A different ball game in what regard?I can attest to hCG seemingly having a critical threshold that needs to be achieved for full benefit. Although I did feel better taking 100-140iu’s daily than not taking it, and my new protocol’s still just a week in, taking 350-500iu’s close to EOD is a different ball game so far. Did 350 Monday and Wednesday and 500 on Friday since I’d be picking up again on Monday. Still injecting test daily.
Started Pregnenolone cream last night at 50mg as well. That had me feeling very calm and drowsy in a pleasant way, and I’m still very calm now the day after.
For full disclosure, I’m also usually on 250-333iu’s of BPC-157 once or twice a day, 2iu’s of HGH 4x a week, and 1 grain of NDT in the morning and 50mcg T4 daily at night. I have gut issues and BPC knocks those out within a week.