What are your experiences with PT-141? (as an aphrodisiac)


Active Member
I found this thread submitted by @Nelson Vergel : PT 141 forum

But it is only general information.

Does anyone here use PT-141 for assistance with arousal? How has it been? I just got approved for this treatment since I have been disinterested in sex recently...
(I haven't felt the need to ejaculate in like a week, which is REALLY weird for me, since I am usually dying if I do not ejaculate 2-3 times a day. I already checked T and estradiol levels, they are in check, so it's not that)
Watching this as well since I have similar issues. Currently on TRT .25mg Subq twice a week and my Estradiol is quite high. I'm having some sex drive and ED issues.
Watching this as well since I have similar issues. Currently on TRT .25mg Subq twice a week and my Estradiol is quite high. I'm having some sex drive and ED issues.
If your estradiol is quite high, why don't you take AIs first? That has helped me in the past when my estradiol levels were high, it got me real horny real quick when I started taking them. (and I was taking a very small amount of AIs as well)
It tried it in December 2018. For me, PT-141 had some side effects of face flushing (which diminished significantly with further doses), no significant nausea, body feels cold and achy for 8-9 hours after injecting, somewhat low mood for 8-9 hours after injection, some erection at 3 hours after injection(best with 2mg), spontaneous non sexually provoked erections in 8 hours after injection which turn to very hard erection with sexual stimulus, no effect on libido, no effect or orgasm – still hard to achieve.

Basically it acts like unpredictable Viagra - acts only on erection and you don't know when exactly you will get one. That's why people try it once and typically ditch it.
I tried it 3 times working up from 5 units to 10 units to 15. First time, nothing. Second time I had some spontaneous erections. Third time nausea with vomiting and spontaneous erections. It took several hours for it to kick in.

After the vomiting episode, not sure if I want to try it again. I've never tried it, but would prefer to try Trimix or Bimix before I do PT-141 again.

I switched from primarily using Cialis to Viagra and that seemed to work better. I think your body builds a resistance after long use.
Agree that PT-141 is quite unpredictable. I've never had the nausea, but it usually takes 6.5 hours to kick in, so timing is a bear. The downside for me is constant nocturnal erections which interfere with sleep. For some odd reason, the PT-141 effect for me is strongest when I'm asleep.
Watching this as well since I have similar issues. Currently on TRT .25mg Subq twice a week and my Estradiol is quite high. I'm having some sex drive and ED issues.
Are you sure about that .25 mg figure? That would be a trivial amount to T. Maybe you mean .25 ml, equivalent to 50 mg of testosterone cypionate, twice a week?
If your estradiol is quite high, why don't you take AIs first? That has helped me in the past when my estradiol levels were high, it got me real horny real quick when I started taking them. (and I was taking a very small amount of AIs as well)
That's been on my list of possibilities for sure. What did you take and how much?
Are you sure about that .25 mg figure? That would be a trivial amount to T. Maybe you mean .25 ml, equivalent to 50 mg of testosterone cypionate, twice a week?
I take .12ml at 250mg/ml, subq, twice a week. So .3mg x 2 technically I guess. Works for me for about the last year until last few months where I've put on 9lbs of Covid fat so I've had to up it to .15ml x 2
It tried it in December 2018. For me, PT-141 had some side effects of face flushing (which diminished significantly with further doses), no significant nausea, body feels cold and achy for 8-9 hours after injecting, somewhat low mood for 8-9 hours after injection, some erection at 3 hours after injection(best with 2mg), spontaneous non sexually provoked erections in 8 hours after injection which turn to very hard erection with sexual stimulus, no effect on libido, no effect or orgasm – still hard to achieve.

Basically it acts like unpredictable Viagra - acts only on erection and you don't know when exactly you will get one. That's why people try it once and typically ditch it.
Definitely unpredictable but doesn't work like viagra. Both my GF and I have taken it and it was definitely an aphrodisiac. Effects on erections were secondary and in my GF's case, there was no effect on her erection. its mechanism of action is something with dopamine and thats why people can get a low mood when using it.
On full HRT with test cyp w/hCG & hGH. E2 hovers between 30s-low 40s with no AI, for me this gives me nice libido. I tried PT-141 @ 500mcg, it did nothing. Increased dose up to 1.5-2mg, it did nothing except give me nocturnal erections. @ 3mg, it was a night and day difference. I'm unsure how to express it exactly, I do take cialis and NOS stack, I don't really notice a significant difference in erection quality but I don't have ED to begin with; what changes with PT-141 is this kinda extreme urgency to have sex, then repeat again and again, for about 6-8 hours.

In short: okay, now I remember, this is what 18-early 20s feels like, I must have sex or I'm gonna spontaneously combust ;-) It's really nice. I too get slight flushing and nausea usually about 10 mins after injecting, but not a big deal for me.

Summary: 500mcg-2mg, I'm over at <shrug> why would I buy this again? @ 3mg, I'm over at wow, this is awesome.

Your milage may vary.
PT-141 is this kinda extreme urgency to have sex, then repeat again and again, for about 6-8 hours.
Holy shit. And do you have the ability to actually get hard in sync with that urgency? Do you still use it? Isn't 3 mg a ton to take at once? You had no major side effects?
That's been on my list of possibilities for sure. What did you take and how much?
Remember that what worked for me may not work for you the same way, so the way your body responds is much better of an indicator of what you need than anything I tell you, but... I started with a micro-dose of one 0.125 mg pill, 2-3 times per week. Worked like a charm.

Unfortunately didn't last forever which is why I am trying to figure out now this potential PT-141 solution.
Holy shit. And do you have the ability to actually get hard in sync with that urgency? Do you still use it? Isn't 3 mg a ton to take at once? You had no major side effects?
Hi, so

1. Yes, I can get erect, have sex, orgasm, 2-3 times (sometimes 4 :-) during a 6-8 hour period. I'm on wife 2.0 who is a lot younger than I am FWIW, so I'm married to porn and have lots of motivation. Does your partner think it's fun and is having a good time? If yes, PT-141 kind of keeps you in that zone and enjoying it/able to perform.

2. I do still use it, but never more than 1x a week, for maximum effect I only use it every 10-14 days or so. When I was using it 2-3 times a week I found that I get desensitized and it doesn't last. So for me personally, my rule is, not more than 1x a week, preferably once every 2 weeks just have an awesome sex day :-)

3. I don't buy it online, I have a script for it to obtain from compounding pharmacy, but it's the kind of RX which is more like, "I'd like an RX for this" and my clinician says, "Okay, sure." and if you read the available literature I believe max dose is 4mg.

I don't know if 3mg is "a ton" I just know what I wrote: titrating upwards, 500mcg did nothing for me. And the 1.5mg-2mg doses did "something" but that something was give me nocturnal erections which weren't too terribly helpful or my desired goal.

Over 2.5mg "works" and 3mg is my personal sweet spot to attain the results above. You should see what works for you, since that's the only important variable.

4. Nope. No sides. I do get nausea at about 10 minutes as noted, but it's manageable and not something highly dramatic.

I wrote all this out because I remember learning about PT-141, reading the threads here, trying the advice, and then becoming frustrated that it did nothing at all for me, until I experimented with it a bit.

but... I started with a micro-dose of one 0.125 mg pill, 2-3 times per week. Worked like a charm.

^^^ that's totally not me. The microdoses did absolutely nothing for me. <shrug> Also, what are you talking about? So far as I know PT-141 is available for injection (what I'm doing) and nasal spray (which I haven't tried yet). There's a oral that works?

You should see what works for you, since that's the only important variable.
Yes, I agree. It is all individual, I was just curious what your experience has been like. I will start from a small dose and work upwards if need be. By me, it will be a script too. My doctor prescribed it, and I wanted to check in with others' personal experiences on it before I start. And from reading these responses, it seems like it is a roll of the dice. Either doesn't work, has unbearable bad side effects, or is heaven on earth. LOL. I'm willing to try it out.

^^^ that's totally not me. The microdoses did absolutely nothing for me
FYI, I was referring to AIs here, not PT-141. I was answering @rduval 's question regarding Anastrozole.
That's been on my list of possibilities for sure. What did you take and how much?
Before u take drugs u don’t need what is your E2 level??? What r your symptoms of what u think is high E2?
U can also skip a week of test injections, and take DIM supplements if u r worried about it.
On full HRT with test cyp w/hCG & hGH. E2 hovers between 30s-low 40s with no AI, for me this gives me nice libido. I tried PT-141 @ 500mcg, it did nothing. Increased dose up to 1.5-2mg, it did nothing except give me nocturnal erections. @ 3mg, it was a night and day difference. I'm unsure how to express it exactly, I do take cialis and NOS stack, I don't really notice a significant difference in erection quality but I don't have ED to begin with; what changes with PT-141 is this kinda extreme urgency to have sex, then repeat again and again, for about 6-8 hours.

In short: okay, now I remember, this is what 18-early 20s feels like, I must have sex or I'm gonna spontaneously combust ;-) It's really nice. I too get slight flushing and nausea usually about 10 mins after injecting, but not a big deal for me.

Summary: 500mcg-2mg, I'm over at <shrug> why would I buy this again? @ 3mg, I'm over at wow, this is awesome.

Your milage may vary.
Wow! I'm going to have to try this! I'm lucky if I can have sex twice a week. I can get erect, but no amount of stimulation brings on an orgasm or ejaculation.
Hi, so

1. Yes, I can get erect, have sex, orgasm, 2-3 times (sometimes 4 :) during a 6-8 hour period. I'm on wife 2.0 who is a lot younger than I am FWIW, so I'm married to porn and have lots of motivation. Does your partner think it's fun and is having a good time? If yes, PT-141 kind of keeps you in that zone and enjoying it/able to perform.

2. I do still use it, but never more than 1x a week, for maximum effect I only use it every 10-14 days or so. When I was using it 2-3 times a week I found that I get desensitized and it doesn't last. So for me personally, my rule is, not more than 1x a week, preferably once every 2 weeks just have an awesome sex day :)

3. I don't buy it online, I have a script for it to obtain from compounding pharmacy, but it's the kind of RX which is more like, "I'd like an RX for this" and my clinician says, "Okay, sure." and if you read the available literature I believe max dose is 4mg.

I don't know if 3mg is "a ton" I just know what I wrote: titrating upwards, 500mcg did nothing for me. And the 1.5mg-2mg doses did "something" but that something was give me nocturnal erections which weren't too terribly helpful or my desired goal.

Over 2.5mg "works" and 3mg is my personal sweet spot to attain the results above. You should see what works for you, since that's the only important variable.

4. Nope. No sides. I do get nausea at about 10 minutes as noted, but it's manageable and not something highly dramatic.

I wrote all this out because I remember learning about PT-141, reading the threads here, trying the advice, and then becoming frustrated that it did nothing at all for me, until I experimented with it a bit.

^^^ that's totally not me. The microdoses did absolutely nothing for me. <shrug> Also, what are you talking about? So far as I know PT-141 is available for injection (what I'm doing) and nasal spray (which I haven't tried yet). There's a oral that works?

Are you using the PT-141 SubQ or IM? Also, how long does the nausea last...I hate nausea!!!
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Are you using the PT-141 SubQ or IM? Also, how long does the nausea last...I hate nausea!!!
SubQ. Nausea comes on within about 10 minutes, and gradually dissipates over the next half hour. I really start to feel the sexual effects of PT-141 roughly 2-3 hours after dosing.

I would personally just increase by 500mcg at a time, and see what happens for you.
SubQ. Nausea comes on within about 10 minutes, and gradually dissipates over the next half hour. I really start to feel the sexual effects of PT-141 roughly 2-3 hours after dosing.

I would personally just increase by 500mcg at a time, and see what happens for you.
How bad is the nauseau for you? Just mild or are you actually vomiting?

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