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My endocrinologist didn't tell me how to reverse my type 2 diabetes 7 years ago. My endocrinologist said it would take a few years to restore my HPTA axis. He strongly cautioned me and even discourage me from attempting the restart.

He's more worried about my short term health rather than my long term health and quality of life be damned.

In the end it only took 1.5 weeks to get my HPTA working again and now my levels are higher much later in the day than they were in the early morning hours 7 years ago. The SHBG increase (tripled), Total T increase along with it and I'll have the new early morning value in 2 months along with an A1C.

Hence my signature statement at the bottom of all my posts. I will only listen to doctors outside mainstream medicine in the private sector, Ken Berry MD, Dr. Anthony Chaffee MD who are trying to spread the word and allowing us to break free of our medical system.
Was just watching a Ken berry vid this morning before work. And Anthony Chaffee is probably my #1 source for diet/ nutrition info. That guy is the perfect balance of intelligence, amazing memory, and having some of the best common sense/ critical thinking skills I’ve ever seen. He’s also extremely good at being able to articulate his thoughts. U should checkout Dr. Sean O’mara, if u haven’t already. He agrees with Ken berry and Anthony Chaffee, in regards to their thoughts on diet, but he offers a lot of great info on something that nobody else talks about, which is visceral fat, and how bad it is for overall health. It’s really interesting stuff. Here’s a couple good vids if u want to check him out

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I have not heard of the squats thing before but I suspect it might help someone with pre-diabetes. If I do 20+ squats, my glucose drops a little more compared to walking. But the same is true of any strength training I do, sometimes causing hypoglycemia (I wear a CGM). But the drop is only temporary. There is nothing long lasting in glucose levels from what I’ve seen in my CGM reports.
Ya I’m pretty sure using muscles after a meal basically just allows the muscles to act like a reservoir for glucose in the blood. Basically sucks up glucose from the blood into them. People that are insulin resistant have issues getting blood sugar into cells and muscles, and just out of the bloodstream in general, so I can see working muscle groups after a meal being beneficial for them. Makes it easier for glucose to go into muscles, and out of their bloodstream
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Nowhere in credible literature does it say that saturated fats cause insulin resistance. That’s just not true, and is impossible to show in any type of study/ clinical trial, simply because that’s not how the body works. Saturated fats cannot cause insulin resistance.

Carbs aren’t responsible for insulin resistance either. Insulin resistance, as far as diet goes, is the result of consuming foods that insult the body/ cause inflammation, on a regular basis. Basically processed foods, for the most part.

And reversing type 2 diabetes might be one of the easiest things to do, no offense. As far as diet goes, simply cut out all processed foods, and only consume whole/ unprocessed foods. And consume as much fatty ruminant animal meat as u can. Avoid foods that insult the body, even in whole food form. Some examples are grains, nuts, seeds, legumes (beans, lentils), veggies, to name a few. And then as far as non diet things that are important, when trying to reverse diabetes, is to workout with weights 3-5 times per week, try to optimize sleep, and try to minimize stress. If I somehow all of a sudden had type 2 diabetes, I would extremely easily be able to become non diabetic again in a month or less. It seriously is one of the easiest things to do, once u have the knowledge on how to do so. I would personally go full carnivore, to resolve it, but that’s just me. It’s not necessary to do carnivore to resolve it, carnivore would just resolve it the quickest
I’m guessing you don’t have diabetes?? No, reversing it isn’t easy, but also not impossible. Lifestyle changes are hard when all you have ever known your whole life is unhealthy, ultra processed food. If reversing it is/was easy for you, then great! Good for you! But it’s not easy for everyone.

The part about saturated fats being the primary cause was taught in my diabetes education class. Yes, they cause chronic inflammation and that in turn can increase the risk of insulin resistance. There is however something about saturated fats themselves (which is what processed foods usually contain) that makes it harder for cells to accept insulin. Take a look at the American Diabetes Association website- diabetes.org.

I am not a scientist so I don’t know how you would judge a study to be “credible” or not. A quick google search came up with this:
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