"TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

We need more and more doctors like Bart Kays that challenge the contemporary medicine pseudo-science based on blatant abuse of statistics, observational studies that prove nothing, and "medical consensus" that is nothing more than a religious opinion, that frequently gets it wrong based on history.

I would love to see videos by him what he thinks are the way to reduce arteriosclerosis, based on actual well conducted studies, not opinions or medical consensus.
Absolutely agree on all counts and would be great for sure.

That's another great one study buster by him:
Haven't finished this one so will watch in a bit but yeah. Can always msg him and ask if hes up for debate and as I see he is more then happy to do so :)
My TT is 29.2 nmol/L // SHBG 37.3 nmol/L and albumin 47 g/L

So calclulated FT gives me 0.602 nmol/L and thats right at the top of the UK range and probably a bit higher, or maybe even lower, considering the fact that its calculated and not measured using the gold standart assay.

Now what does 0.602 nmol/L become when converted to US measurement units of pg/mL? I'm checking US Quest and Labcorp ranges to see where I'm at there but can't figure out the proper conversion.

Using different units and calculators I came to the number of 173 pg/mL but I doubt it's the correct conversion.

Can anyone good at math take a quick look pls? Much appreciated.

P.s. Nelson posted normal FT ranges:
  • 0-40.0 pg/ml for males between 20 and 40 years
On Labcorp I see 42.3–190.0 pg/mL... I'm lost here lol
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That's another great one study buster by him:

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Another good one for the books. Study to the bin. It reminds me about my line of work. I think of hypothesis of why something might happen in the financial markets, then write code and run backtest to see if theres any significance to it. And most of that goes straight into the bin. Similar here when you know how to read and interpret these studies, that most have no idea. Experience is priceless. Salute to Prof Bart Kay for all the patience when having a live discussion with anyone these days as most are delusional and just mainly do it for clout and whatnot.
Testosterone: 1 nmol/L = 28.85 ng/dL = 288.5 pg/mL

Free testosterone: 0.602 nmol/L = 0.602 x 288.5 = 174 pg/mL

Normal range for calculated FT, adult males : 44 - 244 pg/mL (the upper limit varies by the source)

Thanks Sammmy.

Thats interesting. Based on UK cFT range I am right at the top +-. Using US cFT range, lets say 44-244 pg/mL my 174 pg/mL is not quite there. I feel quite good on this dose @ 100mg/week split 50mg/E4D. Would be great to test my FT using the most accurate assay and maybe even bump the dose up a bit to fill that US range of 244 pg/mL to see if it helps a bit with anxiety that I get from time to time. But it might be from my H-Pylori issue so not worth making any changes before treating it as the results will be skewed. Just thinking out loud. Or will go down to 75-80mg/week and see how that feels once I heal.
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I'm really interested in Nandrolone addition to TRT for better anxiety control and some gut/joint health. I remember @Gman86 said its very beneficial in all these departments and I def would like to learn more. I remember you had a video posted or podcast with some Doc treating men with Nandrolone protocols IIRC but I can't find it.

I'm curious if you would run only Nandrolone low dose and add estrogen like DMDMP did or still keep a test base and add just a little bit to see what happens?

I'm down to experiment and find what works great for me and my own issues because I'm starting to feel hyper like caffeinated symptoms and even a slightest task sometimes puts me in flight or fight mode. That ain't good. Maybe that can be attributed some to Carnivore and no carb WOE but TBH I think I had this issue before as well but was smoking skunk so it masked all that. I'm on 100mg Test per week so might decrease that to 75/80mg as on 50mg I def felt weak and fatigued all day long. Somehow I think Test overstimulates my mind because I always had a very creative and crazy fucking mind that races in waves and seems that this anxiety also comes in waves even with some sweat sometimes but very rarely fwiw. Also some low-grade headache but most likely from not eating enough carbs and not in ketosis as I eat some carbs once or twice per week. Also noticed more joint cracks since removing carbs which is a bit weird as should be the opposite. I'm open to experiment or will have to put Test aside and come off to see if it gets better.

Started watching this video by DMPMD:

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I also been in this flight-or-fight mode long time in my life and when was running 250mg/T was feeling the same but was smoking heavy so never payed attention. Young and dumb. So def Test makes the issue worse and possibly mask as an issue or creates an issue on its own. I never checked my Cortisol so def 4 point salivary test makes sense to see how it looks. For many decades under heavy stress, drugs, toxic relationships, fake friends, snakes and whatnot, theres def something exhausted that needs to be fixed IMO. Maybe adrenals, maybe need liver needs detox and btw I have ordered serious medication for liver that works amazing but will share if I get my hands on it. So who knows whats happening here but I ain't giving up and will go further to get to the root cause of it. Since my job and vision requires me to be as sharp as humanly possible and in top mental shape, I will have to get off T, if I don't find the cause or the remedy for the anxiety and hyper sensivity. I need and want to be cool, calm and collected and not in waves of flight-or-fight. My lifes situation also is not making it easier thats for sure so I must be smart about it and do what I think is right even if that means fucking off the T, loosing some gains, the gym look and whatever that comes with it, to be normal and calm. That is the reallity and IIWII.

Always positive, always working and always trying to feel better even if its just 1%/day.
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No bueno with Nandrolone as I can't get pharma grade and the ones that my mate can get have fuck knows what inside and haven't been tested. So thats out of the window for now I guess. Will be getting on Neurorubine injections as have done them a long long time ago more then 5 years I think. They are a hefty dose of B1+B6+B12 vitamins. Will report if they fix anything. Should start sometime this month when I get them shipped to me as well.
Yup, just as I thought, my BP and RHR jumped mid-day now 2:17pm and its 140/80/75 and thus why I feel off. I've popped a few DIM capsules today so not sure if it had effect but won't pop them anymore. Also I have changed my Salt to the one that has 66% less sodium but with more potassium so perhaps thats giving me issues here as I've been salting all my meat-only meals. Will experiment from tomorrow no salt for a week and see how I feel and how my BP looks. Thats were my headaches are from as well and having one right now. I also think the zero-carb might be having effect on my system thus spiking BP. I also fiddled with my T dose lately so perhaps that also has effect. Right now I'm @ 100mg/week but from next dose will drop to 75mg. Was all good, BP good, felt good till the the chest pain from eating murdered me. Since then been eating Carnivore and chest pain 95% down but fucking issues here. Not happy. Putting all my electrolites, vitamins to the side till I get to the root cause of it. As its like I said- the more I take the worse I feel. I also been taking Ionized Magnesium Drops from NOW so will drop it as well as I'm not sure whats happening here. Less is more for now.

Lets see what happens without salt now and if it continues will have to introduce some carb source to calm the system down else no bueno.

p.s. water @ 4L/day
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Are you taking the zinc carnosine or the L-Glutamine for the esophagus/stomach inflammation?

You may have felt weak on 50mg/week testosterone not because of the low dose but because the carnivore diet has this side effect that goes away after 2 weeks when your body metabolism adjusts to the diet. I've seen carnivore reviews that talk about the initial fatigue and they are not on TRT at all so it is not related to testosterone. The higher dose testosterone just overrides the fatigue but gives you more anxiety, so maybe you can again reduce it after your body adjusts to carnivore.
Are you taking the zinc carnosine or the L-Glutamine for the esophagus/stomach inflammation?

You may have felt weak on 50mg/week testosterone not because of the low dose but because the carnivore diet has this side effect that goes away after 2 weeks when your body metabolism adjusts to the diet. I've seen carnivore reviews that talk about the initial fatigue and they are not on TRT at all so it is not related to testosterone. The higher dose testosterone just overrides the fatigue but gives you more anxiety, so maybe you can again reduce it after your body adjusts to carnivore.
I'm taking both and just recently started L-Glutamine. Yes I thought the same about 50mg/week but I've been 2 weeks on Carnivore and felt dead inside thats why I tried some carbs that put me away from ketosis. And now I do some carbs once/twice a week not to feel like death but next day or after next I'm back to feeling dead again. Now also started getting BP spikes that was not there since I was dialed in on 100mg/week and felt great. I remember @tareload mentioned that BP spikes do happen more often then we fiddle with protocol and thats exactly what I did. I went from 100mg to 50mg, stayed there for a week or two, need to check notes, then bumped it back up to 100mg and here I am with a headache and elevated BP feeling wired af. Taking magnesium, potassium, salt, helps nada.
Will try to soak some Jasmine rice overnite and have tomorrow with meat or some eggs, to see if I feel better and what BP will show. I took a warm, slow, shower some moments ago and had a bit of mixed fruit- grapes, strawberries, bluberries and some melon. Had BP spiked upto 145/90 and now after some fruit 131/82 so bit better. Headache still there but bit better as well. Will start slowly doing things one and a time and see what happens. But def on the cards will lower T dose and if still feel wired will get off completely then reasses. I'm lean, holding good amount of muscle, workout 3-4x week, do my cardio, eat right, don't smoke, nor drink, so these things shouldn't be happening. If theres no stability then fuck this shit. Hope everything stabilizes after dose fiddling and comes back to normal though, if not then mission abort time as its already, at least till I treat my gut issues and think again if I needed TRT in the first place.
You can try mainly meat to reduce GERD, with a reduced amount of carbs every day so you don't get that fatigued. Your goal with carnivore is not to "get into ketosis" but to reduce GERD so it is not set in stone that you should not eat carbs at all. Different diets work for different goals. Do what works for you, not what other say works for them.
You can try mainly meat to reduce GERD, with a reduced amount of carbs every day so you don't get that fatigued. Your goal with carnivore is not to "get into ketosis" but to reduce GERD so it is not set in stone that you should not eat carbs at all. Different diets work for different goals. Do what works for you, not what other say works for them.
Thing is no carbs worked for me and even drinking water was painful af and thats the only reason I started Carnivore diet.
Thing is no carbs worked for me and even drinking water was painful af and thats the only reason I started Carnivore diet.
What happens with the chest pain when you eat 30-50 g of easily digestible carbs daily? Is that a sustainable level? I would be looking for a sweet spot of carb consumption that calmed down the stress hormones, the heart rate, etc without aggravating GERD.
What happens with the chest pain when you eat 30-50 g of easily digestible carbs daily? Is that a sustainable level? I would be looking for a sweet spot of carb consumption that calmed down the stress hormones, the heart rate, etc without aggravating GERD.
Fuck knows what an easily digestable carb means in my current messed up book mate BUT today started to reintroduce some boiled white baby potatoes with butter on top and had them with 200g 20% beef. Had some discomfort but still survived. I had some fruit around 100g before and that wasn't a good idea so no more mixed fruit. I had around 65g of carbs from them potatoes FWIW. Do you think thats enough to calm the system? As my system def was taking a huge stress from not eating them at all and todays BP spike was an icing on the cake. TBH probably I had it this bad before but just didn't measure but coupled with headache today that was a sure bet that it will be elevated. I know myself well when my BP spiked I feel like shit. Others walk with 180/100 and feel fine.
Fruits are in general bad for gerd/gastritis because they are acidic. Did you eat the fruits with the beef or separately? Whatever carb you eat, mix it with the beef since it provides some protective effect for you. I personally reacted least to sourdough bread.
Fuck knows what an easily digestable carb means in my current messed up book mate BUT today started to reintroduce some boiled white baby potatoes with butter on top and had them with 200g 20% beef. Had some discomfort but still survived. I had some fruit around 100g before and that wasn't a good idea so no more mixed fruit. I had around 65g of carbs from them potatoes FWIW. Do you think thats enough to calm the system? As my system def was taking a huge stress from not eating them at all and todays BP spike was an icing on the cake. TBH probably I had it this bad before but just didn't measure but coupled with headache today that was a sure bet that it will be elevated. I know myself well when my BP spiked I feel like shit. Others walk with 180/100 and feel fine.
I can tell you that for me, there is a big difference between no carbs and even 30, 40, or 50g of carbs in terms of my heart rate, adrenaline, etc. I would experiment with different amounts and see what kind of relief you can get from the stress state without triggering GERD. There will be some idiosyncracies around which carbs are best for you, but on paper, your best bets are low fodmap, low acid, and high glycemic index. I do well with jasmine rice, sticky rice, and even small amounts of white bread or crackers. Potatoes can be OK but there is a lot of variability among the different types as far as resistant starch content, amylose vs amylopectin content, etc so you have to be careful there. With fruit, the options that fit those criteria are very limited, but I do alright with moderate amounts of cantaloupe and oranges (least acidic varieties available).

Also very important, never eat refrigerated starches if you are trying to increase digestibility of carbs. They form resistant starch at cold temperatures. That means you need them freshly cooked, or if it is bread, it needs to be stored at room temp after baking. Key detail here that makes a huge difference.
Fruits are in general bad for gerd/gastritis because they are acidic. Did you eat the fruits with the beef or separately? Whatever carb you eat, mix it with the beef since it provides some protective effect for you. I personally reacted least to sourdough bread.
I had them seperately after eating beef like in 10-20mins window. Now I've eated beef with boiled potatoes and butter. Still not too bad. Will get some good sourdough and give it a try. Used to eat it a lot as it digested properly even better then white rice for me.

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