Very high estrogen, how much should I increase my arimidex?


Active Member
Im on 125mg testosterone e4d, and 0.25mg of arimidex EOD.

Just had bloods.

Testosterone: 1400ng/dl
E2: 297pmol/L (<150pmol/L).

So Im almost double the upper range of e2. No wonder my erection quality has gone to shit, yet libido is "decent".

I obviously aromatise alot, should I increase my arimidex to 0.5mg EOD instead?
You can't use that test result, you used the wrong test. the Sensitive LC/MS/MS test is the only one, for males, that you can use for this purpose. And given that you're so far over on TT I'd cut back the dose before I added more AI. I'm an over aromataser so I get needing the AI, I'm on .25mg EOD myself and could probably titrate that up just a little bit.
Damn... impossible to get sensitive e2 test here tho... why do u need that one anyway? I mean shouldnt thid e2 test be enough and if not, why?
I would inject every three and a half days, do Labs on injection day before you inject. Because you can't do the right estradiol test you might as well just treat your symptoms.
Two hundred and fifty mgs of testosterone every eight days is almost certainly unnecessary. I'd back down the testosterone to 70mg everyn3.5 days, attend to your response very closely and then see how you feel in six weeks with follow-up tests.
Damn... impossible to get sensitive e2 test here tho... why do u need that one anyway? I mean shouldnt thid e2 test be enough and if not, why?

If you're not in the states, you'll just have to get by with that test. As Vince and CW posted you have other options you can try w/o adding (more) AI.
i personally woudnt go any higher then 0.25mg eod with arimidex.. that plenty of arimidex! you should reduce your dose and split it maybe even to 3 injection rather then raise arimidex.. thats very strong drug you may crash your e2 after few days on higher dose and you wont even notice it...
Thanks for all the help, probably gonna limit my dose a little bit, sucks tho cause IM also doing this for muscle building purposes.

Do u guys know its normal to get a "shitty" pump when your e2 is high? Pump was pretty good at first but now when my e2 is so high I get almost no pump at all
Im on 125mg testosterone e4d, and 0.25mg of arimidex EOD.

Just had bloods.

Testosterone: 1400ng/dl
E2: 297pmol/L (<150pmol/L).

So Im almost double the upper range of e2. No wonder my erection quality has gone to shit, yet libido is "decent".

I obviously aromatise alot, should I increase my arimidex to 0.5mg EOD instead?

I would lower your dose and see if it lowers your e2. You need the sensitive assay as everyone stated and I bet your e2 is not as high as you think as standard test usually overestimates. I live in Canada and do not have the luxury of the sensitive assay here. I am injecting 75mg every 3.5 days with a tt of 1200ng/dl and my standard assay e2 is 225 pmol/L range <150 so over but I feel awesome no e2 sides. I bet your 297 pmol/L is not really that high for a 1400 tt and the .25mg adex EOD is affecting your erection quality as adex is very POWERFUL even in small doses. I would lower dose and try to eliminate the adex.
Cool, but why would my adex affect my erection quality?

Because men need estradiol for sexual functioning (and other things like skeletal health, cognitive function). It's not a waste product, it's a critical hormone. Knock it too low and you're unable to function sexually. Let e2 float too high and it slows and impedes response too. An adequate amount of estradiol is essential.
What I find interesting is that Dr Rand on youtube:

Always start his patients on 200mg of testosterone and 3mg of arimidex every week, and he says that most people respond great to this and gets their estrogen level to 20-30 (optimal range according to him) .. I mean, thats a hell of a lot of arimidex really

I have a lot respect for him, but not for this approach to estradiol management. It's not a position that is shared by any of the other leading practitioners in the field of male androgen management. Read the posts here - men sent to hormone hell when they crashed their estradiol on 1mg a week. The optimal range for me is 30- 42; for others, it is, indeed, 20-30. I'm pleased mine is not controlled with anastrozole, but with dose manipulation. An AI is a valuable drug, but it is terribly over-prescribed for men on testosterone.
Cool thanks.

Yeah, Im obviously doing a little higher than usual TRT dose just to try build some muscle, Im not planning on doing it this high long term.

Im wondering, given I get to 1400ng/dl on ~230mg a week, would it make sense to assume Ill get to around 700 If I cut my dose in half, IE 115mg a week? In other words: Is it a dose dependant relationship like that?
With the dosage you are using you I would also think you run the risk of really increasing your hematicrit and increase risk of stroke/heart attack unless you manage it.
What I find interesting is that Dr Rand on youtube:

Always start his patients on 200mg of testosterone and 3mg of arimidex every week, and he says that most people respond great to this and gets their estrogen level to 20-30 (optimal range according to him) .. I mean, thats a hell of a lot of arimidex really

That's bro-science stuff which doesn't equate to TRT I wouldn't be a patient of his quite honestly. The tone of that entire video is for the steroid abuse crowd.
With the dosage you are using you I would also think you run the risk of really increasing your hematicrit and increase risk of stroke/heart attack unless you manage it.

What? Even if i do it only for 16 weeks? I have 8 weeks left before decreasing my dose.. can this give me heart attack???

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