Why do so many Quit TRT?

Realistic expectations are most important! I started at age 50 after things just caught up to me from high stress 24-7-365 business life. It really made a big impact on body composition, Ha1C and others....It was not the magic bullet however. You cannot fix 35 years of high stress burnout with an injection. I will say it has made my life better and my wife at age 59 looks like she could be 50. Be realistic and okay with smaller gains.....
You're the one who claimed they were low, not us. There are likely no valid statistics on retention rates for the reasons BigTex and others have stated. Raw statistics would not be relevant for individual decision-making.
I said it seems most people who get on it, eventually get off. I never made any absolute claim backed by data.

I also never said it seems like less people are getting on TRT, I said it seems like most people eventually get off of it.

IDK why people are getting worked up over this.

Since there is no stats for retention rate.. all I have to go on are anecdotal witnessed experiences.
I said it seems most people who get on it, eventually get off. I never made any absolute claim backed by data.

I also never said it seems like less people are getting on TRT, I said it seems like most people eventually get off of it.

IDK why people are getting worked up over this.

Since there is no stats for retention rate.. all I have to go on are anecdotal witnessed experiences.
Apparently there are some stats. I showed evidence that more and more people are getting on and also evidence that showed slightly fewer people get off TRT when compared to all other long-term medications. Please go back and read what I posted. Most people have trouble staying with ANY medication that has to be taken for a life time.

More people getting on each year and projected future of TRT:

%'s getting off:

Is this any different from any other long term medication? NO.....nonadherence can account for up to 50% of treatment failures, around 125,000 deaths, and up to 25% of hospitalizations each year in the United States.

Adults all have a choice when it comes to being prescribed a long term medication. Either you adhere to the dedication it takes to get up and take a medication every day for the rest of your life or you fail to do it and deal with the consequences. Seems quite a few come here to this board and want the rest of to validate their reasoning for not being able to adhere to a life long protocol and a give them a reason to quit. As you see treatment failures of all medication result in 125,000 deaths each year and up to 25% hospitalizations. It your choice, you don't need this board to tell you it is OK to quit TRT, just quit if it is not for you.

If every guy who got on TRT came to this board and talked about how happy they were the server of the board would crash. Most who are happy don't want to waste the time, they just go on with life. Now, common sense tells me that if so many were getting off and not happy with the results, there would not be so many doctors, clinics and hospitals willing to get involved in this area.
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I quit trt after being on it past 9 + years give or take a few… i started in early 2005ish and stopped about 2014-2015ish maybe a year later than that and recently tested 546 total test… my test has been as low as 126 and whilst on trt as high as 1500…

Honestly i just got tired of pinning and didnt want to go the cream route, perhaps it could be better? Dunno ? I just got tired of chasing the blood work and getting my blood thin and having phlems and all the extra stuff i had to do to feel fine…

Yes i deal with ups and downs and my urologist advised i get back on… ill see next round of bloods this next week or so to see…
I quit trt after being on it past 9 + years give or take a few… i started in early 2005ish and stopped about 2014-2015ish maybe a year later than that and recently tested 546 total test… my test has been as low as 126 and whilst on trt as high as 1500…

Honestly i just got tired of pinning and didnt want to go the cream route, perhaps it could be better? Dunno ? I just got tired of chasing the blood work and getting my blood thin and having phlems and all the extra stuff i had to do to feel fine…

Yes i deal with ups and downs and my urologist advised i get back on… ill see next round of bloods this next week or so to see…
How do u feel off of it compared to on?

and if u ever go back on, u could make things way easier on urself. Draw up with whatever gauge syringe u want, and backfill a 29 gauge 1/2” insulin syringe To inject with. U barely feel them IM, and I assume if u went subQ u wouldn’t feel it at all. That takes care of the painful part. I personally do two injections, EOD, and have for years now. I could easily do this forever doing it this way

And u don’t need to get blood drawn frequently. Ur HCT levels probably weren’t high enough to even warrant a phlebetomy to begin with, but even if they were, simply being properly hydrated would have lowered ur HCT enough to keep u in a range where u absolutely dont need to get blood drawn frequently

and if ur doing ok with sub par levels atm, it sounds like if u did go back on HRT, u wouldn’t need very high of a dose. Which would again keep u away from frequent phlebotomies

and a lot of guys only need to get blood drawn twice per year for their HRT provider. That’s not too big of a hassle imo
I quit trt after being on it past 9 + years give or take a few… i started in early 2005ish and stopped about 2014-2015ish maybe a year later than that and recently tested 546 total test… my test has been as low as 126 and whilst on trt as high as 1500…

Honestly i just got tired of pinning and didnt want to go the cream route, perhaps it could be better? Dunno ? I just got tired of chasing the blood work and getting my blood thin and having phlems and all the extra stuff i had to do to feel fine…

Yes i deal with ups and downs and my urologist advised i get back on… ill see next round of bloods this next week or so to see…
Just inject your test subq, zero pain.
How do u feel off of it compared to on?

and if u ever go back on, u could make things way easier on urself. Draw up with whatever gauge syringe u want, and backfill a 29 gauge 1/2” insulin syringe To inject with. U barely feel them IM, and I assume if u went subQ u wouldn’t feel it at all. That takes care of the painful part. I personally do two injections, EOD, and have for years now. I could easily do this forever doing it this way

And u don’t need to get blood drawn frequently. Ur HCT levels probably weren’t high enough to even warrant a phlebetomy to begin with, but even if they were, simply being properly hydrated would have lowered ur HCT enough to keep u in a range where u absolutely dont need to get blood drawn frequently

and if ur doing ok with sub par levels atm, it sounds like if u did go back on HRT, u wouldn’t need very high of a dose. Which would again keep u away from frequent phlebotomies

and a lot of guys only need to get blood drawn twice per year for their HRT provider. That’s not too big of a hassle imo
Lets see:

I have felt shitty, and out of shape and great and like idgaf anymore haha… then back to feelin like a bag of dog crap ran over 2x… then just a lazy af older guy ….

I did sub q all the time… i think i just got bored and had a lot of stress working a swing shift for most of my career along with sleep apnea and being a disabled vet has all caused issues especially whilst on trt

I do want to get back on especially because i was a great responder to hcg as it increased my mood and other great things along with test…

Being a dewd… i dont want to just take a smaller dose haha… i want to king kong this mofo… and then add other items to my trt… so a lot of this is also why i quit as well… its like temptation …

On the neg sides:
Im also now lazy af… no drive, no anything and would rather age and sleep n diez….

So maybe holdin back a bit and going back on small dose is a good thing as long as i can put my health in front of my ego…. Appreciate this talk…

Also my wife is old so all those bonnerz dont do me any good… maybe gives me more forearm workouts or causes me to find a “fwb”

Fawk it… Hold this thought gonna go pin….
Lets see:

I have felt shitty, and out of shape and great and like idgaf anymore haha… then back to feelin like a bag of dog crap ran over 2x… then just a lazy af older guy ….

I did sub q all the time… i think i just got bored and had a lot of stress working a swing shift for most of my career along with sleep apnea and being a disabled vet has all caused issues especially whilst on trt

I do want to get back on especially because i was a great responder to hcg as it increased my mood and other great things along with test…

Being a dewd… i dont want to just take a smaller dose haha… i want to king kong this mofo… and then add other items to my trt… so a lot of this is also why i quit as well… its like temptation …

On the neg sides:
Im also now lazy af… no drive, no anything and would rather age and sleep n diez….

So maybe holdin back a bit and going back on small dose is a good thing as long as i can put my health in front of my ego…. Appreciate this talk…

Also my wife is old so all those bonnerz dont do me any good… maybe gives me more forearm workouts or causes me to find a “fwb”

Fawk it… Hold this thought gonna go pin….
U seem like a good time man, glad to have u here lol. U seem like u have a great personality. And appreciate ur openness to the replies that were left in regards to ur story.

what was the protocol that had u feeling good while on HRT? Test and HCG dosages, and frequency of injections

and I hear ya man, it’s tough for some of us to not want to push the limits. I’m definitely one of them lol
U seem like a good time man, glad to have u here lol. U seem like u have a great personality. And appreciate ur openness to the replies that were left in regards to ur story.

what was the protocol that had u feeling good while on HRT? Test and HCG dosages, and frequency of injections

and I hear ya man, it’s tough for some of us to not want to push the limits. I’m definitely one of them lol

Thanks man im always fun haha!

The protocol ive posted basically on all forums im on was this

Monday: 200 mlg test cyp

Wednesday: ai either aromasin @ 12.5 mlg or anastrozole .5-1mlg depending on blood work

(crislers hcg protocol)
Friday 250iu
Sunday 250 iu

I felt the bestest of all… but that started circa 2005ish, so by 2016ish… i was just tired of chasing the blood work and throwin stuff at my blood to prevent thickness….

They say people at higher elevations usually have thicker blood but i never did growing up above a mile high for over 20 some years…

Never had blood thickness issues until i had been on trt for well over 10+ yrs then something changed and not sure what

So instead of continuing to chase everything and spend more money on supps and doing more and more research

I GOT LAZY…. i had spent so many hours of research (terabytes of data on my hard drive to include blood stuff, foods and exercise stuff) and going to doctors and taking stuff to aide in harm reduction… for the years i was on trt that basically after 3 kids and dealing with a change in lifestyle and not having or making time actually to live the lifestyle….

I called it quits…

Now between the time i quit and upto september of this year my total test has dropped to 126 and as of recently is as high as 546…. All with no trt

Its a roller coaster fo sho!

I did have a 200 mlg shot from my urologist about a month before that test so maybe* my levels were actually low and he helped raise them with that one shot… as im getting bloods done this next week or 2 i guess ill find out?
Perhaps this has already been said, I didn’t read all the replies. I think one reason many men quit is because they are seeing a doctor who is not competent at prescribing hormone replacement. I went to 16 different doctors before I found one that accurately diagnosed my hormone issues then about 4 more before finding one who was competent enough to properly prescribe hormone replacement.

I’ve been on TRT for over ten years. I wouldn’t go back. However, had I not been persistent in getting what I wanted and needed I would have given up before starting TRT or shortly thereafter.

I also think that some men think that TRT is going to make them look like Mr. Universe. While TRT may be helpful in building and maintaining lean muscle mass, it’s no magic pill. You’d probably need ten times the TRT dose in order to look like Mr. Universe and you’d still have to put in the work.

In summary, I think most who quit never got it dialed in right because of incompetent doctors.
I’m using the testosterone cream. I’ve been on it about six months. I was having problem maintaining an erection which I’m using trimix for now; problem fixed. The testosterone is doing nothing, I’m still using it and have been for almost 6 months. I have trouble urinating. I’ve had my prostate checked that’s not the problem. The side effects are making me think I don’t need to take it anymore. I didn’t really need it to begin with? I get my trimix requires me to have an ongoing membership with them in order to get it so I’m kind of stuck I guess.
I'm currently reading The Body Keeps The Score which offers a bit of insight into why anxiety can be a bugger to shift.
Ya mood stuff is complicated. The reasons for them are usually multi factorial. I do know for a fact that they can be caused and resolved completely by balancing certain hormones. I’ve experienced this personally. Clomid mono gave me extreme depression, and pretty bad anxiety. Stopping it and going on testosterone completely eliminated both. So I know for a fact they can be 100% caused and resolved from balancing hormones. But I think the majority of the time balancing hormones will help a ton, with both depression and anxiety, and other mood issues, but they're overall going to be present due to a host of possible reasons. Whether it be hormone imbalances, poor diet, trauma from childhood, lack of exercising/ a sedentary lifestyle, learned behaviors from people around us, etc. The list honestly goes on and on.
I’m using the testosterone cream. I’ve been on it about six months. I was having problem maintaining an erection which I’m using trimix for now; problem fixed. The testosterone is doing nothing, I’m still using it and have been for almost 6 months. I have trouble urinating. I’ve had my prostate checked that’s not the problem. The side effects are making me think I don’t need to take it anymore. I didn’t really need it to begin with? I get my trimix requires me to have an ongoing membership with them in order to get it so I’m kind of stuck I guess.
I am NOT a doctor....I had great luck with L citrulline and arginine helping with urine flow along with BP and erections.
I am NOT a doctor....I had great luck with L citrulline and arginine helping with urine flow along with BP and erections.
I agree on this one as well. It def works great for my BP too and add in some brutal cardio to the mix and BP def makes a significant drop. I've heard about this from a couple doctors FWIW. I've currently ran out of them both as was running Jarrow Sustain version so looking to grab some if good offer comes by.
seems most people who get on TRT eventually quit. Why?

If you quit, how long were you on and what made you get off? are you happier now that youre no longer on TRT?
The ones that quit are the one that dont realize that TRT is a lifestyle change. So eating like crap, drinking like a fish, smoking, and inactivity are all killers of Any TRT program!

Im 47, have been on TRT now for about 4 years and I would dream about getting off TRT. My confindence is through the roof, Libido is strong and my body is 10x stronger than I was in my 20's, however I stay VERY active, drink almost nothing and eat pretty clean:)
The ones that quit are the one that dont realize that TRT is a lifestyle change

You should stop generalizing based on your own individual experience. There are plenty of men who take care of themselves and have a better than "pretty clean :)" diet for whom TRT doesn't work at all, to the point where they're worse off than they were before hopping on.

I don't know why it's so hard to understand that one's personal experience with hormones doesn't apply exactly the same way to every single human being.
You should stop generalizing based on your own individual experience. There are plenty of men who take care of themselves and have a better than "pretty clean :)" diet for whom TRT doesn't work at all, to the point where they're worse off than they were before hopping on.

I don't know why it's so hard to understand that one's personal experience with hormones doesn't apply exactly the same way to every single human being.
Exactly. Common sense is far from common these days. It's not only about BP, Hematocrit, other blood markers, libido, high energy etc. There is also cognitive functions and brain health, overstimulation, anxiety, feeling wired, feeling hot, etc, etc. Some guys do have perfect blood markers, tick every box, like you say and still feel fucked in one way or another. But once they get off they feel a lot better so that makes me think that they never needed it in the first place. Ofc if they have done everything methodically and exhausted every option before hanging the gloves. Just like you gotta exhaust every natural option before you start to gauge if a trial of TRT is even granted or not.

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