@madman, actually you have totally missed the point! This thread is regarding estrogen becoming a concern, and I gave my anecdotes regarding the good mental effects of high E2, which I most certainly have, given my protocol which I also described.
I certainly didn't ask for your unsolicited "advice" or warnings, your 6 week theory of FLUX as you put it, or for your opinion or "help" on my protocol. End of day what Im doing works for me and I feel awesome with no side effects!! Im happy where I am, and will continue doing what Im doing.
If I were you I would stick to the topic, post regarding the topic, absorb others experiences, learn, and move along.
But you did.....with that weasley little remark you had to throw in there on your previous post.
If you want to call people out on the forum be prepared to get stomped on quick.
Think a little deeper before you run your mouth next time.
@Gman86.....did you put the weasel up to this!
Sunday at 10:51 AM
I am self medicating "TRT". I simply started at 80mg as kept increasing every 6 weeks by 20mgor so until I reached 200-250mg which is where I feel well. I have also experimented similarly with subq (a waste of time for me) and shallow IM (excellent, man up and do it). Also with dosing E2d, e3.5d and weekly.
Im using pharma Cyp procured through a friendly pharmacy. Have never tested T, FT or E2, but I feel fantastic. Did put on water weight in the beginning even with the small dose, but that went away.
Not using an AI, and feel like a million bucks. HCG made no difference either way really so I dropped it.
Age 31, and my main motivation for continuing is the supreme confidence gained as well as the "aggression" which is really useful when negotiating in the business world. People simply dont mess with me anymore! Im pretty sure high E2 is a factor here. Ever tried to win a fight with a chick who has PMS? Well, with high E2 no one will mess with you either. Im dead serious here.
To all those not "dialed" in after so many years of posting, call it a "mild cycle" if you insist, but you have to trial 200 or 250mg\week IM EOD for just a month and revert back. You may just be amazed!
And yes, I jumped over 200mg after reading all the hype created by a certain you know who.
This is coming from a guy who upped his dose every 6 weeks.....spent months on end in FLUX only to go on and state that once he reached such dose he feels great.
Then he one ups the complete s**t show by stating.....
"To all those not "dialed" in after so many years of posting, call it a "mild cycle" if you insist, but you have to trial 200 or 250mg\week IM EOD for just a month and revert back. You may just be amazed!
4 weeks.....

.....you f***ing amateur!