Hi, my name is Juan 35yo (M).
I don't know if anybody can relate to me and my problem but everything started around 8 months ago when suddently, after three years on testosterone replacement, I lost my libido. It did never happened for three years till it happened.
So for 8 months I've been seaeching and trying diffent protocols I saw on forums like:
. High TRT dose (200mg week).
. Daily cypionate microdosed.
. Now I am trying propionate microdosed but...still nothing is working downstairs.
It is even more strange that I got so frustaed some times that if I did not inject for a week, for example, I can feel my libido coming back again but as soon as I inject testosterone my (organ) became unanimated again.
In the past after injections I had some euphorya and libido going up. Now its the oposite. What is happening to me?
Hi Juan,
Here are 20 tips for success:
1) lower T doses,
@Systemlord is right, less is more. I’m down to 6 units daily on a 29g .5ml 1/2” insulin syringe.
2) start HCG, I’m a huge fan of HCG for overall feeling of wellness, libido, and to prevent testicular atrophy. I do 400IU’s on M/W/F with a 30g 5/16” syringe. Be sure to do minimal dilution on the HCG, I do 3ml water to 12,000IU’s.
3) eliminate all processed & unhealthy foods from diet, this includes additives, food dyes, high sugar foods like candy, sweets, etc, eliminate high fructose corn syrup, do lower carb meals, stick to carb sources like sweet potatoes, rice, veggie pasta, etc. No fast food, if you need something quick, get hard boiled eggs from gas station, fruit, grilled chicken or salad.
4) don’t forget about drinks, just drink water. Why anything else? If you need flavor go for coffee or tea, but don’t load it with sugar or artificial junk. There’s plenty of natural sparking energy drinks out there with no high fructose corn syrup, find those if you must, but no Red Bull or Monster or sugary coffee drinks.
5) just eat real foods like beef, chicken, salmon, salad, veggies, fruit, etc.
6) lose any excess body fat. Diet recommendations above will help with that. It’s a slow process, but it’s worth it.
7) eliminate all harmful chemicals you’re putting on your body and switch to natural alternatives. This means switching everything that touches your body, from toothpaste to deodorant fo lotion to body wash to shampoo/conditioner, to cologne, to hair gel, to hand soap, to dishwashing detergent to laundry soap, etc. You see just how many chemicals you use on a daily basis!
8) use an app like Yuka to help you scan food items to make healthy choices. It’s free. So many foods are loaded with crap, items you would never think. Scan them with this app and you’ll see just how toxic they are for your system, yes especially your reproductive &’endocrine system!!!
9) eliminate unnatural fragrances, no candles, glade plug ins, cologne, air freshener spray, car air fresheners, etc. Get natural stuff like essential oils if you need smell goods.
10) have a solid strength training regimen, pushing yourself to new levels each time, following disciplined rest intervals, and switching it up to avoid become stagnant. This means no puttering through workouts, lol.
11). Absolutely no pornography. I cannot stress this enough. There’s no wiggle room here (pun intended) it’s a libido killer and many other negative side effects. Masterbation is not needed either.
12) make sure you’re getting good sleep, you don’t need ZMA daily. Take 50mg zinc every couple days before bed, after a decent meal. Magnesium is good to add in too.
13) good libido supplements - Maca Root, Ashwahanda, Tribulus, and Ginseng.
14) other good whole health supplements - creatine, vitamin D, LIQUID vitamin B12, vitamin C, etc.
15) evaluate any pre workouts you’re taking. Most of these directly impact my libido in a negative way big time. Try to find a natural one or none at all or just caffeine.
16) eliminate toxins from your food/beverage contacts. This means no plastics, no cheap plastic water bottles, no plates with toxic coatings, no Teflon non stick cooking pans, etc. Use stainless steel & glass, BPA free plastic if you must.
17) definitely no AI’s, if you took an AI within the last 3-6 months or even longer if you took steadily, then you may still be dealing with the loss of libido from these. AI’s were detrimental for me. If you did take these, start taking B6.
18) nurture your spiritual life, take time to mediate on the Scriptures to help you find peace and purpose in your life. This is good time to relax, reflect, and respond. Truth is you’re likely not going to find this in church, it comes from a personal relationship with our Creator.
19) evaluate your EMF exposure and remedy appropriately.
20) don’t forget #11.
That’s about all I can think of off the top of my head. If you want your body to function like a machine you’ve got to treat it like one. That means high maintenance and clean fuel. Take care of yourself. You’re wanting to feel like you’re 18 again, but truth is we’re getting older and we’ve been exposed to toxic chemicals and poor diets our entire lives. Everything is stacked against us, you must go to the extreme to counteract all the damage and attacks against us.
To accomplish many of the steps above, it means a total life change. It means a serious turnaround in your life, a this is it moment, a crisis of belief, a time to step up or a time to back down decision.
If you’re ready, you’re not alone, you’re welcome to PM me anytime for encouragement. If you’re just looking for a quick fix…buena suerte.