New Member
High BMI is associated with fertility issues and other obvious health related issues as well as low T in men, etc. Improve your nutrition, get some regular exercise, throw in some key supplements, and one, or both of you, may see a radical improvement in fertility and of course over all health.
People often don't wanna hear that, and look for a magic pill/shot from a doctor. Not directed at you, just a general statement of fact;
TBI is associated with major disruption of hormones in men, something very few docs currently aware of and could certainly be a major part of your issue:
TBI is the cause of my issues. My diagnosis is Post TBI hypothalamic pituitary dysfunction. My BMI was around 20-21 prior to my accident. After my accident no amount of exercise could keep the weight off. I was a logger at the time running chokers in the brush so I was running up and down hills with 80+ pounds of cable on a regular basis and still gaining weight at a rapid rate. Now I drive truck so I definitely don't get as much physical activity as I should, but we are working on that. It's just hard to get the motivation when low T is a factor, as I'm sure you know. Plus my heart health is a major issue now that I have packed on all this weight. My cholesterol and triglycerides are through the roof. We have started with daily walks, it sounds small but considering I have been sitting in a truck every day for the last year it's actually a good start for now.
I take no offense to you bringing up weight being a possible issue, as it was the first thing I thought too.
We eat very healthy, rarely eat processed foods, my wife gardens and organically grows most of our fruits and vegetables. Our main issue was that she used to use too much butter and high fats in things but since my diagnosis that has stopped and we now eat less red meats and more chicken and fish to try and help with my heart health, and of course lots of fiber.
My wife is always working out, and the diagnostics we were given definitely prove her fertility issues are not at all related to health. And I was in great health the first 4 years of us trying to start a family, it wasn't until after my accident that my health declined.
I'm not sure how much you have heard of with female infertility so these conditions may mean nothing but she has PCOS, endometriosis, LUFS, and an MTHF A1298C Homozygous gene mutation. She is considered pre-diabetic so we have always been good with diet and she always keeps up an exercise. Basically what her condition means is she doesn't ovulate on her own, and in the rare instance that she does the egg doesn't release from her ovary and it generally forms a cyst then she ends up in the ER for 3 days or so. Sometimes they have to do surgery or a draining process, and her gene mutation usually causes recurrent miscarriages. We have been actively thinking about surrogacy due to all her issues. She has been pregnant twice with fertility medications but both ended in a miscarriage at about 6 weeks. I'm not sure if my low testosterone could have had an impact on her losing the pregnancies though. The thought has definitely crossed my mind.