Very interesting. My current protocol, as of yesterday is basically just what you were on 20 years ago. I’m currently on 200mg deca, 35mg test, and 500iu’s HCG.
What made you even consider using nandrolone as your base 20 years ago? And the fact that you knew to use low dose test, I’m assuming to boost e2, you were way ahead of your time with this way of thinking/ protocol.
So you’re currently only doing 100iu’s of HCG E3D? Why such a low dose?
I started using nandrolone over testosterone back then because I was concerned about hair-loss, and I knew nandrolone had minimal androgenic side effects. I added the low dose testosterone just to keep enough test in my system, because of what I had read on stacking the 2 together. I wasn't thinking about e2 at the time.
I am doing low dose HCG now because too high a dose gives me e2 symptoms. I also want to keep my DHT levels at low to low-normal--I've read testosterone produced by your testis can get converted to DHT via 5-AR2 fairly quickly via its expression in your testicles.