"TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

Do you experience lower back pain only upon walking/exercise or sometimes you wake up with it without any exercise yet?
Pretty much only when working out hard and running as today. Was doing seated shoulder dumbell press with 32kg dumbells and it hit my lower back like a lightning 10/10 but managed to finish workout and got good in a couple of days. Basically I think that comes from my neck somehow. Need MRI to know more. But I wake up with neck pain sometimes and very rarely with lower back pain as my bed matress is medium and doesnt work for me, will change. Tried too many pillows n shit- no bueno as well. It's a tough one for sure :)
Little update. So currently dropped from 125mg/week to 80mg/week split e3.5day fwiw. Injection went smoothly, no BP spikes and all felt normal. So will be on 80mg/week till I have a chance to do bloods in 2-3 months time when back home and then will reevaluate by how I feel and how my numbers look.

Training/cardio on hold this week as probably caught a flu or something so will ride it out till I feel okey to get it done.

Will post a bigger update when I feel bit better.

Best regards,
Hey guys. So a quick update on where I'm at post 39 days on 80mg/week split e3.5d fwiw.

Everything more or less ok and as expected. Downside department working really good. Gym gains up as well as strenght. Digestion feels better, can eat more meals without getting bloated but that also might have to do with raising food and staying there fwiw. Sleep ok. BP a bit higher then pre I believe, but havent tracked as don't want to get stressed about many details as the hormones are still in flux.

Now the interesting part. My pulse is def elevated and my heart beats stronger, can feel that, and it gets annoying if I pay too much attention to that so I try not to. More sensitive to exsercise as well but hope it will level out with time. Working out 3/4 times per week and doing SS cardio 3x week, nothing big. Also trying to eat 5 meals/day and hit minimum 3200kcal. Put on some fat for sure but nothing too big as I've been too lean for too long before. Water around 3L/day.

Now my GERD/heartburn has also increased I believe, but if I eat 100% clean it stays away, which is a bitch because I also like to enjoy life and some dirty food as well, which I had no problems eating before starting treatment. So this an interesting one, and looks like sugar is the main trigger, not sure 100% so will continue to monitor.

Now comes the most important part of this experiment. As I was never sick for a long time, and got sick right after starting TRT, that was an interesting confluence fwiw. I was sick for about 2 weeks. Then started training, all came back to normal. Now like 30days after starting TRT I happen to start feeling sick around midday and comes and goes in waves towards EOD. Wake up feeling ok, then slowly start feeling like some kind of virus or flu symptoms but in waves. It feels like test is messing with my immune system. What do you experiences guys think? I've ready that its not immune-supressing fwiw, but def feels the opposite at this point in time. I don't want to make assumptions but I'm interested if anyone else felt similar? This feeling comes hand in hand with fatigue as well, which also comes in waves. It's still only 39 days in so pretty much too early to tell anything, but just thought I'll share my experience so far:)

Best regards,
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Do a COVID test and CBC to see where your lymphocytes and neutrophils stand with respect to their usual levels - too elevated or too depressed may mean infection.

Eating sugar intensifying GERD may mean intestinal infection - bacterial, viral, fungal, protozoan, amoeba etc - digestive tract is full of those. Observe if your waves of symptoms are intensify a certain time after meals.
Do a COVID test and CBC to see where your lymphocytes and neutrophils stand with respect to their usual levels - too elevated or too depressed may mean infection.

Eating sugar intensifying GERD may mean intestinal infection - bacterial, viral, fungal, protozoan, amoeba etc - digestive tract is full of those. Observe if your waves of symptoms are intensify a certain time after meals.
No COVID but will test again tomorrow, no fewer, nothing, just fatigue and like bit of flu symptoms in waves that came ruffly around 30 days since starting TRT. Will do blood test but only in a couple months for full panel, as can't do them where i'm at now and GP won't do them for me and will just offer paracetamol, as always.

Usually my symptoms of GERD intensify after a sugary treat if I get a bloat, but not from all types of sugary foods, some digest good, some not. I have been following that for the last 17 years and thought I have it nailed down since curing hpylori some months ago but it def became worse since starting TRT. But if I follow a clean diet I stay mostly symptom free. Just did a big bowl of frosties with almond milk and will see what happens.

I'm wondering why I felt better in the first 30 days, could this be the honeymoon phase and that my natural test production was still on? Probably could be a lot of things so a tough one to figure out. I'm only on 80mg/week so hope this dose is not too low for me hence the fatigue and overall feeling. Blood tests only in a couple of months so gotta ride it out fwiw.

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Usually my symptoms of GERD intensify after a sugary treat if I get a bloat, but not from all types of sugary foods, some digest good, some not. I have been following that for the last 17 years and thought I have it nailed down since curing hpylori some months ago but it def became worse since starting TRT.
GERD: the most common TRT side effect that no experts acknowledge or seem to be aware of. I've never heard a single doctor or "guru" mention it despite the fact that it pops up quite frequently.
Damage to esophagus is associated with higher T levels: Association Between Circulating Levels of Sex Steroid Hormones and Barrett's Esophagus in Men: a Case–Control Analysis

Causation is still not proven and their possible explanations why higher T would cause that do not sound convincing, except this one:

The third possible mechanism is that testosterone could influence lower esophageal sphincter (LES) tone or frequency of transient LES relaxations, thus increasing the propensity for gastroesophageal reflux
The third possible mechanism is that testosterone could influence lower esophageal sphincter (LES) tone or frequency of transient LES relaxations, thus increasing the propensity for gastroesophageal reflux
I think this is the most likely explanation also. There is zero doubt in my case that injecting testosterone causes GERD symptoms, the only question is the mechanism.
GERD is just a minor problem for me and flares up very rarely but still I have to be mindfull on what and how much to eat. Today tried a bowl(150g) of Frosties with almond milk to see the reaction to sugar and no bueno. Wen't down just like that and could have done 2x that probably without any problems at all. Now if I would have mixed in some fats then I'm pretty sure I would have a problem, but I won't experiment on that but will just keep an eye out. As always. Preparing for the fucking Olympics haha, joking, no stress, but eyes on the small details.

Main problem is fatigue that comes around mid-day and goes in waves. More like a mental fatigue as I can go and crank in a brutal workout without any problem at all. So it's a weird one. Recovery still a bitch as I ache badly, but keeping in mind its only day 39 since starting, its still a long road to go. First 30 days felt better, even though slept less, with multiple wakes in the night to take care of business. Now not working, sleeping all night and feeling off. Very interesting, see what the next 39 days bring.

Day 43 and think I know why I feel shitty second half of the day. My sleep has been compromised badly. Used to sleep like a baby all night and be able to fall back to sleep as much times as needed. Now doesn't matter what I do I always wake up way too early and can't go back to sleep. This is a major one for me. Today is the injection day so will see how I sleep this night. If this trend continues I will have to shut down the experiment because this is one of the major factors to me and needs to be optimised 100%. I will give it more time but won't be looking for solutions outside TRT. If I can't sleep on injections alone I won't be adding another variables into the mix to try and figure it out. Been there, done that. Like I said the benefits have to outweigh the negatives for me and if most I get is gym gains- then it's def not for me at this point in life.

Anyone else have/had similar issues?
Yesterday had a shot of 0.2ml instead of 0.16ml so thats an increase from 40mg to 50mg. 2x per week will put me on 100mg Sustanon/week. Easier to measure and will hold this dose till labs end of January. Will see how fatigue and sleep will be going forward. This night went to sleep 11pm, woke up 3.20am to take a piss then went to sleep but not sure if I have slept or not. Woke up feeling ok and didn't felt so exhausted today, but also had a day off gym, so it's a weird one for sure. Hope this gets better without any other variables added to the mix. TWT.
7th week in update.

- more or less so far improved. Wake up not that tired and fatigued. Brain fog sometimes but thats more from eating wrong foods other day and going to sleep too late after binging on favorite tv series I think hehe and hell knows what else. Remember bad days and good days. Also training impacts this as well IME. One thing I noticed that I wake up a lot earlier and can attack my day. Try to get extra sleep and it won't just happen. So I won't push it and start my day. Early bird gets the worm, right?:)

Gym/training- this one a nobrainer to me as muscles have great memory and I have some left from my 15 years of gruelling workouts. So everything is clicking, body looking more alive, composition changing as well even though its been only 7 weeks. Strenght creeping up and even done a few workouts where I managed to push myself beyond where I was all these years since I left bbing and came off test in 2019 without murdering myself and getting full blown anxiety and panick attack next day or so. So Sustanon is def doing its thing and I love it.

Libido/ED- libido a bit lower after doing a bump on the dose last Sunday from 40mg to 50mg and also no morning wood fwiw. But I had a lot of digestive issues and pain this week so that might have effected me I'm thinking if theres a connection between the two, who knows. Will see what next 7 weeks bring. Another crucial thing I think that I had to reduce my food/calorie intake and less carbs less libido for me, this is what I found out over the years. I need a lot of food to function properly and with my currect digestive issues thats a major problem. So on to the next one.

Digestion/GERD- now this one is a major one for me. Since starting treatment my digestion on one hand seems to improve but on the other hand its taken a toll and I get severe chest pain and some bloat after eating different foods. One day I can tolerate this and next day its fuck all. It's a really really weird one and takes me back to square one like many years ago I was already struggling with this issue while running test-e. Decided to really dive into my nutrition and try to nail which foods I can tolarate which not and since I'm trying to gain weight it has flared in a really bad time. But first need to filter out which foods work which not. Stay there for a while and only then try eating more to suit my goals and needs. So will try updating as it unfolds and what happens. Any guys having issues as well please chime in and lets have a discussion. You never know who might help you out as the devil is always in the details.

Any question or suggestions are always welcome. Now going to pack my bag and off to the gym to do 2nd leg workout in a year or two since my back/neck injury which also is a serious threat and requires separate post. Doing light work just around the injuries to see if I can strenghten them and if that works for overall back/neck pain going forward till I get MRI done next year.

It's a long road to heal and fix most likely the mistakes of ourselfs but at least its the right road and def worth travelling.

Enjoy your Saturday my friends and smash your goals and obstacles no matter what! Have a great weekend and lets get it!

Best regards,
I have lost 24 pounds without even trying, tons of energy, can play after work and keep going until bedtime. This is unheard of at age 50 and more common to those in their 20's.

The people at work who are much younger take notice of my energy and stamina levels and after I tell them my age, they can't believe it.

The younger women are always looking at me. Women can sense high testosterone in men.
yeah younger woman....when i was in my 20's not many were into me, now mid 40's they do seem to be interested, married with kids though (i'm ok in marriage).
Yesterday had a shot of 0.2ml instead of 0.16ml so thats an increase from 40mg to 50mg. 2x per week will put me on 100mg Sustanon/week. Easier to measure and will hold this dose till labs end of January. Will see how fatigue and sleep will be going forward. This night went to sleep 11pm, woke up 3.20am to take a piss then went to sleep but not sure if I have slept or not. Woke up feeling ok and didn't felt so exhausted today, but also had a day off gym, so it's a weird one for sure. Hope this gets better without any other variables added to the mix. TWT.
So back to 80mg split e3.5 days I go till first extensive blood test in around 7 weeks. Thanks for watching my back Brother @readalot Respect!

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