I take a half dose of a multivitamin a few times a week. I'm not much of a believer in taking 10,000% daily recommended dosages of everything every day.Okay, that's interesting. Do you use any supplements?
Just try 5mg prop. What do you have to lose? The stuff works quick IMO, none of that waiting 12 weeks to "stabilise".
And then u felt like shit after cumming 3 times so now u back for more answers.
Nelson, I disagree. Post title:There is not one study or even anecdotes in the past 13 years of ExcelMale that shows any benefits on ED of using anastrozole. None.
We have lots of info here. Daily Cialis or Trimix as needed are two effective solutions.
When Testosterone Doesn’t Lead to Better Erections or Sex Drive
Note: There is a great booklet attached to this post (For registered members only. Register) Excerpt from the book: Testosterone: A Man's Guide Most men find that their sexual desire increases after they start testosterone replacement. Sexual dreams and nighttime/morning erections may be...www.excelmale.com
I second your sentiment. Prop is way easier to use that Cyp. I hate the longer esters. Not knowing if you are doing the right thing for 2-3 months is absolutedly a deal breaker for me.Just try 5mg prop. What do you have to lose? The stuff works quick IMO, none of that waiting 12 weeks to "stabilise".
And then u felt like shit after cumming 3 times so now u back for more answers.
I'm the same as you in that I seem to have some issue with Test Cyp and I've been on TRT/AAS for many years.I can try 5mg daily but I'm not optimistic it will work. Currently I am searching other TRT methods aside injections. Any sugestion? I am searching about the Gels/Creams or something that can elevate my Testosterone without shutting me down(?)
And no, I didn't "feel like shit after cumming 3 times". I have the urge and can do it. I writed this post to show how I started to feel ED right after injecting 30mg of Test Cyp and hours later after taking 0.5mg Arimidex I was able to have an erection and masturbate again.
I can feel when half life of Testosterone starts to fall. Sadly my energy starts to lower but my libido starts to climb. Those last two weeks I was without injecting anything (I was already trying 10mg Testosterone Prop daily so the half life cleans even faster) my libido was even higher than it is now but I was no so excited to work out. It proves that my body is not handling even such low doses of testosterone and I'm still trying to solve this puzle like other members here and on other forums suffering the same ED problem on TRT as me.
DHEA is another thing to try. I find it quite helpful.I take a half dose of a multivitamin a few times a week. I'm not much of a believer in taking 10,000% daily recommended dosages of everything every day.
I also take prescription omega3's, vitamin D3 and K2 and creatine.
I've always been interested in health and fitness, so I've tried every supplement under the sun over the years. I tried a nitric oxide boosting stack of citrulline, arginine, beet root powder, etc. That had no discernable effect for me. For periods of time I've taken magnesium. My magnesium blood test results don't show a need however. I've tried carnitine, but didn't notice much. I've tried zinc and didn't notice much effect.
I've pointed this out elsewhere but I didn't get much response. I think it hit too close to home perhaps.And seems like almost everyone on TRT are using ED meds knowing well they have some sort of ED and coping/denying it saying they use it for "other beneficts".
Why do you think that is?Pharma Cyp gives me immediate ED even at low IM doses (5-10mg) regardless of what my levels are.
I suspect something related to the rate of aromatisation into e2 vs conversion to DHT etc just sending my ratios out of whackWhy do you think that is?
What dose of prop did you feel best on?I suspect something related to the rate of aromatisation into e2 vs conversion to DHT etc just sending my ratios out of whack
For day to day it seems around 5mg for “maintenance” and 10mg when I want to feel more amped / hypersexual. The only thing is my Prop is UGL so can’t be sure of the exact dosing but I may order some other brands to compare.What dose of prop did you feel best on?
Hey brother, I feel your pain!
I was more sensitive to TRT than anyone I've ever met and it took me nearly 10 years to learn how to get and stay dialed in. Below I've included a post I made to help someone else that I hope will help you to better understand the full picture, and help you be able to finally get totally symptom free.
Let me preface this: I do not give medical advice. This is not medical advice.
Here are some things that will keep you from years and years of suffering, while getting bad advice from forums and careless doctors, and not ever getting dialed in.
1st. Your e2 levels are probably not why you are having side effects unless they are insanely high. It takes 8 weeks for Testosterone to stabilize in your system, unless you started with a properly calculated loading dose. Once you are in steady state (8 weeks, no changing), then and only then will you actually feel the effects of your current dose. If you then decide to change doses and this time use a loading dose, you'll stabilize extremely quickly and you'll feel the actual effects of that dose without waiting the 8 weeks. After, you can change again if necessary. While things are moving, you will always feel weird and you will have side effects like those you described + many others (ED, anxiety, temporary gyno flare.etc), which everyone mistakenly claims are from e2 being too high. If your e2 is below 45-50pg/mL, aka you’re not on steroid levels of testosterone or a hyper converter, you probably don't need an estrogen blocker. Just WAIT.
2nd. Your Free Testosterone is what makes you feel good or bad, not your Total Testosterone. As long as your Total Testosterone is above a minimum threshold ON THE TROUGH (very important part!), you only need to focus on Free T to get dialed in. The minimum threshold is different for everyone but basically you need enough baseline Total T for the symptoms to go away. As far as Free T, many men report doing well with Free T peak levels between 30-60 ng/dL. The healthiest, natural, absolute beast 18 year olds alive have a max Peak Free T of around 21 ng/dL. I personally feel like death and get extreme anxiety if my peak Free T goes above 18.5 ng/dL. On the trough (low end), I think most will feel like death when Free T goes below 12 ng/dL. I personally start to feel off when my Free T trough dips below 15 ng/dL, and heavy side effects begin below 13 ng/dL. Clearly you can see from the tight Free T range I need to target, I'm likely far more sensitive than most, yet I am still able to keep it exactly where I need things to be to feel great!
3rd. If you get crazy anxiety when Free T peaks above say... 18.5 ng/dL, and the only way to make your Free T peak be at 18.5 or below is to lower Total T to the point that it makes your troughs levels provide an insufficient base, it likely means your SHBG is too low. You can reverse this quickly by raising your SHBG, then increasing the testosterone dose. Ways to raise SHBG so that you can have adequate Total T with the Free T level you want are: switch to everyday injections, eat a high fiber diet, do intermittent fasting, avoid sugar, balance your meals, be in a caloric deficit, avoid alcohol. If you do all of these things, your SHBG will rise very fast (probably just a couple of weeks), and it'll solve this issue of not enough Total T. On the other hand, if SHBG is too high and you have to take tons of testosterone to get enough Free T, you can crush SHBG by taking one big injection per week as opposed to smaller ones split up. Boron supplementation, I believe, has also been proven to lower SHBG.
4th. Your testosterone levels work on a cycle with the PEAK happening before 10am, 24-48 hours after your shot. You need to draw bloods only on the peak, and only during total and complete steady state, because from there you can calculate the trough, figure out your Free T peak and trough, and actually get dialed in and start feeling like the champ you really are.
5th. You need to go and get the app "TRT Pro" on the app store to help you with all of this. It is the most usefule TRT app I have ever seen and has everything you need to help get and keep you balanced. You can literally type in your lab results, choose how often you inject, and it calculates the peak and trough for what you are currently taking. Then you can choose any new dose and injection schedule you want, and it will calculate what your new numbers will be if you switch to that. I've tested it with my blood work and found it to be 4 ng/dl off after switching from a weekly dose, to a totally different daily dose. The key is that you use labs numbers for your testosterone level that were drawn on a peak and only at complete steady state, as with all Total T tests. It also a loading dose calculator, Free T calculator, a how to guide with linked research.etc -- all the tools required to accomplish what I outlined and hopefully put this nightmare to rest for you.
Godspeed brother. [Links removed by moderator] It's got images of the app screens so you can see what the heck I'm talking about in this post if you’re confused.
Core takeaways:
-You need to try and pin at the same time every injection and be as accurate as possible with the syringe. Period. If you do 2x/wk, it literally means every 3 days and 12 hours.
-Your symptoms are probably not from e2 if its below 50 pg/mL. Symptoms are normal for up to 8 weeks when making a change, as well as when not on the right dose.
-It takes up to 8 weeks of changing nothing with Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate, to stabilize and see how your dose feels without using a loading dose. Loading dose is typically days instead of 8 weeks.
-Peak and trough for Free T is what primarily what makes you feel good or bad, as long as you have enough of a base of Total T on the fluctuation troughs and nothing else is grossly out of whack.
-SHBG influences you how often you must inject, how high your Free T is, how much testosterone you need to inject, and knowing how to naturally raise or lower it is very powerful in targeting a Free T range.
-If you are sensitive, I highly recommend this app to help you get balanced and to be able to keep things managed permanently. It'll take forever or might even be impossible to do this without software. I mean it.
[Links removed by moderator]
I'm also attaching an app store screenshot so you don't get confused. There is some junk out there. Best of luck bro!
Past blood work from my records to confirm app accuracy. I know an awful lot about this to be making stuff up. I think this app is a freakin game changer.
I got horrible heartburn when I first started Cialis, and when increasing the dosage, which goes away after about a week. It got so bad, I thought it was a heart attack, whenever I ate something, chest hurt and left arm also hurt. If I didn’t, it didn’t happen.After starting TRT, I started daily tadalafil. I used it for the health benefits and sex benefits. But, it gave me awful heartburn.
I’ve been the same way throughout my life. Ive taken every supplement under the sun as well. And at certain points was taking a ton at one time. However, the further along in my health journey that I get I realize that I need very few supplements, and less is absolutely more, when it comes to supplementation, and using too many supplements at once can actually be counterproductive, in regards to overall health, feeling good, and my body functioning properly. Now I try to get as many of my micronutrients from food as possible, and only supplement with vitamin D and liquid magnesium chlorideI take a half dose of a multivitamin a few times a week. I'm not much of a believer in taking 10,000% daily recommended dosages of everything every day.
I also take prescription omega3's, vitamin D3 and K2 and creatine.
I've always been interested in health and fitness, so I've tried every supplement under the sun over the years. I tried a nitric oxide boosting stack of citrulline, arginine, beet root powder, etc. That had no discernable effect for me. For periods of time I've taken magnesium. My magnesium blood test results don't show a need however. I've tried carnitine, but didn't notice much. I've tried zinc and didn't notice much effect.
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