How do u feel off of it compared to on?
and if u ever go back on, u could make things way easier on urself. Draw up with whatever gauge syringe u want, and backfill a 29 gauge 1/2” insulin syringe To inject with. U barely feel them IM, and I assume if u went subQ u wouldn’t feel it at all. That takes care of the painful part. I personally do two injections, EOD, and have for years now. I could easily do this forever doing it this way
And u don’t need to get blood drawn frequently. Ur HCT levels probably weren’t high enough to even warrant a phlebetomy to begin with, but even if they were, simply being properly hydrated would have lowered ur HCT enough to keep u in a range where u absolutely dont need to get blood drawn frequently
and if ur doing ok with sub par levels atm, it sounds like if u did go back on HRT, u wouldn’t need very high of a dose. Which would again keep u away from frequent phlebotomies
and a lot of guys only need to get blood drawn twice per year for their HRT provider. That’s not too big of a hassle imo