Updated results from the labs - Bizarre results


The lab was actually able to give me my lab results back in units of measurement that are more common in America. Here are the results of taking 100 mg test cyp e3.5d for 7 weeks. Blood drawn before I was due to inject. With these results the only side effect I have is mild acne on my back which is odd to me. But here they are Bloodlevels oct 8 updated with right units.webp
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The lab was actually able to give me my lab results back in units of measurement that are more common in America. Here are the results of taking 100 mg test cyp e3.5d for 7 weeks. Blood drawn before I was due to inject. With these results the only side effect I have is mild acne on my back which is odd to me.

Since you didn't list pre-TRT levels, we don't have anything to compare with these results.

Nothing really bizarre here, other than your TT and free T levels being that high at your trough (especially given your low SHBG). At 200mg/week with these levels, you definitely have room to titrate down on your dosage to bring these levels "in range." Most important, how are you feeling?

H&H, RBC levels look good to go. I don't know what to make of your E2, since it's the wrong test, but if your sensitive E2 came back on a future test as high, you could always increase the frequency of your injections to avoid an AI. Given your low SHBG, you may need to do this in the future anyway.
I'd expect with your SHBG @ ~14 that your Free T would be very high but your Total I would have assumed to be lower. You could certainly come down to perhaps 90mg E3.5D and see where you're at and then further titrate downward if you chose to.
I'd expect with your SHBG @ ~14 that your Free T would be very high but your Total I would have assumed to be lower. You could certainly come down to perhaps 90mg E3.5D and see where you're at and then further titrate downward if you chose to.

I think this is sound advice. Adjust and maintain the new protocol for at least six weeks; test again. You note acne as the only side effect - you feel good otherwise?
Most important, how are you feeling?

Feel pretty good! No complaints I don't really have any side effects. I have mild acne on my back and what I believe to be the occasional folliculitis on my forearm area but nothing I can't deal with and handle for the time being in exchange for feeling so much better over all.

Your protocol involves 100mg every 3.5 days? That's certainly driving your values skyward. What factors went into determine that dose?

The ampules I bought in Thailand (I live in south east asia) are 100mg per ml and come in 2 ml ampules. about 8 weeks ago I took blood work on my protocol of 100mg weekly. And with the results and some research, as well as how shitty I felt, and the fact the ampules are a huge pain in the ass, I decided to double my dosage and frequency. I can crack an ampule open, take out 1ml of it for my dose, then pre-fill the next syringe finishing off the ampule. I figured I'd take my blood work 6 weeks following my dosage change, and if anything looked dangerous long term, I'd simply adjust downward.

Not the safest method to go about this I suppose, but I'm kind of tight on money right now so am trying to avoid unnecessary expenses by multiple blood lab trips and working my way upward. I'm also on my own doing this entirely. I can't find a TRT doctor out here. But either way, the bloods seem to look ok. I'll take these results to an endocrinologist within a couple days and see if she has any concerns.


Thank you guys for the input. Truly appreciate it!
I'd expect with your SHBG @ ~14 that your Free T would be very high but your Total I would have assumed to be lower. You could certainly come down to perhaps 90mg E3.5D and see where you're at and then further titrate downward if you chose to.

I think this is sound advice. Adjust and maintain the new protocol for at least six weeks; test again. You note acne as the only side effect - you feel good otherwise?

Yep, feeling great. So I'm hesitant to fix something that's not broken. Since I'm 27 and have been going 13 years with piss poor TRT treatment from doctors uneducated on the subject in America. This is the first time in my life I've actually felt good! Anxiety is gone, depression is gone, just an over all sense of well being. I actually feel human for the first time and I don't want to adjust the dosage unless something in my blood work looks dangerous for long term

and from my perspective and based on the input I've received so far, nothing looks dangerous. But I will touch base with a doctor to be sure. Specifically and endocrinologist here in the next day or so
Are you taking an AI?

Your E2 is low(according to the reference range, not absolute value) relative to total testosterone, I'd expect that at 1500 trough your E2 would be way way higher. Then again, that reference range is really strange. Although when taking T/E2 in mind, you're at 20.

I'd recommend you get a consult from defy. They won't be able to prescribe medicine for you but since it seems like it's all OTC in thailand, you can certainly take their advice.
I'm not taking an AI. Just fish oil, multi vitamin, panothenic acid and l-carnetine.

Defy would offer a consultation without me being in America? I had no idea. I'll look into it
I'm not taking an AI. Just fish oil, multi vitamin, panothenic acid and l-carnetine.

Defy would offer a consultation without me being in America? I had no idea. I'll look into it

Defy offers "advice only" consultations. Obviously, as johndoesmith pointed out, you'll not become their patient, nor will medications be prescribed, but it's a first-rate opportunity for you to explore your protocol.
Yep, feeling great. So I'm hesitant to fix something that's not broken. Since I'm 27 and have been going 13 years with piss poor TRT treatment from doctors uneducated on the subject in America. This is the first time in my life I've actually felt good! Anxiety is gone, depression is gone, just an over all sense of well being. I actually feel human for the first time and I don't want to adjust the dosage unless something in my blood work looks dangerous for long term

and from my perspective and based on the input I've received so far, nothing looks dangerous. But I will touch base with a doctor to be sure. Specifically and endocrinologist here in the next day or so

That's all fine and dandy Chase, but keep in mind that your TT is now at a supra-physiological level. I can guarantee you that an Endo will not like this at all. This is not the goal of TRT, and problems/side effects can occur with sustained supra-physiological T levels. I'd really like to see what your sensitive E2 level is, but I guess that test isn't offered in your country.

Also, I know that you're a young guy, but monitoring your PSA is still important while injecting exogenous Testosterone. It wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on it.
I think I may be effected differently. Regardless of my high T levels, I don't even get a morning erection every day. Some times I do. Not that frequently though, which is bizarre to me
I think I may be effected differently. Regardless of my high T levels, I don't even get a morning erection every day. Some times I do. Not the frequently though, which is bizarre to me

Too HIGH of testosterone can cause diminished libido, decreased morning erections, and even erectile dysfunction just like LOW testosterone can. I think your line of thinking is flawed here. You also have low SHBG which magnifies this effect and makes it even more relevant.
Too HIGH of testosterone can cause diminished libido, decreased morning erections, and even erectile dysfunction just like LOW testosterone can. I think your line of thinking is flawed here. You also have low SHBG which magnifies this effect and makes it even more relevant.

My libido is through the roof. When I have a girl with me, I'm having sex multiple times per day if she's up for it. I'll give it time, I'll pay close attention, and adjust accordingly. Simple to taper down if I notice negative side affects similar to low T
After some more consideration, I think I will take Vince Carter's advice and taper down this Friday morning when I'm due to inject. I'll start 90 mg's e3.5d and see how I'm feeling 6 weeks following that dosage change. I realized I had this irrational fear of changing my dose, simply because I've gone so many years with poor dosages by doctors who were uneducated on the subject in America. I was terrified of being thrown into a whirl of depression and anxiety like I have been in for the past 13 years prior to the positive effects of my current dosage. That's silly though. My levels at this dosage are above normal for TRT currently. Tapering down 10mg e3.5d, a total of 20mg weekly lower in my dosage will not have that drastic of a negative effect on me.

Thanks for the input fellas. Truly appreciate it!
It sounds to me that you're doing good on your current protocol, if the only issue you're having is acne. Most use zinc soap to cure that problem, I have better success with sulfur soap. http://sulfursoap.com/
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I should had mentioned I have Kallmann syndrome. A pretty rare syndrome so not the average TRT patient considering I was born this way. Not sure if that's relevant. For how high my levels are, I don't feel abnormal at all. If anything I feel normal. I'll just need to be patient and give it more time and feel it out before I make a decision. My libido has been fine, I think the lack of morning erection has been due to Kratom I've been taking in the evening the past week. I'll see how it goes without and go from there

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