is like half assing it..... im doing it now liek i said til i see the the endocrine....... i guess i have to be brand specific which the pharmacy and have the doc write the NDC # for pfizer on the script..... cuz that agreed with me for years..... sucked man......

well thanks for the info ...... some also told me that their oil cuz have been rancid....... i still have it i want to like go to a lab and get it checked .....i dont trust that company.......

Even though some may have issues regarding absorption using transdermals many men still do well on transdermals regarding relief/improvements of low t symptoms and overall well being and also are able to attain good testosterone levels.

So many are always pro injection and so quick to recommend and all it does is confuses one looking at various treatment methods when starting a trt protocol.

Sure one can have absorption issues, attaining descent t levels and possibly transference issues to another person (women/children) but it is not a given as many still do well using transdermal.

Of course injections provide superior absorption and allow one to easily attain mid-normal to high/normal physiological t levels as oppose to transdermal.

Do understand that transdermals will always have the benefit of mimicking the natural diurnal rhythm of a healthy young male which injections can never do.

I would always tell someone to give the transdermal route a try to see how they react before jumping right on injections.

Also transdermals provide a better dht boost which can be beneficial in some regarding libido/drive.

It would always be best to apply in the early am to try and mimic the natural early morning/noon high and gradual decline in the late afternoon/early evening.

You could apply in the pm some days if you like but than you are not really being consistent with applying every 24 hrs as it will be a hit or miss and you will run into different times of the day whether morning/evening when your t levels are elevating/declining.

Even after applying the testosterone is absorbed within the first 2 hrs and once it is absorbed it forms a depot in the skin and is gradually released throughout the day (24 hrs) so after it is fully absorbed into the skin (fairly quickly) there is no chance of washing it away!
switching back to cyp. injection 2moro few questions ? carrier oil, timeing ?

:cool:ive switched back to the test. cyp. injections. i start tomorrow Sunday..... im doing 50mgs 2x a week sunday and thursday.....well thats what the endocrin said to do...... So unlike last time my timing was all over the place, im going to stick to a time schedule .....early in the day around noon i guess.. since i sleep a little late........

i got the pharmacy to get me the pfizer depo....which i liked...... so today is the is the last gel day, its ok to inject the 50mgs 2moro after using the 100mgs of gel today?

also a werid question...sometimes its hard to get the accurate .25 ml since some gets stuck in the bottom of the needle ...
Do pharmacies carrie like medical grade plain carrier oil? like to dilute so i could make it an even .5ml ?

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