Anyone feels better on less frequent injections? for ex.: e7d vs e3.5d

I guess you had a lot of advice here, I am going to add my 2 cents. TRT is not a magic bullet.. You body will take time to addapt to exogenous hormones... Now if you keep messing up with the protocol, you are setting yourself up for a bad time... ask me how I know.

Why don't you just simplify this for a 8 weeks... 100mg, in two 50mg doses every 3.5 days... where ever you want, but be constant... Then, do labs... Then you might adjust a little more, a little less... and keep it steady for another 8 weeks... but keep the same protocol... It can take someone a year to get adjusted. You need to be patient and not do dramatic changes, keep it small, measure how you feel and do labs....

Your dosage is all over the place... I made the same mistake of playing with it in my first year and oh boy did I eventually pay for it... shit... Now, I found my sweet spot and remain constant.
So I have a lot of trouble dialing in my TRT. Started gel with low T of 260 ng/dl and <5 E2 (non sensitive) , undetectable. SHBG of 23. Felt like HELL.

started androgel, felt the best i have ever felt in life after 4 days, this lasted for 1.5 weeks then I lost all my benefits and slowly became anxious, paranoid, amotivational etc again. not as bad as pre-trt but still bad.

Then tried injections. 6 weeks of subq e3.5d 60mg.
Levels: 630 ng/dl Total T, 51 pg/ml E2 (nonSensitive) felt like shit, way worse than gel.

Then went on another gel. Felt very good at first again, which didnt last too long. There were moments where I had high e2 symptoms (oily skin, acne, red flushed face, etc) but felt very good mentally.

Gel stopped working again after a few months. Started injections. I thought, hm, maybe my low shbg was the reason i did better on gel than injections. Thats why I did everyday subq 20mg injections. for 6-8 weeks.
Felt absolutely the WORST. Felt exactly like pre-trt MINUS the panic attacks.

Then switched back to e3.5d subq, 140-150mg but felt like shit again. Thought, maybe SubQ is the problem, lets to IM.

So i just finished 6 weeks of e3.5d 75mg intramuscular. Dont feel good. will get bloods tomorrow but no e2 test (which is useless anyways as i cant get sensitive).

My symptoms really match low E2. Dry skin, dry eyes (at sleep), lethargy, anhedonia, obsessive thoughts, anxiety,depression, no erections except sometimes at waking up. no libido. insensitive penis, small flaccid. thin hair.

So could it be that I could feel better at less frequent, bigger shots to get more aromatization going?

Anyone noticed they feel better on less frequent shots?
I have been on HRT since 2010 and don’t notice any difference between weekly and biweekly. However I did notice bad sides from subq (with all weekly, biweekly, daily) and daily.....lots more estrogen conversion (50 tops IM and 67 tops with Subq). I think the key is cycling HCG and stopping everything every 8-12 weeks for a two week span.
@DonaldPump2020 are you taking AÍ?

I was good with Nebido (very long éster) one shot every 10 weeks and not AI, nothing to complain. Should be going back to that protocol soon after a fertility break.
Another thing, people are different and what really matter is how you feel not the numbers or dosage.

You may have something related to E2. Maybe your test had AÍ in?
I’m not a doctor, just sharing some own experience.
Good luck!
Have you tried using Nebido more often? 500 Mg every 45 days for example.
Have you tried using Nebido more often? 500 Mg every 45 days for example.
Hi Gerardo,
Nope, never tried.
I had 1 Nebido every 9 weeks, it was the shorter I had. But then my hematocrit started to raise and then my doctor changed to 10 or 11 weeks.

Now back on Nebido since last Friday. I should start with 10 weeks interval.

I feel better already but may be placebo effect or not :)
Hi Gerardo,
Nope, never tried.
I had 1 Nebido every 9 weeks, it was the shorter I had. But then my hematocrit started to raise and then my doctor changed to 10 or 11 weeks.

Now back on Nebido since last Friday. I should start with 10 weeks interval.

I feel better already but may be placebo effect or not :)
Good night Jay Ara. To control the hematocrit, does your doctor agree to apply 1000 mg at once? But if that's how you feel good then you better move on. I did this same protocol every 12 weeks, but I had a very large testicular atrophy and I don't feel well with Hcg. The hematocrit was controlled.
What they did what increase the amount of weeks, they went to 11 and then 12 to keep that under control somehow. If that happens again I will donate blood. Or even proactively I should do that every 6 months I guess. Just to make sure my levels do not go too high.
I stopped Nebido for 6 months recently, due to fertility journey, I did not feel big of difference to be honest, I was taking HCG and FSH (GonalF) and I was feeling ok, better than nothing, but not close to how I felt with Nebido only. This is a life time journey and I guess less is more in general.
I always had the 1000mg at once.
My next shot is in 10 weeks, just had my first shot last Friday. They will even teach me how to inject myself and then I do not need to go to the doctor for my shots.
I'm happy with Nebido only, no HCG and no AI.

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