Use of calculated FT in men: advantages and limitations


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Clinical practice guidelines on the diagnosis of male hypogonadism focus on clinical signs and symptoms of androgen deficiency, as well as biochemical assessment of low circulating testosterone (T).
However, there is a longstanding debate, as well as a persisting controversy concerning biochemical assessment of serum T and in particular the use (and misuse) of free T. Free T, as advocated by the free hormone hypothesis, represents circulating unbound T (2%) and is postulated to be the biologically active fraction of T [1]. In contrast, 98% of circulating T is bound to binding proteins, mainly sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) (44%) and albumin (50%), and to a lesser extent cortisol-binding globulin (CBG) (4%), thereby gatekeeping T bioavailability [2,3&&]. An alternative marker of androgen exposure is bioavailable T, in which the loosely albumin-bound fraction of T, together with free T, is also taken into consideration. Debates on the use and suitability of total, free and bioavailable T stem from variations in approaches to measure androgen exposure, leading to differing opinions even among experts [4–6]. Recent clinical practice guidelines from the Endocrine Society, the European Academy of Andrology and the European Society of Endocrinology recommend assessing free T in addition to total T, particularly in patients with conditions that alter serum SHBG levels and in men with borderline low total T concentrations (8– 12 nmol/l) [4,5,7].

On the one hand, the gold standard for total T measurement is liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The use of this method is particularly important for low-range T measurements, as LC-MS/MS surpasses traditional commercially available total T immunoassays by providing greater sensitivity, accuracy and precision [6,8]. On the other hand, measurement of free T requires equilibrium dialysis coupled LC–MS/MS. Although gold standard and thus recommended, this method is labour-intensive, costly and requires highly trained staff and advanced equipment,which limits its use in routine clinical diagnostics. Alternatively, immunoassays have been developed to directly measure serum-free T. These assays however have significant drawbacks, including inadequate accuracy, bias and dependence on total T rather than free T. Therefore, their use is strongly advised against [3&&].

Due to the complexity of measuring free T, clinicians typically rely on calculators to estimate free T concentrations, using calculated free T (cFT) as a proxy for free T. Using total T and binding protein concentrations as well as historically determined affinity constants, the ‘Vermeulen’ method is currently accepted for use in clinical practice [9]. While the use of cFT is valuable in preventing misdiagnosis and overtreatment of hypogonadism, clinicians should be aware of potential limitations when interpreting cFT values [3&&]. In this review, we will highlight clinical use of cFT, focusing on its significance as a second-line assessment, together with known shortcomings of cFT calculations.

Although physiologically relevant, assessment of free androgen concentrations in women falls beyond the scope of this review.


The free hormone hypothesis remains a matter of debate. Experimental data have shown that transgenic mice overexpressing human SHBG exhibit higher total T and lower free T concentrations than wildtype mice lacking circulating SHBG postnatally. Despite high total T levels, these transgenic mice manifested features suggestive of mild androgen deficiency. Conversely, low free T levels were consistent with these features, supporting the view that total T does not always accurately reflect androgen exposure [10].

This is further supported by accruing human data. For instance, in a case study involving a young man with an SHBG mutation causing complete SHBG deficiency, total T levels were low, but freeT levels measured by equilibrium dialysis coupled LC-MS/MS were normal. Despite decreased total T levels, this patient maintained normal pituitary function, with normal luteinizing hormone levels, as well as normal sexual development and secondary sexual characteristics [11].

It has been shown that total T levels do not reliably predict free T levels in men with total T levels near the lower limit of normal. Only when total T exceeds 12 nmol/l, it can consistently predict normal free T levels. Inversely, total T must be below 5.2 nmol/l to reliably indicate low free T levels [12]. Among a sample of 3334 community-dwelling men, 96 out of 416 men with low total T levels had normal cFT, and 277 out of 2918 men with normal total T levels had low cFT. Relying solely on total T levels to diagnose low T thus resulted in a 23.1% false-positive rate (96/416) and a 9.5% false-negative rate (277/2918). Importantly, the group of men with low total T and normal free T did not exhibit features of androgen deficiency [13]. These findings were confirmed in longitudinal analyses. Obese men only developed symptoms suggestive of male hypogonadism when both total T and free T declined below the normal range. On the other hand, when free T remained normal, obese men with low total T did not develop hypogonadal symptoms [14]. Observations within the Veteran Affairs system also showed that obesity and the use of opioids were the strongest predictors to receiving a testosterone prescription [15].

Findings from the recent TRAVERSE Fracture Trial revealed that men with symptoms suggestive of hypogonadism and borderline T levels (<10.4 nmol/l) who received testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) experienced a higher incidence of fractures compared to those receiving a placebo [16]. This outcome is paradoxical, as TRT is generally believed to reduce fractures in men with hypogonadism by enhancing bone density and quality. In this study, most participants were obese and had diabetes, conditions associated with decreased SHBG levels. However, SHBG levels were not considered, as the diagnosis of hypogonadism was based solely on the assessment of total T. Questions have therefore arisen whether the participants were really hypogonadal in the first place, as participants may have had low total T and low SHBG, resulting in normal free T [17&].

This preclinical and clinical evidence reinforces the notion that total T levels may not always accurately reflect androgen exposure, especially when SHBG levels are altered. The argument to interpret T in light of SHBG and free T assessment is reinforced by recent individual participant data meta-analyses (IPDMA) that showed an association between lower T concentrations and higher all-cause mortality when SHBG concentration was normal or high, but not when SHBG was low. These results suggested that higher SHBG concentrations could modulate bioavailability of T [18&&].

Therefore, solely depending on total T may lead to underdiagnosis or overdiagnosis of hypogonadism, particularly in men with decreased or increased SHBG serum levels due to ageing, obesity or type 2 diabetes [13,19].


Serum SHBG levels increase shortly after birth, remain high during childhood and decline during puberty to reach adult levels. SHBG concentration remains relatively stable until the sixth decade, after which SHBG levels rise gradually [20]. Recent IPD-MA also show an age-associated increase in SHBG. However, this increase appears to occur earlier in adulthood and exhibits a more pronounced magnitude, specifically between the ages of 60 and 70 years [21&&]. As summarized in Table 1, SHBG levels are influenced by various factors. A recent prospective study identified the increasing effect of advancing age (>60 years) on SHBG as a significant factor contributing to erectile dysfunction, a symptom of androgen deficiency, in patients with normal total T levels but low cFT [22]. Moreover, obesity and type 2 diabetes have been found to be negatively associated with SHBG levels [3&&,22]. Men with obesity exhibit lower SHBG levels compared to their nonobese counterparts. SHBG levels can also be reduced in hypothyroidism, exposure to exogenous substances with androgenic properties, as well as in nephrotic syndrome.

Inversely, determinants like liver disease, HIV-infection, hyperthyroidism and antiepileptics intake can lead to increased SHBG [3&&]. Results from recent IPDMA clearly show that conditions like obesity and diabetes influence not only SHBG levels but also total T [21&&]. As shown in Fig. 1, on the one hand, lower SHBG levels lead to lower total T levels, resulting in potential overdiagnosis of hypogonadism, although free T levels are unaltered [23]. On the other hand, increased SHBG and normal total T concentrations could lead to the underdiagnosis of hypogonadism despite low free T. Unlike total T, free T takes SHBG levels into consideration, arguably making it a more reliable indicator of androgen exposure [3&&].


Although free T, if accurately measured, may be physiologically and clinically relevant, the complexity of directly measuring free T limits its introduction into routine clinical practice. Alternatively, clinicians rely on cFT as an acceptable estimate, and thus proxy,of free T concentrations. Existing calculators, including models by Vermeulen, Ly-Handelsman and Zakharov, use calculation methodologies based on total T and SHBG concentrations [3&&]. Free T calculator performance was investigated by comparing cFT values using these three different calculators against measured free T values obtained through the gold standard LC/MS-MS coupled with equilibrium dialysis. The Vermeulen formula appeared to perform best across a wide range of SHBG levels, whereas the Ly-Handelsman model showed significant divergence from measured free T at lower SHBG levels [9]. However, the Vermeulen formula exhibits suboptimal accuracy and tends to overestimate measured free T by 20–30%. Despite this, the current model remains a widely accepted tool for free T calculation due to its ability to integrate a broad range of SHBG, total T and albumin concentrations. This advantage is particularly important in conditions where SHBG concentrations are impacted and/or when total T concentrations are in the borderline range of the lower limit of normal [9].

The use of free T calculators in clinical routine is, however, hindered by a number of imperfections of which clinicians should be aware of when interpreting cFT values (Table 2). Firstly, quality of cFT results depends on the performance of assays used to measure total T, SHBG and albumin. For instance, automated SHBG immunoassays lack standardization[24]. Furthermore, these models are simplified representations of the true binding milieu and may not account for all variables influencing the equilibrium between total and free T, such as SHBG-binding affinity variability and stoichiometry [3&&].

This could particularly be important in men with SHBG polymorphisms. These genetic variations can potentially influence binding affinity between T and SHBG, which is not taken into account in calculators that use a constant binding affinity. In a recent study focusing on the impact of relatively common SHBG single nucleotide polymorphisms (allelic prevalence between 0.5 and 58.2%), healthy men who were heterozygotes for rs6258 had lower serum SHBG levels, while those who were heterozygotes for rs6259, homozygotes for rs727428 and carriers of rs1799941 had higher serum SHBG levels compared to healthy men with wild-type SHBG. These SHBG polymorphisms influenced both SHBG and total T levels, with total T being higher in rs727428 homozygotes and in carriers of rs5934505, rs1799941 and rs6259. Interestingly, these variants did not influence cFT or measured free T concentrations [25&&].

As cFT is a calculated variable, its validity is debated and limited by a lack of standardization and quality control resulting in variable reference ranges. The Vermeulen model, for instance, overestimates free T by 20–30%. Moreover, there is no consensus on a universal cut-off between low and normal cFT values. A thorough review detailing the pitfalls of various methodologies for total and free T assessment was recently published [3&&].

There is a need to enhance the measurement of free T, as cFT values are only approximations. There is also a pressing requirement to reassess current freeT calculators to improve their accuracy and alignment with direct measurement methods. Moreover, additional research is necessary to optimize existing commercially available assays for SHBG, as well as studying SHBG-binding affinity in specific patient groups (e.g. obesity and diabetic individuals) to accurately reflect the true binding environment. Standardizing and validating cFT calculators is also crucial to establish harmonized reference ranges and achieve consensus on cutoff values between low and normal cFT levels. Promising recent developments include the establishment of age-stratified reference ranges for free T in healthy nonobese adult men using the gold standard equilibrium dialysis coupled to LC-MS/MS, showing the expected age-related decline in serum-free T concentrations [26,27]. These efforts represent a significant step towards improving the accuracy of free T measurements and calculations in clinical practice.


While there is an international consensus on measuring total T as the initial step in diagnosing male hypogonadism, preclinical and clinical evidence support a comprehensive hormonal assessment that includes total T, SHBG and a method accounting for SHBG alterations, such as free T [14,15,28]. In the latest clinical practice guidelines, most societies recommend assessing free T alongside total T, especially in patients with conditions that alter SHBG levels and in men with borderline low total T concentrations [4,5,7]. The use of free T (measured and cFT) as a second-line hormonal assessment, as recommended by Endocrine Society, the European Academy of Andrology and the European Society of Endocrinology, however faces significant opposition from within the Endocrine Society of Australia [6]. This opposition stems from concerns regarding the limitations of free T calculators. Like other societies, experts in Australia recommend considering SHBG abnormalities by evaluating SHBG levels in conjunction with total T levels. However, Australian guidelines advise against the use of cFT for clinical decision making; instead, they suggest interpreting T levels in the context of SHBG. Where SHBG is low, total T levels may also be low without confirming the presence of androgen deficiency [6].


Experimental in-vitro and in-vivo data have provided support for the free hormone hypothesis[10,29]. Accruing clinical data corroborate the notion that free T levels hold greater physiological significance than total T concentrations [10,28]. Furthermore, SHBG gene polymorphisms have been found to affect serum concentrations of both total T and SHBG, but not free T. This evidence highlights the importance of using reliable methodologies that account for SHBG level alterations in diagnosing male hypogonadism, such as free T, and reinforces current guidelines.

Due to the complexity of measuring free T, clinicians typically rely on calculators to estimate its concentrations. The widely accepted Vermeulen method for free T calculation accepts a broad concentration range of SHBG, total T and albumin. This is particularly important in conditions where SHBG concentrations are affected, or in men with borderline total T concentrations, which is common in men with obesity and type 2 diabetes. Using free T as an additional assessment in obese men with low total T can preventover diagnosis and overtreatment with TRT.

While the use of cFT may be of value in preventing misdiagnosis and overtreatment of hypogonadism, it has its limitations. Therefore, reassessing cFT calculators to enhance their accuracy and alignment with equilibrium dialysis measurement of free T is needed. Additionally, standardizing and validating cFT calculators, as well as optimizing available assays for total T and SHBG are crucial steps.
Table 1. Factors altering SHBG concentrations (original)

FIGURE 1. Conditions altering SHBG levels impact serum total T levels. Decreased SHBG levels (middle graph) could cause low total T levels, resulting in hypogonadism overdiagnosis although free T levels are unaltered. Conversely, increased SHBG and normal total T concentrations (right graph) could lead to the underdiagnosis of hypogonadism despite low free T.Reproduced with permission from [23].
Table 2. Summary of the advantages and limitations of the use of calculated free testosterone in clinical diagnostics (original)

* SHBG polymorphisms and common conditions like obesity and type 2 diabetes influence total T and SHBG levels. Free T concentration accounts for SHBG levels, making it a more reliable indicator of androgen exposure regardless of SHBG level alterations.

* Most clinical guidelines advocate the use of free T as a second-line hormonal assessment in patients suffering from comorbidities altering SHBG concentrations and in men with borderline low total T concentrations.

* Although physiologically and clinically relevant, direct measurement of free T by equilibrium dialysis is challenging, instead clinicians rely on cFT to estimate free T concentrations.

* Among existing calculators, the Vermeulen method performs well in a wide range of total T, SHBG and albumin concentrations, making this an acceptable clinical tool to calculate free T.

* Clinicians should be aware of the limitations of cFT values, including the lack of standardization, harmonized reference ranges and cutoff values between low and normal cFT levels.


Measurement of free hormone (FH) concentrations in biological samples presents a challenge to the clinical laboratory. FH concentrations are generally very low, requiring use of sensitive and specific techniques. Furthermore, special attention must be placed on the equilibrium between free and protein-bound hormone when separating and analyzing in vitro. This review will enhance the readers’ understanding of the current state of mass spectrometry-based methods for the measurement of FHs. The advantages and disadvantages of different separation techniques and sample preparation methods are discussed, as well as clinical conditions in which measurement of FH is warranted.

Tread lightly when you speak on free testosterone, T:SHBG binding, stickiness, blah, blah!

Throw in those CAG repeat lengths (short/long)/sensitivity of the AR (androgen receptor) too!

Take home points here!

*our results show no substantial effects of most of these SNPs on free T concentrations. This indicates an only limited effect, if any, of the SHBG SNPs on free T concentrations and is compatible with the view that it is the free T concentration that is primarily determined through hypothalamic-pituitary feedback regulation, which annuls the effects of altered SHBG binding on free T concentrations in healthy men

*Further, no effects of SNPs were observed on the difference between calculated and measured free T, indicating a minimal effect of SNPs on calculator performance

*In this study, we have shown that SNPs that potentially affect SHBG concentration or binding affinity for sex steroids are common in a population of healthy men but that effects of these SNPs on SHBG and testosterone concentrations were mostly mild.

*In contrast, directly measured free T concentrations were unaffected as were also the differences between measured and calculated free T

*Secondly, our results are also largely in line with earlier literature showing, for example, lower (total) SHBG serum concentrations in individuals with rs6258 [18] and higher SHBG concentrations in rs6259 heterozygous individuals [26]. However, our results show no substantial effects of most of these SNPs on free T concentrations. This indicates an only limited effect, if any, of the SHBG SNPs on free T concentrations and is compatible with the view that it is the free T concentration that is primarily determined through hypothalamic-pituitary feedback regulation, which annuls the effects of altered SHBG binding on free T concentrations in healthy men. The higher total T concentrations without concomitant higher free T which we observed for several SNPs also suggest that clinical decisions based on total T concentrations alone may lead to a potentially incorrect diagnosis of hypogonadism in carriers of these SNPs

*There was a trend towards higher free T concentrations observed in rs6259 homozygous carriers, which was significant only in the larger dataset (n = 989) for calculated free T. However, this is unlikely to greatly affect the use of calculated free T in clinical practice as this genotype only occurs in 1.4% of the population (Table 1). Our results also confirm that the binding affinity is altered in heterozygous rs6258 carriers, manifesting in a higher percentage measured free T in these individuals, albeit maybe to a lesser extent that what would be expected from experimental studies [17,18]. Further, no effects of SNPs were observed on the difference between calculated and measured free T, indicating a minimal effect of SNPs on calculator performance.
Rs5934505 served as a control for calculator performance, confirming the expected higher free T but non-affected percentage free T in carriers of this SNP which causes higher total T but non-affected SHBG concentrations

*In this study, we have shown that SNPs that potentially affect SHBG concentration or binding affinity for sex steroids are common in a population of healthy men but that effects of these SNPs on SHBG and testosterone concentrations were mostly mild. In contrast, directly measured free T concentrations were unaffected as were also the differences between measured and calculated free T. Further, we have also demonstrated the potential of LC-MS/MS to detect mutant P156L SHBG. We found that P156L SHBG is indeed present in the serum of mutation carriers, albeit in lower concentration than expected. In conclusion, free T measurements and calculations appear less affected by variations induced by SNPs compared to total T measurements. As such, clinical decision making based on total T may be more vulnerable to the effects of SNPs while no extra measures should be taken when using the calculations in SNP carriers


Distribution Percentiles of Free Testosterone (pg/mL)

Age Specific Free Testosterone Ranges

*We established mFT reference ranges for healthy men aged 18 to 69 years

We present 95% mFT age-stratified reference ranges

Age category (years)

Median mFT (ng/dl)

95% mFT reference range (ng/dl)

18-29 (n=140)
30-39 (n=252)



40-49 (n=207)


50-59 (n=146)



60-69 (n=126)



70-79 (n=125)



*The gold-standard for the determination of FT levels is considered to be directly measured free testosterone (mFT) using equilibrium dialysis followed by mass spectrometry (ED LC-MS/MS). However, no widely accepted reference ranges are available for this clinical parameter. We established mFT reference ranges for healthy men aged 18 to 69 years

*Serum samples were analyzed from healthy men participating in the SIBLOS/SIBEX and EMAS studies, both population-based cohort studies

* mFT levels were measured in 867 men using ED LC-MS/MS as previously reported (1).

1. Fiers T, Wu F, Moghetti P, Vanderschueren D, Lapauw B, Kaufman JM. Reassessing Free-Testosterone Calculation by Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry Direct Equilibrium Dialysis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;103(6). doi:10.1210/jc.2017-02360

In the current study, we used a state-of-the-art direct ED method to reassess FT in sets of representative serum samples. This method takes advantage of the ability of a highly sensitive and accurate measurement of T by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to reliably measure the low FT concentration directly in the dialysate after ED. This more straightforward method avoids potential sources of inaccuracy in indirect ED, such as those resulting from tracer impurities or from measures to limit their impact (e.g., sample dilution). We then used the measured FT results to re-evaluate some characteristics of two more established and a more recently proposed calculations for estimation of FT.
* The data from the present analyses suggest that the interaction of the three sex hormones with their cognate binding proteins is highly complex and dynamic and influenced by their relative circulating concentrations. Therefore, models of testosterones binding to SHBG, based on the assumption of fixed apparent binding affinity of sex hormones with SHBG, that do not consider the influence of estradiol and dihydrotestosterone on the free testosterone fraction are unlikely to provide accurate estimates of free testosterone fraction.

* Because of these complex interactions between various sex hormones as well as other ligands with sex hormone binding globulin, direct measurements of free testosterone using a reliable assay, such as the equilibrium dialysis method, may be a superior marker of testosterone’s treatment effect.

* Collectively, these data highlight the non-linear, concentration-dependent modulation of testosterone repartitioning into bound and free fractions by each of the three sex hormones.

*Our finding that the estradiol, DHT, and testosterone interact to alter free testosterone fraction non-linearly suggests that in men with hypogonadism who are receiving TRT, free testosterone levels should be measured using a reliable method to guide the dose titration. The models that do not consider changes in estradiol and DHT concentrations are susceptible to error in estimating free testosterone concentrations.

*These data suggest that changes in estradiol and dihydrotestosterone concentrations should be considered in evaluating response to testosterone treatment because of their differential influence on free testosterone concentrations in addition to their ability to exert other independent biologic effects. Because of these complex interactions between various sex hormones as well as other ligands with sex hormone binding globulin, direct measurements of free testosterone using a reliable assay, such as the equilibrium dialysis method, may be a superior marker of testosterone’s treatment effect.
Key points here!

* While the use of cFT may be of value in preventing misdiagnosis and overtreatment of hypogonadism, it has its limitations. Therefore, reassessing cFT calculators to enhance their accuracy and alignment with equilibrium dialysis measurement of free T is needed. Additionally, standardizing and validating cFT calculators, as well as optimizing available assays for total T and SHBG are crucial steps.

Again something to keep in mind when it comes to using/relying upon the calculated FT methods!

*Currently, the CDC is developing a harmonized method for free T based on calculated free T using REVISED FORMULAE. This may bring the measurement of free T to a referable standard in clinical laboratories and common reference intervals that all clinicians can use


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