These results are from labs drawn 16 hours after injection and 8 hours before the next, so not quite true trough, but since I inject at 9pm, I don't know what any other option is. 8mg daily, test cyp shallow IM. Anyone have any suggestions or good to go? I was using 7mg daily for many months, but half shallow IM and half subq which resulted in free test at about 70. Shallow IM only apparently does me well. This was exactly 6 weeks after the adjustment up from 7mg daily.
I’ve been on “TRT” for about 11 years. I took a 6 month break to prepare and have Prostate surgery for cancer. Thankfully, as of my surgery on 10/25/22, my PSA is <0.014, (undetectable), and my cancer remains in remission.
I actually started my “TRT” because my “T” was very low. As a result, I had “z HYPOGONADISM. Without being on “TRT,” my Total Testosterone plummets to between 20 to 90. That’s very low and I am pretty “lifeless” in all aspects of my life.
I maintain an average level of about 600-750 on my “TRT!” Even when taking the same dosage, .6 per week, it will skyrocket to over 1500. We don’t know why. I just drastically reduce my “TRT” for a short period and I return to more normal levels.
Though your “Total T” is important, it’s actually your Free Testosterone that’s unbound which is actually the “T” that your body uses and is ultimately more important than your Total T.
Everybody is different in how their body assimilates “TRT!” Regardless of my “Total T” levels, my Free Testosterone levels have always remained lower than average.
Given that your “Total T” is well within the normal range, (especially given the amounts you are injecting), it’s amazing that your Free Testosterone levels are so high.
Although, your usable Free T is what assists your body the most, that’s normally the more important number.
I know that Total T levels over 1,000 are normally a concern to doctors. However, I really don’t know what the medical implications are for too high of Free Testosterone, (at least from a lab results perspective).
I would do some research on that on the internet and see what you can find out.
Of course, the most important overall aspect is how you are doing, feeling and functioning with both of the “Testosterone” levels you have now considering your TOTAL T and your FREE T.
I would consult with an Endocrinologist about this if I were in your position.
Additionally, your HEMATOCRIT levels are within range which is important.
Normally, a HIGH reading if on your HEMOGLOBIN would increase your HEMATOCRIT but this doesn’t appear to be happening in your case.
From my experience and prior physician consults, one would not inject Testosterone in their body as often as you do. People usually inject T on a once a week or every other week basis when on a “TRT” protocol.
Best wishes and good luck.