Will try to soak some Jasmine rice overnite and have tomorrow with meat or some eggs, to see if I feel better and what BP will show. I took a warm, slow, shower some moments ago and had a bit of mixed fruit- grapes, strawberries, bluberries and some melon. Had BP spiked upto 145/90 and now after some fruit 131/82 so bit better. Headache still there but bit better as well. Will start slowly doing things one and a time and see what happens. But def on the cards will lower T dose and if still feel wired will get off completely then reasses. I'm lean, holding good amount of muscle, workout 3-4x week, do my cardio, eat right, don't smoke, nor drink, so these things shouldn't be happening. If theres no stability then fuck this shit. Hope everything stabilizes after dose fiddling and comes back to normal though, if not then mission abort time as its already, at least till I treat my gut issues and think again if I needed TRT in the first place.