Who feels better on e5d or e7d compared.to more frequent shots?

Great replies, a big thanks! I understand your criticisms, but one that I don't understand is your displeasure at high free T trough levels. I've seen you mention it quite a bit. What is the specific problem with it? Side effects or health issues or both?

When I speak of these high trough FT levels I am talking about absurdly high levels as in 50-80 ng/dL.

Let me be clear here as I have stated numerous times on the forum over the years that many men will tend to do better with FT levels on the higher end 30 ng/dL.

Most doctors in the know would tell you the same.

A FT 5-10 ng/dL would be considered low.

FT 16-31 ng/dL (high-end) is considered healthy.

Some men may choose to run absurdly high FT levels 50-80ng/dL let alone at trough but most would never need to achieve such in order to experience relief/improvement of low-t symptoms.

Many claiming to need such levels most likely have underlying issues with thyroid/adrenals.

Brainwashed by that more T is better mentality.

Unfortunately, many men are jacked up on T from the get-go.

Many of these same individuals end up struggling with such protocols.

Most healthy young males in their prime are not running around with an FT on the high end 30+ ng/dL let alone at the trough and top it off definitely not steady-state!

I could care less where you choose to run your trough FT level whether high/absurdly high as I see no issue as long as blood markers are healthy, you feel great overall, and are not struggling with any sides.

Comes down to the individual and how they react to testosterone as some will struggle when running higher FT levels.

Excess FT levels can result in acne/oily skin (genetically prone), accelerated balding (genetically prone), drive down HDL, increased RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit (common), overstimulation of the CNS (common), bloating/water retention due to androgens effects on the retention of electrolytes (common).

Let alone many end up trying to manage estradiol with the use of an aromatase inhibitor.

Start low and slow we say as it is always harder to come down than go up.

Much more sensible to start low and go slow to see how your body reacts to T instead of blasting out the gate!
Many claim that frequent injections miimic natural physiology better than infrequent injections, but this doesn't seem accurate. Younger men have a daily variation in testosterone levels. Some guys might feel better on less frequent injections for this reason.

There are many stories of men feeling better as their levels /change/ (new protocol) rather than at steady-state; some variation in levels might be needed to feel best in some guys. No one really knows the answers to these questions right now.

One advantage to more frequent injections is it's easier to match your lab results to what your average levels are throughout the week. If you're injecting e.g. once a week then it's harder - you kinda have to guess.
Many claim that frequent injections miimic natural physiology better than infrequent injections, but this doesn't seem accurate. Younger men have a daily variation in testosterone levels. Some guys might feel better on less frequent injections for this reason.
You need a propionate blend for this. Injected daily it can provide a better imitation of the normal diurnal variation in levels.

I'm hopeful that this approach will really shine in cases where guys cannot find a workable TRT dose with steady serum testosterone. For example, there could be side effects at higher levels and a loss of benefits at lower levels and no sweet spot in between. The hypothesis here is that some of the benefits of testosterone are a function of daily peak levels, while problems from excess are more related to average or trough levels. This appears to be the principle behind Natesto. Men taking it are hypogonadal at their baseline testosterone levels, but the significant testosterone peaks provided by the nasal gel are sufficient to relieve the symptoms.
With a propionate blend one can use 20% less testosterone than with a longer ester and still have the daily peak in serum testosterone match the steady levels of the higher dose. At the same time you've introduced diurnal variation in levels, mimicking what's seen in normal men.

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