I've been on TRT for about a year and it's been pretty much a horrible experience. The only time I felt decent was when I first started to use the T-cream. I ran out and crashed pretty hard, for whatever reason the doc and pharmacy messed up my order and I couldn't get the medication for about 2 - 2.5 weeks. By the time I've restarted the cream I was pretty much to the same numbers as pre-TRT, except feeling much, much worse than I have in years.
Since switching to injections (in October of last year) I don't remember even a single month where I didn't have some issues with extreme anxiety/lethargy/complete lack of motivation.
My labs keep coming back with T being over 1,000... (as high as 1700 and most recently 1400). DHT was pretty high around 125 (range 30 - 85).
Right now I do one injection of .3cc (200mg/ml T-cyp) every 5th day. After speaking with
Defy this Monday, I will be lowering my dose down to .25cc ...
Tomorrow I will get new lab work and if I still see an issue with elevated numbers, I will be discounting this torture. Entirely too much money, time and life wasted on something that produces almost no positive effects. Pre-TRT I had some bad days, who doesn't?.. but nothing like what I've been going through trying to figure out the right protocol, crashing E2 (absolute hell for 2 months) and trying to manage E2 via tiny (0.125) dosage of Anastrozole, which again led to horrible anxiety and panic attacks. Additionally I started having significant ED issues. They seem to come and go... but I've never had this problem before starting TRT.
So yeah, TRT is definitely not for everyone and struggling for years to "dial in" makes no sense to me.