TRT Dose for low SHBG?

I have tried Omandren ( in the US i think its Sustanone) first under the supervision of my doctor at different doses, different intervals ( once a week, once every two weeks, 2 times a week at smaller doses), as well as Propionate 50 mg everyday, EOD, every three days. I havent yet tried gel as i stated and cypionate/enthanate, as in my country the only legit prescription test you can get is Omandren, Nebido and gels.

In my opinion its not about the dose or the type of test, because surely i would have felt at least something even if for one day before all the hormones get messed up due to the inappropriate dose and i feel absolutely nothing in all aspects (libido, wellbeing, energy, muscle gain etc.)
I live in Bulgaria, i can obtain Cyp only from online illegal stores (so the quality is doubtful). I consider trying testosterone gels now, which i can get from a pharmacy.
Low SHBG is its own issue, irrespective of other hormones. SHBG is a stand-alone hormone with its own receptor (SHBG-R) as well as a transport and storage mechanism for every major steroid hormone. To say low SHBG is no big deal is the same as saying low vitamin D is no big deal as long as you keep all other vitamins in the right ranges. Any disease that requires 365+ injections per year and still leaves you on a day-to-day rollercoaster of 600 ng/dL differences in T levels is a big deal. Our livers don't work properly. Big deal. Bigger than diabetes, I'd say, because diabetics can inject what they can't produce. We can't.

Low SHBG is the biggest negative HRT related blow a man can be dealt. It can't be corrected unless the cause is obvious (and it rarely is) and it affects every other hormone.

I've been on a protocol with .10 mg of Arimidex per day and 140 mg testosterone per week. It worked well for about 9 days, and then everything crashed. I'll get labs done soon and we'll see why.
Yes, low SHBG is just about the worst case for HRT for most guys. I have tried every legal version of injectable Test and I am now adding a topical to the daily injections. It feels like I am not on any treatment whatsoever except that if I am honest, I have to say that my libido was better before I started HRT. It was damn low then but its pretty much nonexistent now.
Many suggest Clomid for low SHBG cases. One of its isomers acts as an estrogen receptor agonist. The biggest hole in this theory, for me, is that if having excessive estradiol isn't upping SHBG production, why would a mild estrogen receptor agonist? The crux of the low SHBG issue is that HepG2 cells appear to be "estrogen blind" as part of the condition.

I'd like to hear from anyone with low SHBG who has seen it increase with Clomid.
From what I have learned on my forum in the past three years it seems that there are two types of low SHBG patients:

1- Those with insulin resistance. Metformin may help these patients.

2- Those with possible genetic predisposition to low SHBG not related to insulin or metabolic issues. These patients are more difficult to treat.


sex hormone binding globulin SHBG causes.webp
Another condition not included in the list that causes low SHBG is sleep apnea. I plan to have a second sleep study done, as the first one wasn`t accurate at all, since i couldn`t fall asleep almost through the whole test in the hospital.

If someone else with low SHBG had a sleep study done, please share. Also another symptome of mine, i have very low sperm mobility, basically i am infertile (doctors say for now the only way is in vitro and i am only 24), how are you guys with low test/SHBG in this aspect ?
Another condition not included in the list that causes low SHBG is sleep apnea. I plan to have a second sleep study done, as the first one wasn`t accurate at all, since i couldn`t fall asleep almost through the whole test in the hospital.

If someone else with low SHBG had a sleep study done, please share. Also another symptome of mine, i have very low sperm mobility, basically i am infertile (doctors say for now the only way is in vitro and i am only 24), how are you guys with low test/SHBG in this aspect ?

I've got low shbg also, mine is at 15 on a reference range that goes from 10-50.. Mine was at 25 a couple years back when I felt my trt was working way better. I've spent the past month researching low shbg and from my understanding it is associated with cardio vascular disease,diabetes,elevated triglycerides, sleep apnea.. Plus other problems. I have high glucose levels, high triglycerides, and low good cholesterol and high bad myself. I actually just had a sleep study done 8 days ago and am waiting on the results. To my understanding to raise shbg you can do it a couple ways one of them being antidepressants that increase it by increasing prolactin levels which doesn't sound good or smart to me, or by using metformin or tamoxifen. I also read drinking coffee and green tea are supposed to raise it which is what I've been trying so far with no noticeable results... So my plan is to get the results of my sleep study as soon as they are ready and if that doesn't help the situation I will try see what my hormone doctor wants to try next.
Low SHBG can be caused by genetics or by being pre-diabetic or diabetic. Many of us on the forum have low SHBG and we are not diabetic, pre-diabetic, overweight or have high glucose levels. For us, Metformin, coffee, green tea, etc makes no appreciable difference in our SHBG levels.

In your case however, these things may well be helpful since you had a normal SHBG level in the past. Please keep us updated with your progress.
For those that said they gained muscle with low SHBG:

Did you become muscular or just "gain muscle?"

I've been able to gain strength in the gym. No doubt about that. It's very slow. Almost as if I'm female. However, zero... and I mean ZERO size gains have ever come my way. I still have my high school body, and I'm now 35. It's not a good thing. Meanwhile, I have more FT than anyone on this board not on steroid doses. So much for the free hormone hypothesis!
For those that said they gained muscle with low SHBG:

Did you become muscular or just "gain muscle?"

I've been able to gain strength in the gym. No doubt about that. It's very slow. Almost as if I'm female. However, zero... and I mean ZERO size gains have ever come my way. I still have my high school body, and I'm now 35. It's not a good thing. Meanwhile, I have more FT than anyone on this board not on steroid doses. So much for the free hormone hypothesis!

I have had zero size gains as well.
Far too many variables on that subject to try and equate the two. Things like...calories, and effort, are just two. We know my friend ERO nothing works for him and maybe you're going to be the second guy in that category but truly too many variables to say I have low SHBG and I can't make any gains.
Calories and effort shouldn't make that much ofa difference in sustained workout progress. If you're young, slim and lift weights in any generally proper way, you should gain muscle. Men in prison with very less than ideal conditions gain muscle. High stress, low sleep, no control over diet, all excess calories from junk food. It doesn't matter.

Most people, especially very fit males, that I see in the gym just mosey around from machine to machine. Very few people doing any squats or serious lifts. Everyone pecking at their cell phone. Most standing around and talking. No one takes this shit seriously. Just eat a lot, and go move heavy crap around.
Most people, especially very fit males, that I see in the gym just mosey around from machine to machine. Very few people doing any squats or serious lifts. Everyone pecking at their cell phone. Most standing around and talking. No one takes this shit seriously. Just eat a lot, and go move heavy crap around.

Now that's the truth. I like to remark at my gym that plenty of people show up and go through the motions, a few are exercising and even less, MUCH less are actually working out.
I went from injecting twice a week to daily injections 4 weeks ago. My SHBG was 21.9 nmol/l (16.5-55.9) in July. Plus Anastrozole crashed my E2. I don't seem to need it with daily injections, but getting some more tests this week to check things.

Have you guys ever noticed these 2 things, maybe related to SHBG?

1. For me, the higher the dose of the injection, the lower my Total T ends up. For example, going from 75 to 80mg twice a week in August resulted in a 24% decrease in Total T (down to 584) at the end of October. That seems like a pretty crazy drop. Maybe SHBG declined further?

2. There are now no fluctuations in mood/energy level (I'd expect that with daily injections) but libido follows this exact pattern every single day:

Mornings - I'm ready to go
Starting around noon or 1p - Meh
Around 4 or 5p and later - Zero

Dr Saya said that sounds a lot like Cortisol levels throughout the day, so I'm getting a 4x salivary. Any other ideas? It's kind of fascinating, while also really annoying.
With my low SHBG and daily injections I get nighttime erections during REM sleep, but I have no actual libido at any time. My energy is OK, but if I did not have to work I wold probably take a nap in the afternoon.

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