6-17-17 thru ~5-2018 Universal Men's Clinic
First injection following
Defy 7-2018...
I'm 42 years old now and my original main reason for getting checked out was because of fatigue after the gym or any physically demanding task. For instance, helped sister in law move, felt fine (was In good shape) caring boxes, but for 3 days after felt absolutely dead, no energy, couldn't get erections and so on. Stuff like this kept happening, so decided to go get checked. Thought, "mens" clinic would know rather or not it was testosterone or not so went. Currently weigh 242 pounds (I'm 6-0) down from ~256 in July, so I've been trying to lose weight, not super strict, just trying to eat "clean" most of the time avoiding as much junk as I can. At a slight deficit.
Anyways current protocol is .2 ml (40mg) of testosterone cypionate (changed from .18 at my consult on 11-19) EOD, .1 mg of anastrozole EOD, and 500 iu of hcg twice weekly. Along with this I take magnesium, fish oil, a multi, and vitamin D. I'm not a picky eater so eat wide range of foods, from fish to beef, most all vegetables, etc so should be getting nutrients. Dont drink at all and dont do drugs except advil for mainly headaches or doms sometimes. I use to dip (18 years), smoked for a year when quitting and then went to vaping so I'm a vapor for last 6 years or so.
I try to go gym 3 days a week. I'm trying to gain strength more than build muscle (my focus is more on powerlifting and less on body building, because I enjoy that more, doing 100 sets of curls is very low on my interest). This was actually the first struggle. I went 3 years plus with out missing more than a couple training sessions, after starting trt I have went months without training, several times (I'd take off for 2-3 months, return for 1-3 months, then miss another 2-4 months so on). Seems to be an absolute lack of drive, I just cant get motivated. Currently I've been training about 2 months. Do I see some changes? Strength wise maybe a little but that is quickly squashed when dont have energy or just lack of drive to go.
Erections have gotten better with
defy, pretty much for that year I was at universal mens clinic I couldn't even get an erection, let alone maintain it. However, that said continues to be a struggle and an unpredictable situation. (Have no way knowing if it will work and cant even predict if it will or wont) when it does work, it is not even fully erect.
Mood issues. I've delt with depression in my life, but after trt is is relentless! I keep going from feeling fine to being deeply depressed back to fine. This is new and started from first injection on 6-17-17 has just gotten worse. Last Tuesday's consult was the latest, it was such a disappointment, it ruined my whole week.
My consult on 11-19 was a disappointment. First in year and a half at
defy I've never consulted with dr. I have consulted with nurse practitioner, and I like her. But thought, since I continue to have trouble if I talk to Dr directly maybe he can help. Of course, set it up with
Dr Saya himself. $165 got called 20 mins late and my consult lasted 17 mins! What was his "help" 1) change my testosterone injection to .2ml from .18ml, which was changed at last consult (so not the fix for issues) said free t would like it around 30 and mine is 23 something but dont know this will do anything, 2) add a trial of thyroid to see if I'm someone that would benefit from thyroid meds even though normal blood levels to increase energy, 3) add low dose cialis/tadalfil daily for erections.
I've ordered thyroid meds, will see, but doubt they will do anything. $100 for 40 days worth (tadalfil) is beyond what I can afford (basically I'd have to pay out $100 ~every 3 weeks, no way ontop of everything else). Never mind that I cant afford it, dont even know if it would work and that's a big price for that.
It was like he wouldn't even listen to me or consider that my issues continue to plague me. Had talked about possibly TRI-MIX last consult with nurse practitioner and was wanting to ask about that and he instantly shut it down, which is fine dont want injection, but didnt even give me a chance to ask how likely would I ever be of getting erection on my own after TRI-MIX. And besides something in protocol is causing issues in my opinion, Hcg?
Anyways anyone know alternatives or ideas? Went to Roman, doubt will find cheaper solution but want to, NEED to try something. Would like to find new clinic too. Having to get a yearly physical and explain
Defy is getting harder. Along with I'm sorry, in my opinion, lack of interest in patients.
Labs. I know everyone here likes seeing them. My triglycerides were 231, disappointment here too, considering I've been losing weight and trying to eat better, Dr's fix, avoid carbs and increase fish oil from 2,000 to 4,000 mg. (Cholesterol is total 164, hdl is 41, vldl 46, ldl 77) Glucose was high (102) wants more testing at next labs (this too was disappointing) estradiol sensitive 21pg/ml 8-35, total t 879 ng/dl 264-916, free t 23.2 pg/ml 6.8-21.5, dht 45. Shbg 19.5 nmol/l