What is the testosterone dose for muscle gain?

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Some of the guys I work out with know that i inject T. It has come up why then do I not put on more gains, I do heavy rssitance training and little cardio. I explained that I am on a theraputic dose. Shoot I take a paltry 30 mg twice a week to keep red blood cells in line, so i could never do the super dosing that alot of body builders do.
At what levels do you begin to see substantial mass gains in the gym? I thought i read where guys may use 1500 mg/ injection when cycling on. I would die of a stroke in a matter of weeks doing that heavy dosage!!!

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I take 175mg twice a week with 1mg of anastrozole twice a week. Im 5'4" 245lbs. But stocky. Sure im fat but ive lost the same weight as ive gained in muscle since i started test 6mo ago. I went down to 229lbs and wow i can see the difference but fucking football season's started and im back to 245lbs because of im week for beer and football....who dat!!
Sometimes I push to 200mg per week but without any noticable change. Gotta keep an eye on blood work cause if it gets too thick muscles wont help during a heart attack.
Also remember when one uses higher doses of testosterone to accelerate the rate at which one attains increases in muscle fiber (actin/myosin) depending on the degree of muscle gain beyond what one could naturally attain due to genetics one would than require higher testosterone levels to maintain those gains permanently hence one could apply the blast/cruise analogy but for a majority that are using/abusing testosterone/aas for the sole purpose of increased muscle/strength gains higher cruise doses (more than average trt dose 100mg/week) are usually required if one has gained a significant amount of muscle. The main reason aside from health reasons (giving the body a break from supra-physiological levels of testosterone) when cycling is that cycling allows on to continue to make/attain gains beyond ones natural genetic potential (of course with implementing a proper pct protocol), those that choose not to cycle due to the ups/downs of cycling/coming off tend to either blast/cruise (eliminating post cycle pct) or stay on long term without coming off.
Madman, I think that statement is a minefield of confusing statements.

What is my genetic potential? Because genetically I am lower TT, about 375 ng/dl. That is without TRT.

With TRT, my TT is from 690-1300, depending on when I measure it in regards to an injection. Say average 800 TT.

If I do a "blast" and it brings my TT to 3000 ng/dl, put on 5 lbs of muscle, go back to my TRT dose of average 800 TT, then I don't think I would lose the 5 lbs. Because with normal TRT I think it's likely I could put on 5lbs of muscle, it would just take longer. But I don't honestly know.

I do know if I were to not use TRT at all, I would lose muscle mass.

Now if I had done a lot of the "blasting", put on XX lbs of extra muscle over time, let's say I was benching 380 lbs, which for my 5.4 height and an ideal body weight of 130 lbs, is way over IMO my genetic potential and more than I could maintain with "normal" T levels.

So I think losing muscle mass gained while on a supraphysiological level of testosterone then returning to TRT is relative to where one started and how much was gained. If I started from a low base, then it's more likely I could maintain the new level of muscle mass while returning to TRT.

Just speculation on my part, I have no experience in this area, but it seems logical.

A little complicated, but then reality is always more complicated than we like.
I like to respond that my personal Dose for my own Protocol privately Doctor prescribed Enanthate in U.K i get it from Germany. is 65MG which is (0.25ml) of a 250mg glass bottle of test. so 65mg twice weekly, i have only started 2 weeks ago, but erections much better in the 2nd week. it's a slow Stream getting faster into full balance soon. so yes i am doing an total of 130mg testosterone per week, not the highest T.R.T dose. but i am doing fine so far, Zero negative's on my journey, no high E2 Symptoms. and not even a need to take my A.I just yet. My muscles already feel a few firmer if you will & tighter, and not been back to the Gym yet. but every man different Biology.
Not trying to be a bodybuilder but how the hell do they walk around with test levels at 5000 and not collapse of a heart attack ? My dr instills in me that my levels being at 1100 and my red blood cells being just higher than normal and platelets being just a bit higher than normal that i could be a risk for a stroke. Im 46 btw...
BODYBUILDERS are SUPER human that's why........Lol I don't know but ask NELSON he maybe has the answer but yes if they are like testosterone of 5000 they can't be like that more than a few months or their HEMATOCRIT will go through the roof!!!
Well Rich Piana, Dallas McCarver, and Charles Poliquin and and and are recently deceased. But not because of steroids :rolleyes:
Hey my local blood center will take donations if you’re at 60hct. I came in at 58 there but with normal blood pressure and low cholesterol. It’s all a mystery.
Lot of bro science going on here. Piano did recreational drugs, which may be a factor. Anytime a fit guy dies young, speculation starts. Just because we read it on the internet doesn’t mean it’s true. Bottom line is get bloodwork done, find a doctor that knows what he’s doing, and do what he says. Read pub med and discuss concerns from that with your own doctor. Bad advice is rampant online and sometimes it even shows up on this forum.
Hey my local blood center will take donations if you’re at 60hct. I came in at 58 there but with normal blood pressure and low cholesterol. It’s all a mystery.

I am not i am just saying Celebrity called Bodybuilders probably have Super Higher Hematocrit or people on YouTube doing tons of steroids / Gigantic doses
I'm 63 on 50 mgs every 3.5 days which puts me at 1100 tt the day before injection. Weather I'm an "over responder" or I need to lower my dose is for another thread I suppose. As for this topic, I made good gains in the gym at that dose since starting last Jan, putting on about 5 lbs of muscle. In May I wanted to try upping the dose to see the results as I had lifted "natural" all my life. I can tell you just going from 100 mgs to 200mgs was significant if not dramatic in what I looked like. It was like a 24 hour a day pump. I only stayed on that higher dose for about a month.
With out going into details on how I get prescribed 100 x 2 a week. I can say 0.75 mgl once a month will bring my testosterone up from 290 to a little over 700. When I use the full 200 mgl a week my testosterone shot up to over 3000. I had forgotten to wean my self off a month prior to my blood work and my doctor nearly had a stroke, needless to say he took me off it and started with a lower dose and worked out way back up. End the end he just wrote it off as a fluke.
More important is how does TRT drive mTor and AMPK. There is talk about do this don't do that with regards to levels, but if you are on TRT then it's exogenous T that doesn't lower.

Recovery on TRT should be a given since T levels remain constant. If T pushes mTor or protein synthesis how does this react to AMPK?

Cardio and HIIT cardio raises AMPK. AMPK inhibits mTor I. Natural T males, but does AMPK inhibit mTor in men on TRT? Not one study on this subject. Not one. I have adopted doing a Tabata on the airdyne bike after a full body routine of Martin Berkhan's Leangains routine of RPT and doing 4 sets instead of 3 and doing an ABAB programming of Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Sunday/Tuesday and on and on.

I am 47 5/8 165ish and want to go down to 10%bf. I am close, but the whole mTor/AMPK thing throws me a loop because I would like to do more cardio, and the cardio I do right after my lift is supposed to be a NO-NO. Mark Libnor is a big dude with hx of aas and now on TRT and recommended a Tabata after lifting to burn fat. Every Natty coach would say absolutely no HIIT after a lifting session because they know it would blunt mTor or protein synthesis. A walk yes, HIIT or run? No.
What I think would be interesting is to see how effective it would be to use more than their normal dose to lose fat fairly quickly while keeping muscle. Or if bodybuilders are doing that mainly by using additional compounds. Those of us who don't use more just have to be patient, I suppose.

Another thing I wonder about it why the body composition change starts to take place 10-12 weeks in instead of starting right away. Meaning, does it just take time to build muscle and lose fat (which would seem obvious), or is there something else that starts to kick in later on?

One other thing--it isn't automatic that everybody is going to gain muscle if they simply eat more and train hard, in addition to other things like good sleep, etc. Some (but few) are low responders and just don't gain much. Some gain more strength than muscle. I gain muscle easily but I'm not that strong for my weight.
Everything I find on the net indicates higher than normal doses of testosterone will cause you to keep muscle while you lose fat, but, you still have to take in less calories than you use for the fat loss to occur.
I've been on testosterone for about a year now. 175mg twice a week = 350mg a week. I also started ipamorelin/cjc1295 and my strength has increased even more than just on testosterone. I can actually see my stomach fat decreasing. I do work out 5 days a week, heavy weights then cardio every other day, and am really cutting back on crap consumption; especially beer. Im a weekend binge beer drinker and that's what's been keeping me fat and unfocused. NO MORE!!
I've been on testosterone for about a year now. 175mg twice a week = 350mg a week. I also started ipamorelin/cjc1295 and my strength has increased even more than just on testosterone. I can actually see my stomach fat decreasing. I do work out 5 days a week, heavy weights then cardio every other day, and am really cutting back on crap consumption; especially beer. Im a weekend binge beer drinker and that's what's been keeping me fat and unfocused. NO MORE!!
Where do u get your cjc-1925 from?
Where do u get your cjc-1925 from?

I’d like to know the same thing. I just got prescribed ipamorelin through defy, but unfortunately Empower doesn’t offer CJC-1295 or Tesamorelin, and defy won’t allow me to get peptides from any other compounding pharmacy.

I guess I have to get a GHRH like CJC-1295 or Tesamorelin without a prescription. I wanted to get them through Tailor Made compounding pharmacy but obviously they require a prescription.
I’d like to know the same thing. I just got prescribed ipamorelin through defy, but unfortunately Empower doesn’t offer CJC-1295 or Tesamorelin, and defy won’t allow me to get peptides from any other compounding pharmacy.

I guess I have to get a GHRH like CJC-1295 or Tesamorelin without a prescription. I wanted to get them through Tailor Made compounding pharmacy but obviously they require a prescription.
If u go through somewhere other than pharmacy let me know please. I want to try it......its so expensive through my docs office.
If u go through somewhere other than pharmacy let me know please. I want to try it......its so expensive through my docs office.

I honestly probably won’t. If I’m going to inject something, I would just feel so much better knowing the source is legitimate. I’m just hoping that Empower starts offering those two peptides soon, or Defy creates some type of relationship with Tailor Made. I mentioned it to nurse Jill, and she said she would mention it to Dr. Saya. Doubt an affiliation with them will happen, but worth a shot. So I’m basically just going to be patient and wait for Empower to start supplying it I think.

How much does it cost at your doctor’s office? If you keep your dose low, maybe it’s not as expensive as you think. For instance, Ipamorelin is only going to cost me around $66/ month. Which is nothing compared to all the benefits that come from this peptide.
I get ipamorelin/cjc1295 thru nuimagemedical and they have absolute pharmacy delivery. It's usually around $200 ,but I wait for a sale and buy 3 month supply for $450.
Each monthly vial comes out to be $149. It takes time and dedication, but it works.
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