Weekly Injections


I currently inject 100mg Test-cyp weekly. Shallow IM. Every Friday. I have been finding lately that the few days prior to my injection is when I am feeling the best. Increased libido, energy, focus etc...Could this be indicative that my test is too high and as it levels out towards the end of the week it's putting me in the "sweet spot" with regards to estrogen/testosterone ratio?
Sounds like it. Get a blood test done at trough when you feel best and then switch to ED or EOD injections to maintain that level.
I started out weekly, then moved to 2X per week, and now am injecting 3X per week, or roughly every 2.5 days. My overall dosage is somewhat lower, and it has smoothed out all of the highs/lows. Like you, I would feel good right before my next injection. I found out my peak was running 1400, which was much too high for me. I feel good in the 650-800 range with corresponding values of Free T and E2. Trial and error over the last 7 years, but lots of great help here.
I currently inject 100mg Test-cyp weekly. Shallow IM. Every Friday. I have been finding lately that the few days prior to my injection is when I am feeling the best. Increased libido, energy, focus etc...Could this be indicative that my test is too high and as it levels out towards the end of the week it's putting me in the "sweet spot" with regards to estrogen/testosterone ratio?

You were struggling with such protocols (once-weekly injections) a year ago.

Decided to come off.

Now you hopped back on recently using the same protocol.....100 mg T once weekly.

Numerous threads on here when it comes to various protocols/injection frequency explaining the differences in peak--->troughs let alone stability in blood levels and the impact it can have on the effectiveness of a protocol.

Why would you hop back on the same protocol?

Although far from common some men may fair well injecting once weekly as they prefer the big swing in hormones (rollercoaster effect).

SHBG is critical to know as not only will it have a significant impact on TT/FT but can dictate what injection frequency may suit you best.

Men with highish/high SHBG may fair better when injecting less frequently as in once weekly or twice weekly (every 3.5 days).

Although it is not a given and comes down to the individual as many men with highish/high SHBG inject more frequently.

The downfall of injecting higher doses of T less frequently is there will be a big difference in peak--->trough and blood levels will not be as stable throughout the week which can have a negative impact on mood/energy/libido/erectile function due to the rollercoaster ride.

Injecting a lower dose more frequently will clip the peak--->trough let alone result in achieving more stable blood levels throughout the week.

Men with lowish/low SHBG tend to do better injecting a lower dose of T more frequently as in daily or EOD.

Keep in mind that men with lowish/low SHBG can get away with running a lower TT and still achieve a healthy let alone high FT.

Most tend to get caught up on TT and although important FT is what truly matters as it is the active unbound fraction of T responsible for the positive effects.
Thanks madman...you are correct. I believe the issues I had been having resulted from a poor product. The carrier oil that was used in the test-E (cotton seed) was causing a few nasty reactions. I decided to start again using a new lab and the difference is quite noticeable. No skin reactions, bloating or overall ugh feeling. My SHBG is on the higher end so maybe switching to a more frequent injection schedule will be beneficial. Thanks
My SHBG is on the higher end so maybe switching to a more frequent injection schedule will be beneficial. Thanks
I'm definitely not trying to talk for madman, but just pointing out he was saying injecting (smaller doses) more frequently is often beneficial despite having high SHBG, not because of having high SHBG. The standard protocol for high SHBG is once or twice a week.

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