Well-Known Member
IMO, carrier oil. For me, cottonseed oil. Test C induced malaise, loose stools, aching in the eyes, low grade headaches. Test E is more expensive but no side effects.Little update.
So 2 days ago I have finished my old Test-E batch and switched to Sustanon250 0.16ml E4D so ruffly around 75/80mg per week(+-) Next day woke up with increased GERD symptom of chest pain which I've been battling for a long time once on TRT. So struggled yesterday but today oh man woke up with even bigger chest pain and without even eating since 7pm yesterday nor drinking water. Now even taking a deep breath is painful and swallowing as well which got better after a few Rennies. No diet modifications ease the simptoms and nothing works. So at this point I'm seriously suspecting that its the fucking TRT. Maybe some esters in Sustanon don't agree with me or the damn peanut carrier oil, who the fuck knows. So I haven't eaten since yesterday 7am and decided to fast and see what happens. I haven't fasted in a long long time so will see. My next T shot is in a couple of days so will see what happens as well. I'm lean, overthise healthy (tfu tfu tfu), training hard and been on top of my health for the last 15-20 years. In 2 days I have GP appointment so will have a talk and maybe she agrees to run some blood tests and have another H Pylori test to see if its still active as I had my 2nd round of treatment in February. Nelson recoomended another type of Antibiotics but seriously after those failing 2 treatments that I had I'm not sure if I want to dabble in them one more time and if GP will prescribe them as they still roll by stone-age protocols.
Anyway the pain that I'm getting is hard and heavy which won't allow me to live normal life, not even talking about work or sport. So this must be taken care off and ASAP. I've read some studies that increased DHT is known to give problems and increase GERD symptoms but I never tested it as I'm on a small dose anyway. But if thats that then no TRT for me at either dose. I enjoy the energy and everything but the pain wrecks everything so will get off if I'll have to.
Usually my pain diminishes when I have some food if I'm hungry but WTF is this shit, I should be able to go pain free without any food. This is crazy and I want to get to the root cause of it and not mask the issue with food, supplements, etc. Anyway lets see how long can my water-fast continue and if the pain gets better or worse. Will update what happens as It feels a bit better to write and share what I'm going through right now. It's a bitch but IIWII.
Hope you feeling better guys!
You know that we have to be our own doctor. And that's why some doctors get annoyed with such patients because we know more than they do, LOL.