TRT + Cytomel guy here just say Hi

Daniel Williams

New Member
Hi everyone. I've been reading this site for months and decided to register. There's a lot of good info here. I'm a 39 year old male that takes 200mg Test Cyp once per week, .5mg Arimidex every 3.5 days but I'm gonna switch to every 5th day because it lowered my estrogens a bit too much, and 75mcg T3 per day (divided into 3 daily doses).

My life is just so much better since I started on the Test Cyp and Cytomel years ago. Better mental wellness and energy. Just have so much more energy and feel happy. I do a ton of lab work every 6 months and my insurance covers it all. I've seen a lot of doctors over the last 3 years who specialize in low T and thyroids. I like consulting with multiple doctors constantly because they all have different views and I always want to improve my protocols.

So hi everyone.

That's a whopper of a dosage of testosterone and most men would have problems converting too much of their testosterone into estrogen. Injecting once weekly is problematic, large infrequent injection causes huge swings in hormone levels throughout the week, levels are lower by the end of the week.

Post labs including SHBG, this will determine dosing and injection frequency. If you want to lower your estrogen, inject smaller doses more frequently as you may not even need an AI. Large doses like these will produce more estrogen and the reliance of AI dosing increases when lowering the test dosage is the correct move.
Welcome to ExcelMale. It would be nice if you posted your labs. Here's a copy of my latest labs.

[h=2]Vince's testosterone panel from 6/12/2018[/b]
My protocol is 16 mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500 iu of HCG twice a week, 25 mg of DHEA and no AI.

testosterone serum 1117 ng/dL range 264 - 916
Free T 30.3 pg/mL range 6.6 - 18.1
DHEA - Sulfate 347.3 range 48.9 - 344.2
Estradiol, Sensitive 29.5 range 8.0 - 35.0
SHBG 48.8 range 19.3 - 76.4
HCT 47.9 range 37.5 - 51.0
Hi Systemlord. I've been reading the forum for months, and I figured most of you would view the 200mg Test Cyp once a week as being a whopper. I feel great on it though. On 150mg per week, I just don't get the punch that I get from the 200mg. I like to feel good and have the extra energy the 200mg gives me. My total T always comes back in the 850-1200 ng/dl range depending upon what day I do bloodwork. My Free T always comes back in the 23-28 pg/ml range depending on what day I do bloodwork. I never ran a SHGB. I need to google it and read more. I may add that to my next set of labs. My doctors are pretty cool and run whatever I ask them too. My estrogens were coming back sky high, and I felt fine with super high estrogen, until one of my doctors said we needed to address it. Added in arimidex and although I am in reference range, I am very much on the low end of it. Estradiol 13.0 (10-42 range), Estrone 14.6 (9-36 range), and Estrogen Total 27.6 (range 19-69). Thats taking .5mg Arimidex every 3.5 days. So I'm probably gonna start taking .5mg Armidex every 5 days and see if that elevates my estrogens a bit towards the higher end of reference range. Oh, and DHEA - sulfate is 342 (range 89 to 427).

Hi Vince. I've read a lot of your posts over the last few months. Your T labs look awesome. I see you inject everyday and I'm guess you do Sub Q shots. I've read a little about that and I'm thinking about trying it. I don't know anything about the needles though or how to do Sub Q shots. I'll need to google it and watch a video. Injecting now is nice with a 18G draw and 23G IM shot, but i am digging up the muscle quite a bit in my thighs and butt so I will probably need a new method soon.

Also Vince, I looked at your thyroid labs and was curious why you don't want to go higher on your T3? I saw you bumped up your T3 from 25 to 35, but that seems like a tiny bump to me. Have you ever considering bumping up to 25mcg T3 twice per day (50mcg total) and just dropping the Synthroid? I never really liked T4 because I have no control over it converting to Free T3 or Reverse T3. With T3 monotherapy, I can pin point my Free T3 levels and keep my Reverse T3 so low it's almost a 0.
We typically use 27-29 gauge insulin syringes to minimize the holes in our muscles, SQ is another option but would be challenging to load 200mg into a single syringe. It might be possible to locate an insulin syringe with a larger load volume. Your free T numbers are suggesting SHBG isn't too low or too high, but midrange range which is exactly where you want it.

Just a suggestion, 80mg twice weekly would provide similar numbers to what you have now, except Total T and Free T wouldn't fluctuate as much as they do now and you could reduce the AI dosage or eliminate need for an AI altogether.

I would rotate injections in the outer quads and shoulders.
Hi Vince. I've read a lot of your posts over the last few months. Your T labs look awesome. I see you inject everyday and I'm guess you do Sub Q shots. I've read a little about that and I'm thinking about trying it. I don't know anything about the needles though or how to do Sub Q shots. I'll need to google it and watch a video. Injecting now is nice with a 18G draw and 23G IM shot, but i am digging up the muscle quite a bit in my thighs and butt so I will probably need a new method soon.

Also Vince, I looked at your thyroid labs and was curious why you don't want to go higher on your T3? I saw you bumped up your T3 from 25 to 35, but that seems like a tiny bump to me. Have you ever considering bumping up to 25mcg T3 twice per day (50mcg total) and just dropping the Synthroid? I never really liked T4 because I have no control over it converting to Free T3 or Reverse T3. With T3 monotherapy, I can pin point my Free T3 levels and keep my Reverse T3 so low it's almost a 0.
I inject with an Easy Touch 29g 1/2" syringe both T and HCG for a nice shallow IM injections. I have a lot of work to do on my thyroid. My doctor is afraid of turning me hyper. She wants to go slow, so slow it is.
Vince, I have read some of your old posts where you discuss your T dosage and injections. I like the way you dose it with daily injections and I am probably going to give more frequent injections a shot. Hopefully I will be able to reduce my AI usage. What site do you use to buy your needles? I'm having a little trouble finding the Easy Touch 29G needles. Also, I am hoping they are twist off syringes because I think it would be very hard to draw the oil out of the bottle with such a small needle. And I'm a little bit worried about pushing on the plunger. I don't want to have to hit the plunger with a hammer lol. Any input is appreciated.
Vince, I have read some of your old posts where you discuss your T dosage and injections. I like the way you dose it with daily injections and I am probably going to give more frequent injections a shot. Hopefully I will be able to reduce my AI usage. What site do you use to buy your needles? I'm having a little trouble finding the Easy Touch 29G needles. Also, I am hoping they are twist off syringes because I think it would be very hard to draw the oil out of the bottle with such a small needle. And I'm a little bit worried about pushing on the plunger. I don't want to have to hit the plunger with a hammer lol. Any input is appreciated.
Here's one place to buy syringes"
If you use cottonseed oil the 29g may be too small but grapeseed or sesame seed they should work great. With cottonseed I would use a 27g syringe. They're not twist off, one piece no loss of testosterone.

Should I swap needles when drawing and injecting Testosterone?[SUB][SUP]

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