Ya I’d love to know as well! And I wish I knew why my penis and testicles hung better on the nandrolone based protocol. I mean, I can speculate, but that’s all it would be, is speculation. My first thoughts are that the nandrolone base allows u to have a high androgen to estrogen/ prolactin and that could be a big contributing factor. But then I think, couldn’t someone just get the same effect with an ai? And we do sometimes see guys using an ai report improved erections. But if they do, it seems like it’s difficult for them to consistently get that benefit. I remember having amazing erections basically the entire time time I was on the nandrolone base. I think when I went a little too high with the test, at 100mg/ week, with 200mg of deca/ week, I remember my erections not being as good, but still very good by most guy’s standards
I also wonder if the fact that when on a nandrolone base, u’ll have a lot of DHN in ur system, which is much weaker than DHT, but will compete at the receptor with DHT. So in layman’s terms, using nandrolone base will decrease the effects of DHT. Some guys report DHT being a little stimulating, and Im not sure, but maybe DHT is in fact stimulating to the CNS. So if dht’s effects are decreased on a nandrolone base, I wonder if that played a role in my package all hanging a bit better on it. And u would think that having less DHT in ur system would decrease libido/ erections, but I had both amazing libido and diamond like/ on demand erections on the nandrolone base, so idk what to make of that, as far as nandrolone decreasing dht’s effects go
Also, nandrolone is a progestin. Not sure if that has any positive effects on erections somehow.
Maybe lots of guys report feeling calm, cool and collected due to getting to have a high androgen to estrogen ratio, without concurrently having a high level of DHT. I know that has nothing to do with erections, but just a thought after thinking about how DHT is effected on a nandrolone based protocol
Also, I’m on primo, which lowers E2 pretty significantly, without lowering total androgens, thus increasing my androgen to estrogen ratio, but my package doesn’t hang as good as it did on the nandrolone base, and even tho erections have been really good, they’re still not as good as when I was on the nandrolone base. But not too far honestly. So idk if a nandrolone based protocol‘s benefits can simply be recreated by taking an ai or taking a DHT derivative that lowers E2, while keeping total androgens where they’re at, or actually increasing them, like in the case of taking something like primo