"TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

Thanks Brother! You're doing Gods work over here helping those that want to improve, get wiser and CAN actually LISTEN not just to reply. Ive started doing bike like mad in the gym and actually am doing it now lol ;)
Pound it man.

Was reading this the other day and had a chuckle...
Atlas said that he actually took up drawing as a way to break some bad habits like doing drugs, and he encouraged people to find a healthy hobby of their own.

“My artwork is my third pick. It was my way of quitting a lot of bad stuff in my life. It gave me a new lease on life,” Atlas explained, “so instead of sitting around the house and getting so datgum stoned I don’t know where the hell I’m at, I draw. Now I draw, so it became my third pick. It’s a great thing for people to have hobbies, and Tony Atlas’ hobbies [are] lifting weights, drawing and getting pussy in the face.”
Fantastic summary and lesson for us all. I am glad you hung in there and did not confound your experiment with the AI. I know it is tough to do when you are suffering. Here's to your health and whatever gainz you can squeeze in there as well :) while feeling good and healthy!
Should be made sticky! I'm also happy that I couldn't get any AI and yet everything happens for a reason;) Have bunch of labs coming in starting next month so be very interesting to see the data FWIW. Will push more cardio work as I love the way it feels afterwards and should help to lower RHR a bit as well hopefully towards pre TRT levels and aid digestion. I'm up around 6kg maybe more as missed pre TRT measurement so that also contributes to heart working harder. Cheers to all kinds of gainz Brother and lets get it!
How are you doing Brother Belekas? I hope your 2023 is going well and that you are feeling better.

Thank you for your log. Quality thread man.
How are you doing Brother Belekas? I hope your 2023 is going well and that you are feeling better.

Thank you for your log. Quality thread man.
Hey Brother and thank you, hope you are doing fine as well!? Slow start to the year, trying to rest as much as possible as will be going back to working my usual night hours. Girl works in care and caught some virus/flu, wasn't feeling too well lately, and seems I got it as well now. But nothing I can't handle, just no training for the last couple of days, lots of food, some supps and other procedures to shorten the curve. TRT wise feeling not too bad just get very tired the day and before leading into my shot and also a good workout wrecks me for days so recovery still sucks. But also might have been this virus knocking into the door thus why I felt off. So again, can't tell for sure SMH Sleep ok, downstairs department good as well. Been trying to eat as much as possible since starting treatment so always sloppy and tired...the carb overload hehe trying to get back what I lost over these 3 years since I've been off testosterone and under huge stress in the new environment. Did some labs on 29th but still not in. Proper labs EOM so will share. Still too emotional watching movies lol so we see if my E2 are high or whatever else is happening there. For now- sticking to the plan and working in silence ;-)

Best regards.
Received some NHS lab results from blood test I did right before NY. Some came without ranges, but nothing we can't handle. Just some basic tests, but I will still go ahead and post them.

HbA1c 29 mmol/mol (20-41)
TSH 2.32 mIU/L (0.27-4.2)
Total Bilirubin 17 umol/L (0-20)
Serum ALT 12 u/L (0-41)
Calcium 2.37 mmol/L
Serum adjusted calcium conc 2.39 mmol/L (2.2-2.6)
Phosphate 1.32 mmol/L (0.81-1.45)
Serum alkaline phosphatase 63 u/L (30-130)
Serum albumin 46 g/L (35-50)
Sodium 139 mmol/L (133-146)
Potassium 4.5 mmol/L (3.5-5.3)
Urea 5.6 mmol/L (2.5-7.8)
Serum creatinine 102 umol/L (59-104)
eGFRcreat 79 mL/min (90-120) X
White Cell Count 6.3 10*9/L (4-11)
Heamoglobin 164 g/L (130-180)
Heamatocrit 0.475 1/1 (0.4-0.54)
Platelets 228 10*9/L (150-450)
RBC 5.48 10*12/L (4.5-6.5)
MCV 86.7 fL (76-98)
MCH 29.9 pg (27-32)
MCHC 345 g/L (300-360)
RDW 11.9% (11-15)
Mean platelet volume 9.4 fL
Neutrophils 3.0 10*9/L (2.7)
Lymphocytes 2.1 10*9/L (1-4)
Monocytes 0.5 10*9/L (0.2-0.8)
Eosinophil count 0.6 10*9/L (0-0.04) X
Basophil count 0.1 10*9/L (0-0.2)
Serum amalyse level 35 u/L (20-100)

2 above range I marked with "X" thats eGFRcreat and Easinophil count which has been always at 0.6 as far as I remember. With kidney number not being that great I had also tested urine for proteins this year before and they didn't find it so sayd I'm ok for now but will keep me monitored. So I'm researching and thinking of starting supplementing to try and improve them. Also altered diet - less salt, less fat and cut out processed junk. Will increase vegetables and fruit once I have my post eating chest pain figured out with all the endoscopies and other tests done and dusted. The post food chest pain has been hard these days so had to end my offseason/mass gain period till I figure it out and get healthy. Back to the bland food, no sweeteners, no sugar, nothing, till I get answers.

Hormones and all the other required blood labs will be done EOM and will post them here as well. 86 days on TRT so approaching the 3 month mark next week. As posted before current dose 100mg split in 2 injections E3.5D of Sustanon250. Have good days and have bad days. Recovery from gym still sucks. Sleep not bad. Manage to wake up fresh every once in a while but most days wake up fatigued and with brain fog. No regrets as its all required for this experiment. Libido good and Johny works great as well FWIW. Get some morning wood not everyday but weekly for sure. Erections all good so can't complain. Will be interesting to get proper labs EOM and then will see what is the next move of action.

Ok you health freaks I'm looking to buy supplements for prostate, heart and liver/kidney support. What do you use and prefer? Any recommendations? A complex with all ingredients would be great and more convenient. Thank you in advance.
Also thinking to try low dose melatonin as some docs and scientists advise to try and start taking some when you turn 40yo. Plenty of benefits so will experiment with the dosing once I get my hands on quality product and let you guys know how it works or don't work for me. If anyone is taking would like to know what brand, dosing and how you feel.
Been researching and reading, like the last 20 years, all I can regarding my pain post eating/drinking basically anything these days. Will be having Endoscopy on the 23rd so will know wtf is wrong with me. Recently been living with huge pain which sucks but IIWII. Have just ordered Mastic gum, some Slippery Elm and Some Magnesium Malate. Lots of people have used Mastic gum and it helped them tremendously. Will see how that goes and will make a post regarding it for those interested in severe GERD/Acid Reflux/Hpylori treatments. It's all anecdotal but TWT. Fow now cut my food intake in half, went low fat, and increased time between meals to 3hrs, more or less. This thing fucks you up badly as basically I can't eat nor even drink water so must find and always look for ways to get around. One day one food works, the next day it doesn't and so on and so forth. Should have supplements around Thursday and will start right away. For now being very careful and diligent with what I put in my mouth is the way to go, but more or less this thing doesn't care and needs proper treatment. So lets see how it goes.
Been researching and reading, like the last 20 years, all I can regarding my pain post eating/drinking basically anything these days. Will be having Endoscopy on the 23rd so will know wtf is wrong with me. Recently been living with huge pain which sucks but IIWII. Have just ordered Mastic gum, some Slippery Elm and Some Magnesium Malate. Lots of people have used Mastic gum and it helped them tremendously. Will see how that goes and will make a post regarding it for those interested in severe GERD/Acid Reflux/Hpylori treatments. It's all anecdotal but TWT. Fow now cut my food intake in half, went low fat, and increased time between meals to 3hrs, more or less. This thing fucks you up badly as basically I can't eat nor even drink water so must find and always look for ways to get around. One day one food works, the next day it doesn't and so on and so forth. Should have supplements around Thursday and will start right away. For now being very careful and diligent with what I put in my mouth is the way to go, but more or less this thing doesn't care and needs proper treatment. So lets see how it goes.
Ok little update on my severe GERD like pains I've been having. With nearly 2x less food intake, lots of water (bottled from shop) and careful food selection I feel a lot better digestion and pain wise. Happy days here but as always theres a trade off. What I have found before and now I'm absolutely sure about is that reducing good food intake is absolutely detrimental to my libido and wellbeing. Now I feel meh, always empty, libido took a hit as well and overall not how I like to feel. Since starting TRT I have tried to eat as much as possible and believe that this is key to feeling and performing well. Most guys cut their food when they start and increase training. Nope. Thats a recipe for disaster waiting to happen. Libido tanks and all different kind of bs starts happening. For me it's best to increase food, good food, try eating as much as possible and burn the calories through working out and doing my cardio. Not the other way around it. So I'm always full, well fed, perfoming at my best, sleeping great and rocking a great libido with jimmy being happy as well lol So once I fix my digestion issues I'll be introducing lots of good food as for me- its pure medicine;)

P.s. just received Mastic Gum and Slippery Elm I've ordered so will give them a go as well and see if I notice anything good. From today taking 300mg of Magnesium Malate as wel. Never took this form, so got me a well respected company product.

TRT protocol still at 100mg split E3.5D and complete labs incoming in the next week or so. Will be very interesting to see what levels I'm rocking and decide further action.

Hope everyone is killing it, another update soon!
Hey buddy @readalot how you doing? Hope everything is fine over at your end. Flying back home in a couple of days and wanted to ask maybe you've got a summary of what blood tests you think are most beneficial to do after starting treatment? I'm compiling my own list but thats already getting too damn big lol
Hey buddy @readalot how you doing? Hope everything is fine over at your end. Flying back home in a couple of days and wanted to ask maybe you've got a summary of what blood tests you think are most beneficial to do after starting treatment? I'm compiling my own list but thats already getting too damn big lol
Hey Belekas I am doing pretty good. Good to hear from you!

Basics with TRT F/U ...

FT-ED or calc FT via cFTV
CBC w/ Diff
Cystatin C (to compare against eGFR from Creatinine in CMP above for fun)
Thyroid (TSH/fT3/fT4)

Depending on how far you want to go there are a lot more tests but I am finding less is more these days...

Hey Belekas I am doing pretty good. Good to hear from you!

Basics with TRT F/U ...

FT-ED or calc FT via cFTV
CBC w/ Diff
Cystatin C (to compare against eGFR from Creatinine in CMP above for fun)
Thyroid (TSH/fT3/fT4)

Depending on how far you want to go there are a lot more tests but I am finding less is more these days...

Cheers brother and agree on less is more. Will do these and will add Ferritin panel to see iron status as I never have checked it. On same note my girls Ferritin level is <45 and shes been struggling badly from birth anemic. Tons of symptoms, as all else looks ok. So will be ordering Heme Iron and putting her on a 6month high dose protocol to try and boost it and see if that helps.

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