Warning for Men on TRT: Low Ferritin is Bad

But I found a way to increase feritin and keep hematocrit and hemoglobin in check. 25 mg iron bisglycinate with 1000 mg vitamin C on an empty stomach EVERY OTHER DAY. This increased my feritin by almost 100% in only 8 weeks. I went from 20 to 39. 40 to 60 is considered ideal feritin levels. Reason to take it every other day is because iron also increases hepcidin for up to 48 hours which prevents further uptake.

Can Iron Every (Other) Day Keep the Doctor Away?

My Hematocrit did not change at all in the 8 weeks, and hemoglobin went up very little by 0.2.
But I found a way to increase feritin and keep hematocrit and hemoglobin in check. 25 mg iron bisglycinate with 1000 mg vitamin C on an empty stomach EVERY OTHER DAY. This increased my feritin by almost 100% in only 8 weeks. I went from 20 to 39. 40 to 60 is considered ideal feritin levels. Reason to take it every other day is because iron also increases hepcidin for up to 48 hours which prevents further uptake.

Can Iron Every (Other) Day Keep the Doctor Away?

My Hematocrit did not change at all in the 8 weeks, and hemoglobin went up very little by 0.2.

You stated....."Reason to take it every other day is because iron also increases hepcidin for up to 48 hours which prevents further uptake"

- moot point.....as use of exogenous testosterone suppresses hepcidin

40 to 60 is considered ideal feritin levels.

- I would say 100-150 ug/L would be considered optimal

Keep in mind:

A serum ferritin concentration of <30 µg/L is the most sensitive and specific test for the identification of iron deficiency in patients with or without anemia. However, patients may be iron deficient at much higher concentrations of ferritin.

Key point being..... *However, patients may be iron deficient at much higher concentrations of ferritin.
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All I can tell you is based on the every other day method I increased my feritin 100% in 8 week. Before that I was constantly 20-22 for a year.
All I can tell you is based on the every other day method I increased my feritin 100% in 8 week. Before that I was constantly 20-22 for a year.

When using exogenous testosterone absorption of iron whether through dietary sources or supplementation would be enhanced.....supplementing iron EOD would suffice!
You stated.....25 mg iron bisglycinate with 1000 mg vitamin C on an empty stomach EVERY OTHER DAY. This increased my feritin by almost 100% in only 8 weeks. I went from 20 to 39. 40 to 60 is considered ideal feritin levels.

A ferritin of 40-60 ug/L is far from ideal.....your ferritin is now only 39 ug/L from supplementation of 25 mg iron bisglycinate/1000 mg vit C taken EOD.

Although your ferritin is no longer at the bottom end of the reference range it is far from IDEAL!

Again as I stated previously:

A serum ferritin concentration of <30 µg/L is the most sensitive and specific test for the identification of iron deficiency in patients with or without anemia. However, patients may be iron deficient at much higher concentrations of ferritin.

A ferritin level of 100-150 ug/L would be considered optimal.
My Hematocrit did not change at all in the 8 weeks, and hemoglobin went up very little by 0.2.

I tried similar and did not have your resulting increase in Ferritin without raising HCT and HGB. The only thing I believe that will help this cycle, For me, is finding the lowest dose of T that gives me therapeutic relief. I am currently on 10mg TCyp a day and after 4 weeks since my last phlebotomy, my HCT is 49, HGB 16.8 and ferritin 21......got to improve the ferritin for sure and it is up 10 points in 4 weeks. I feel good symptom wise ......time will tell as time will allow a lot more observations and lab results.

What are your favorite iron and vitamic C supplements to improve ferritin?

I just found out I have low ferritin (19) even though my hemoglobin and hematocrit are fine. I did not test my iron. I have been having fatigue and body aches. Only one phlebotomy this year but I found out (via their machine at the blood center) that my hematocrit was 49 (my blood work showed 52).

All other inflammatory markers (except CPK, which is always high for me) were OK.

Iron Deficiency Without Anemia – Common, Important, Neglected

A serum ferritin concentration of <30 µg/L is the most sensitive and specific test for the identification of iron deficiency in patients with or without anemia. However, patients may be iron deficient at much higher concentrations of ferritin. Iron deficiency without anemia and with normal red blood count is a clinical challenge, and many patients have been diagnosed with a multitude of conditions ranging from hypothyroidism to depression to chronic fatigue syndrome over the years when they have sought help for their often debilitating symptoms. The key to a correct diagnosis are assessment of the serum ferritin concentration and a meticulous medical history focusing on the possibility of life-long blood losses and diseases such as celiac disease. Differential diagnostic causes for the symptoms must be sought for. The mainstay of therapy is oral iron in sufficient doses for at least 6 to 9 moths together with serum ferritin monitoring. Some patients who do not respond to oral iron treatment may need intravenous iron. The longer the iron deficiency has lasted, the more challenging the therapy may be. Some iron deficient patients without anemia may have had the condition for over a decade, and may not fully recover. The amount of human suffering, the loss of quality of life and the indirect costs to society caused by iron deficiency are huge.


Iron bisglycinate with 1000 mg vitamin c and 1000 mg lysine. I think any vitamin c is good. I buy all my stuff from iHerb. Top brands being NOW foods, Life extension and Doctor’s Best.
I still don't have a full grasp on iron/ferritin/etc.

For example, what do you do if your hematocrit is 55 and your ferritin is 15?
Nothing. You hope your ferritin starts going up. You definitely can’t donate. And taking iron will increase red blood cell production. I think it stabilizes though. Hematocrit doesn’t just keep going up and up indefinitely. Like you never see guys posting with hematocrit over 60. I mean you’ll see a few, but very rare. But you can definitely crush ferritin to zero and that will cause more problems then high hematocrit.

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I used to take iron bisglycinate along with 1 gram powdered vitamin C.

Recently switched over to a heme polypeptide iron supplement.

Started off using Proferrin (11mg elemental iron) per tablet and was taking 3 daily but it is expensive.

Ended up coming across another brand Hema Forte (36mg elemental iron) per tablet and only needs to be taken once daily as the strength is much higher and it is cheaper.

Proferrin is sold in the US and Canada and Hema Forte is only available in Canada but they do ship to the US.
How do you know when you need to take iron in a TRT setting? Is it something that should be taken daily even when not donating blood regularly?
Similar Issue

How do I get a doctor to prescribe an iron infusion? They all just prescribe iron pills And vitamin C, which make me feel terrible...and in the end “my ferritin only went from 8 to 9 after 12 weeks.

Now I am near another phlebotomy hemoglobin/hematocrit are 17/53 and its gonna tank my iron and ferritin even further.

Test Cyp 150 E7D
Iron is 70
Ferritin 8

I try to explain to hematologist its easier lower H/H then add Iron and its like it falls on deaf ears everytime.

Since this started I have poor sleep, zero endurance, shortness of breath.
How do you know when you need to take iron in a TRT setting? Is it something that should be taken daily even when not donating blood regularly?
I would not take iron at all if your ferritin is above 50 while on TRT since it will increase your hematocrit to a point that you need to donate more often.

Association between serum ferritin level and fibromyalgia syndrome

Iron is essential for a number of enzymes involved in neurotransmitter synthesis. Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid in fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) has shown a reduction in the concentration of biogenic amine metabolites, including dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. This study aimed to investigate the association of ferritin with FMS.

A total of 46 patients with primary FMS participated in this case–control study, and 46 healthy females who were age matched to the patients were used as the control group. Venous blood samples collected from all subjects were used to evaluate serum ferritin, vitamin B12 and folic acid levels.

The mean serum ferritin levels in the fibromyalgia (FM) and control groups were 27.3±20.9 and 43.8±30.8 ng/ml, respectively, and the difference was statistically significant (P=0.003). Binary multiple logistic regression analysis with age, body mass index, smoking status and vitamin B12, as well as folic acid and ferritin levels showed that having a serum ferritin level <50 ng/ml caused a 6.5-fold increased risk for FMS.

Our study implicates a possible association between FM and decreased ferritin level, even for ferritin in normal ranges. We suggest that iron as a cofactor in serotonin and dopamine production may have a role in the etiology of FMS.

Here is my recent post in another thread dealing with low ferritin:

My Ferritin was at 29 in September from donating too much due to high HCT. I took beef spleen capsules, 36mg of ferrochel, 1000mg of Vit C all together, and drank two orgain protein drinks (each with 9mg of iron). Just got labs back and now my ferritin is at 178. Rest of iron labs in good range. Also did not donate this whole time. Im stopping all iron supplements and reducing my weekly T cyp to 90mg (from 100mg) and moving to three equal injections throughout the week (from two). My HCT came in at 56.7 so Im trying to lower that without donating. Tired of the donation merry-go-round. Drinking at least 100oz of water per day. I think some of its dehydration as my Hgb was 17, so my HCT should be in the 51 range. I tested iron after stopping iron supplements for 48 hours. Ive read though that maybe you should be off of them for like 5 days, so possibly my results were a little artificially elevated.
Here is my recent post in another thread dealing with low ferritin:

My Ferritin was at 29 in September from donating too much due to high HCT. I took beef spleen capsules, 36mg of ferrochel, 1000mg of Vit C all together, and drank two orgain protein drinks (each with 9mg of iron). Just got labs back and now my ferritin is at 178. Rest of iron labs in good range. Also did not donate this whole time. Im stopping all iron supplements and reducing my weekly T cyp to 90mg (from 100mg) and moving to three equal injections throughout the week (from two). My HCT came in at 56.7 so Im trying to lower that without donating. Tired of the donation merry-go-round. Drinking at least 100oz of water per day. I think some of its dehydration as my Hgb was 17, so my HCT should be in the 51 range. I tested iron after stopping iron supplements for 48 hours. Ive read though that maybe you should be off of them for like 5 days, so possibly my results were a little artificially elevated.

How do u feel having low iron levels compared to the high levels u have now?

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